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RE: Old souls - MrJesterium - 08-17-2024

(08-16-2024, 04:29 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: There is so much wisdom right here. You've covered everything beautifully, so I'm gonna let it stand as is. 

The claims made here are things I've learned through my experiences in life. I do not have this knowledge from books. I obtained it through my walk.

Thanks, MrJesterium. You've added great insights into the conversation. 

As have you all. It's in viewing every angle that we can start to see things clearly. I just had to let go of all the lies I've been fed.
Thanks, but it's not really my wisdom, I'm just relating what I've read/heard. I acquired a largely theoretical training, which fails me half of the time. If you haven't noticed, there's a distinct lack of "me" in these posts, I don't have enough experiences to draw from.

Personally speaking, I feel chargined that so many of my peers have found their place in life and people started to come to them for advice. Meanwhile, I've been seeking opportunities to contribute, since nobody really asks me for anything unless they already knew me. Some fellas I had tried to help, I ended up turning my back on, because it didn't seem like I could help them, I miscalculated. It taught me that not every form of help is benign; some people don't need it. Ninurta's story about preserving people's dignity is always worth re-reading!

On Reddit, I would literally be called a bot or AI for putting this stuff out there. Sad On the bright side, nobody has accused me of depending on AI for my write-ups (which I don't!!!). It generally takes me up to 3-6 hours to prepare thorough responses to people.

The only time I ever resort to AI is for translation work. Once I tried to translate Plutarch's description of the trumpet by consulting lexicons, it took me a whole day or week. For one tricky passage, I had to ask my Greek acquaintance about it, which I included at the bottom. Later, I found out there was a more reliable English translation in Diogenes Laertius' account, but my translation attempt still confers perspective:

When the ancients spoke of days, years, periods, times, seasons, they didn't always mean what they wrote. In Newton's days, they interpreted days to mean years.
I used to concur with Porphyry that the Book of Daniel was a posthumous work, but now I am forced to admit that it contains prophecies yet to be fulfilled (Daniel 5:26, 4:16-17,25, 2:21, 7:25), since they're reoccurring.

Newton's prediction about 2060 isn't very far off, he began his calculation from Charlemagne's reign, when Catholicism was enthroned as a world power. It means Catholicism will no longer exist in its current form by then, but one must account for timeline changes/delays. There was another alleged prophecy which starts from that point: the Das Lied von Der Linde.

I attached my custom translation below. You can compare it with what previous translators published and ChatGPT's output.

Btw my Greek acquaintance has two posts up about old souls:

(08-16-2024, 04:29 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: For those who look at everything through the Biblical standpoint.
I must caution you not to take John's Apocalypse so literally! Probably 90% of it is symbolic. 144,000 in particular lies beyond the knowledge of men.

For instance, 666 is not an individual's number (the Antichrist), but the number of man, it means man can regress into a beast at any given time, which is consistent with the prophets' warnings (Daniel 4:16 wasn't addressed to a man, but to a whole nation).

666 adds up to 18, which adds up to 9, which was a number as greatly feared as number 13. 9 is the number of destructive force, material destruction, wars, just like how 13 is the number of revolutions and spiritual upheavals.

Rasputin prophesied, Вы будете ежедневно видеть насилие на пороге своего дома, поскольку человек вновь станет зверем, и как все звери будет нападать или подвергаться нападению. (You will see daily violence on your home's doorstep, for man will once again become a beast, and like all beasts will attack or be attacked.)

BTW John the Baptist was probably not as idealistic as the gospels made him out to be. Heck, Matthew 11:12 implies John brought violence into the ancient world, similar to how Catholicism introduced intolerance in the religious sphere. "From the time of John the Baptist until now, violent people have been trying to take over the kingdom of heaven by force." John may have also been a person of violent temperament, which warranted a brutal execution. Remember there was also a verse about either Jews or Samaritans trying to make Jesus their king by force. Don't overlook that some folks were saying Jesus was Elijah returned!

RE: Old souls - FlickerOfLight - 08-17-2024

(08-17-2024, 05:37 AM)MrJesterium Wrote:
(08-16-2024, 04:29 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: There is so much wisdom right here. You've covered everything beautifully, so I'm gonna let it stand as is. 

The claims made here are things I've learned through my experiences in life. I do not have this knowledge from books. I obtained it through my walk.

Thanks, MrJesterium. You've added great insights into the conversation. 

As have you all. It's in viewing every angle that we can start to see things clearly. I just had to let go of all the lies I've been fed.
Thanks, but it's not really my wisdom, I'm just relating what I've read/heard. I acquired a largely theoretical training, which fails me half of the time. If you haven't noticed, there's a distinct lack of "me" in these posts, I don't have enough experiences to draw from.

