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Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Printable Version

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RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Ninurta - 09-26-2024

(09-25-2024, 09:56 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I haven't been over that way for a while.

But I am beyond disappointment with how so many Americans have become so angry, rude, and mean over the election.

I try to avoid any discussion on the election unless I know the person well enough that I trust the discussion will be civil, that neither are trying to change the others beliefs, and the conversation will not end in fist to cuffs, or a lost of a friendship.

I still believe we are being distracted, manipulated, deceived, and we are being played. Those behind the curtain have the one ring.
Quote:One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Things are getting pretty dark.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Given the gross mismanagement the US has been subjected to over the past few decades, I'm frankly surprised it has taken this long to piss off the American public.

Just wait 'til you see what that leads to if it continues to go uncorrected.

Hint: someone is GOING to correct it, even if the American public has to take it into their own hands and do the corrections themselves. It's been happening for thousands of years, and will continue to happen for thousands of years more. Heck, it even happened right here, just a couple of hundred years ago.

When folks have had just about a damned 'nuff, they'll make shit happen.

It's never pretty when they do.


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-27-2024

(09-26-2024, 12:18 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(09-25-2024, 09:56 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I haven't been over that way for a while.

But I am beyond disappointment with how so many Americans have become so angry, rude, and mean over the election.

I try to avoid any discussion on the election unless I know the person well enough that I trust the discussion will be civil, that neither are trying to change the others beliefs, and the conversation will not end in fist to cuffs, or a lost of a friendship.

I still believe we are being distracted, manipulated, deceived, and we are being played. Those behind the curtain have the one ring.
Quote:One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Things are getting pretty dark.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Given the gross mismanagement the US has been subjected to over the past few decades, I'm frankly surprised it has taken this long to piss off the American public.

Just wait 'til you see what that leads to if it continues to go uncorrected.

Hint: someone is GOING to correct it, even if the American public has to take it into their own hands and do the corrections themselves. It's been happening for thousands of years, and will continue to happen for thousands of years more. Heck, it even happened right here, just a couple of hundred years ago.

When folks have had just about a damned 'nuff, they'll make shit happen.

It's never pretty when they do.


I have no faith in man. The government is completely owned and everyone in it. The battle being fought between the citizenry is nothing more than a culling an entertainment for the wealthy and the elite.

What is left after the "correction" I want no part of.

From what you described, I don't see any winners.

I hope they do me a favor and take me out first.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - gortex - 09-28-2024

As far as I'm aware the e-mail system is broken on ATS so there have been no new signups since earlier this year and no one with the access to fix it so banning members is like shooting fish in a barrel , at some point the barrel will be empty and ATS will be dead , luckily there's a new site run by former and serving ATS Mods so , ahem , that's handy isn't it.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-28-2024

(Yesterday, 01:56 PM)gortex Wrote: As far as I'm aware the e-mail system is broken on ATS so there have been no new signups since earlier this year and no one with the access to fix it so banning members is like shooting fish in a barrel , at some point the barrel will be empty and ATS will be dead , luckily there's a new site run by former and serving ATS Mods so , ahem , that's handy isn't it.
Winkall nth

How things change.

I think I have finally awakened to the reality that while there is nothing new under the sun, all things come to an end.

I began with ATS in 2009. I lurked for a long time before I dived in. It has been a long time since I have had access to ATS outside of the lurking gallery. It doesn't seem at all like it's old self. That is probably why I don't spend much time visiting anymore.

I am really trying to cut back on my online time, so actually, I guess it is good that I don't hang there anymore.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - ancientlight - 09-28-2024

(09-24-2024, 04:46 PM)MykeNukem Wrote: It's been dying a slow, slow death, unfortunately.

We have a new Mud Pit at: that I and a few community members have created.

Not the same, but an outlet nonetheless.

Hope you Rogues are doing good!!!


Thanks, I have bookmarked the site.  

On another note to the mods here: the dark blue links text is impossible to read on the black background.
I have always thought it, just never said anything about it  Smile

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - xuenchen - 09-29-2024

They're into the next and final steps over there. Stern Nit Picky post removals, etc. New Members blocked and reduced old Members = Attrition by default.  Laughing