Personally speaking, I feel chargined that so many of my peers have found their place in life and people started to come to them for advice. Meanwhile, I've been seeking opportunities to contribute, since nobody really asks me for anything unless they already knew me. Some fellas I had tried to help, I ended up turning my back on, because it didn't seem like I could help them, I miscalculated. It taught me that not every form of help is benign; some people don't need it. Ninurta's story about preserving people's dignity is always worth re-reading!

On Reddit, I would literally be called a bot or AI for putting this stuff out there. Sad On the bright side, nobody has accused me of depending on AI for my write-ups (which I don't!!!). It generally takes me up to 3-6 hours to prepare thorough responses to people.

The only time I ever resort to AI is for translation work. Once I tried to translate Plutarch's description of the trumpet by consulting lexicons, it took me a whole day or week. For one tricky passage, I had to ask my Greek acquaintance about it, which I included at the bottom. Later, I found out there was a more reliable English translation in Diogenes Laertius' account, but my translation attempt still confers perspective:

When the ancients spoke of days, years, periods, times, seasons, they didn't always mean what they wrote. In Newton's days, they interpreted days to mean years.
I used to concur with Porphyry that the Book of Daniel was a posthumous work, but now I am forced to admit that it contains prophecies yet to be fulfilled (Daniel 5:26, 4:16-17,25, 2:21, 7:25), since they're reoccurring.

Newton's prediction about 2060 isn't very far off, he began his calculation from Charlemagne's reign, when Catholicism was enthroned as a world power. It means Catholicism will no longer exist in its current form by then, but one must account for timeline changes/delays. There was another alleged prophecy which starts from that point: the Das Lied von Der Linde.

I attached my custom translation below. You can compare it with what previous translators published and ChatGPT's output.

Btw my Greek acquaintance has two posts up about old souls:

(08-16-2024, 04:29 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: For those who look at everything through the Biblical standpoint.
I must caution you not to take John's Apocalypse so literally! Probably 90% of it is symbolic. 144,000 in particular lies beyond the knowledge of men.

For instance, 666 is not an individual's number (the Antichrist), but the number of man, it means man can regress into a beast at any given time, which is consistent with the prophets' warnings (Daniel 4:16 wasn't addressed to a man, but to a whole nation).

666 adds up to 18, which adds up to 9, which was a number as greatly feared as number 13. 9 is the number of destructive force, material destruction, wars, just like how 13 is the number of revolutions and spiritual upheavals.

Rasputin prophesied, Вы будете ежедневно видеть насилие на пороге своего дома, поскольку человек вновь станет зверем, и как все звери будет нападать или подвергаться нападению. (You will see daily violence on your home's doorstep, for man will once again become a beast, and like all beasts will attack or be attacked.)

BTW John the Baptist was probably not as idealistic as the gospels made him out to be. Heck, Matthew 11:12 implies John brought violence into the ancient world, similar to how Catholicism introduced intolerance in the religious sphere. "From the time of John the Baptist until now, violent people have been trying to take over the kingdom of heaven by force." John may have also been a person of violent temperament, which warranted a brutal execution. Remember there was also a verse about either Jews or Samaritans trying to make Jesus their king by force. Don't overlook that some folks were saying Jesus was Elijah returned!

Everything that you've shared has backed up these things that I've been learning through these events happening, but the literature you shared helped confirm some of it for me. I'm not very good at presenting these ideas, and I suck at wording, so everything I write looks like a child wrote it. It's you all who add the good stuff that puts it all into a more intellectual presentation of the idea. You have helped me understand this better. 

I agree about the 144,000. It is one of those things that elude me. I'm still trying to figure out the meaning behind it.

The 666 I always saw as a "spiritual mark" and not a physical one that everyone is expecting. I believe I've stated in other discussions that I believe we are already wearing that mark. We just don't see it. A person is either marked by the Holy Spirit, or marked by the devil (666). I do not believe that mark will be a chip or literal mark on the forehead or hand. The metaphors for the right hand and forehead are: you're "right hand" is your actions. Your "forehead" meant your thoughts. They used a lot of metaphors back then. I took a class in college about a lot of their customs.

Again, I am the opposite when it comes to taking my time with these posts. I shoot straight from the hip, so I'm sloppy with all of this. 

Ever since I was a little boy people have been coming to me for help. Many people, even strangers will walk up to me, somehow tell me their problems andi will give some insight or solution for them. Sometimes people just want to be heard; for someone to listen. I've been listening to them my whole life. My life is a total mess. And yet, people come to me for advice. It doesn't make sense, but I know I've helped many people. Sometimes it's small stuff, sometimes is life altering. People have always shared their deepest darkest secrets with me. I've always kept people's secrets, secret for them (i never share those secrets). I don't know why any of this happens, but my life has been a lot of helping the people around me.

Prophecy in the Bible is the last thing I'm starting to understand a little better. I admit to not understanding them much at all. It sort of seems like they are starting to unlock for me a little bit at a time. 

I started to share only about myself because we hit a point where we needed to watch what we said about certain things. I decided to stop sharing opinions or insights I have about the outside world. People were getting on watch lists simply for voting "wrong." I decided to only speak about myself and the things I experienced first hand. I can't get in trouble for speaking about myself. Plus, I have no clue, really, about these matters. Im learning as i grow. You all help me put these things into perspective. 

As far as how I feel about the things going on in the world...

I plead the 5th.

I've been thinking about what 727sky said about having 7 lives. That would actually make sense. The number 7 being the number of completion.

I have a vague memory of another life. For some reason I think I am mostly seeing how I died in these lives.

In another vision, or memory, I seem to be a plantation owner. Rich and successful, but cruel and full of hate. I see a memory where a rival plantation owner, or an enemy of some sort that is jealous sneaks up on me one day and stabs me in the back and runs away. No one saw this happen in the memory.

I am walking up to a horse drawn carriage and about to get on to it when suddenly I feel pressure and heat between my shoulders. I turn and see a man running off. I recognize him. I look around and don't see anyone. I die there alone with a knife in my back.

This one is vague, but I've seen this a few times now in dreams. I'm someone else, but me at the same time.


RE: Old souls - FlickerOfLight - 08-17-2024

Reincarnation from a psychological standpoint.
Now around 2500 reports of children’s past-life memories have been studied (2). Research has shown that normally the children’s reported previous lives ended prematurely and unnaturally, often involving violence, suicide, or an accident. In almost three-quarters of cases, the “previous personality” (in the term coined by Stevenson) died relatively young. A quarter died before the age of 15.

Reincarnation views of Hinduism
According to Hindu scriptures, a soul, which is a part of the Supreme Soul, dwells in every living organism. The term death applies to our body only and not to the soul because the soul is immortal.The soul changes the bodies after death as we change our clothes every day. Depending upon our Karma, we get a new body. That is if you have done good Karma in this birth, then you would get the rewards for those in this and/or next life. If you have done bad Karma, you would get punished for that in this or next life. The present conditions in our life are the results of our Karma in this and/or past life. This cycle of birth, death, and reincarnation continues until we get salvation i.e., becoming one with the Supreme Soul.

Buddhism rebirth
According to Buddhism, a new consciousness comes into being with every birth and passes on when the person dies, thus eliminating a permanent unchangeable entity that moves from one life to another.

Rebirth is not about someone coming back as you do in reincarnation but rather it is the passing away of one state of existence and arising in another – a process of transition/transmigration which will cease only when Nirvana is reached.

RE: Old souls - Michigan Swamp Buck - 08-19-2024

(08-16-2024, 11:40 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: It's like that movie with Bill Murray, Ground Hog Day, down to the details. I hate doing the same shit over and over, because I'm not sure what I may have missed the first time around.

Maybe, just maybe, I can remember enough to know what to expect on the next go-around and not have to ask why did I do the same shit once again.

I'm really quite serious, but I can't be sure about reincarnation, just Déjà vu. It started happening at the estate I'm helping with, my mom's and stepdad's house. I've stayed there before and I am pretty certain that I was doing some things the same again now. But then things that I couldn't be certain about kept happening, things I know I've done before in the exact same way, but couldn't have. I got used to it as every day was like something that happened before only it was happening now.

I've been back home for a week and have had the opportunity to continue with gold panning the creek. I isolated some flakes and the primitive sluice my buddy and I made helped speed up the process. So it had me back on line to look at sluice designs when I ran across a very interesting device called a spiral wheel that will clean up and concentrate gold dust from black sand like I got from the sluice or the pan. I never heard of this machine or saw it before and a unit can go for as much as a grand, but once I saw it I knew I've used these things before, or would be using one soon. After the estate is sold, I'll have some money and have been considering buying one.

It may be a CERN collider effect, a closed loop that is getting tighter and shorter. I hope not, but I don't like the idea of reincarnation having the same effect. I just keep wondering how many more times before I do it right this time around?