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RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-14-2024

The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

ETA: The SS and FBI have not yet confirmed the name. Meanwhile other sources are pointing to Maxwell Yearick.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - SomeJackleg - 07-14-2024

site doing wired stuff again when trying to post or edit post putting lots of space in between tet and images.

anyway two more wittiness to the man killed and one of the injured.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - SomeJackleg - 07-14-2024

not sure but if you watch the crowd in the foreground, they all seem to be looking to the left, then at the 31 second mark you i think you can see the building which doesn't look all that far away. maybe a football field or just a tad more at the 34/ 35 second mark. then at the 117 mark it looks like they are working on the injured in the stands.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

Although DNA verification is still outstanding, the shooter is being tentatively identified as 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Special Ops Sniper breaks it down:


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Schmoe - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 03:45 AM)SomeJackleg Wrote:
(07-14-2024, 02:21 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(07-14-2024, 01:28 AM)SomeJackleg Wrote: abc news is saying that reports have come in saying it was a M4 style rifle, 8 shots fired from 200 to 300 yards from a elevated position, M4 Style could be any caliber.

regardless, seeing how they already labeled it, i expect new gun ban rhetoric is fixing to start and seeing how trump just won the election, i wouldn't doubt he jumps on it to.

I expect they'll give it a go at another ban attempt, too. Whether Trump jumps on that bandwagon is anyone's guess, but I believe it would be a mistake to jeopardize his sure bet at re-election by dog-piling on to that Leftist anti-gun rhetoric.

They won't get it done, of course, because if they did, as high as emotions and the Left-Right schism are at the moment, there would probably be a lot more holes starting to appear in politicians if they looked likely to shred the Constitution like that.

Odd. 8 shots fired, and from what I'm hearing they came from beyond the top right corner of the bandstand behind Trump... both casualties mentioned so far were also in that area. So where are the casualties from the crowd IN FRONT of Trump, where the bullets should have landed?


Quote:I expect they'll give it a go at another ban attempt, too. Whether Trump jumps on that bandwagon is anyone's guess, but I believe it would be a mistake to jeopardize his sure bet at re-election by dog-piling on to that Leftist anti-gun rhetoric.

you never know, he banned bump stocks which to me are about useless and really severe no purpose or than being a toy, going against the NRA. but still he could use the this to pull even more support from this than he just got from the left. whether or not he would follow through with it is the question

Quote:They won't get it done, of course, because if they did, as high as emotions and the Left-Right schism are at the moment, there would probably be a lot more holes starting to appear in politicians if they looked likely to shred the Constitution like that.

to be honest i'm surprised we haven't seen that already, country is crazy now and i do't think it can go on much longer.

Quote:Odd. 8 shots fired, and from what I'm hearing they came from beyond the top right corner of the bandstand behind Trump... both casualties mentioned so far were also in that area. So where are the casualties from the crowd IN FRONT of Trump, where the bullets should have landed?

i'll have to find some of the images i saw. one is a birds eye view of the distance from the stands to the roof, image say 150 yards, reports on the news say 150 and one 130 yards. and the build is slightly forward from the poduim right hand side i take it the people looking right are looking at the Secret Service anipers when they fired because you can see them behind the satnd in some of the images.

one image i saw are the is of the ER doctor with blood all over him that tried to save the rally goer and him lying on the steps and anther guy talking or looking at him. and it appeared to be to the right side of trump was.

'll go back and see if i can find those.  but in the mean time here is a video that shows the shooter blurred out and some sort of AR platform lying on  the roof.

(07-14-2024, 02:56 AM)Schmoe Wrote: I haven't read this thread yet, but how could a shooter get onto that roof undetected?  It's the MOST obvious spot for somebody to try something.  

If you look at the rally point on satellite view, there's nothing but residential neighborhood behind where Trump was standing.  I can't believe the Secret Service could drop the ball that badly.

he wasn't there is a video of a guy telling a BBC reporter that he and some friends were telling the cops and Secret they saw the guy walking up carrying a rifle and crawling on the roof. he doesn't think the SS guys could see him at first because of the slope of the roof and their angle to it.

i'll try to find that one to.

here is a video of the ER doctor,

Guy telling BBC reporter about shooter,

Witness says he saw gunman on roof near Trump rally

still looking for the others, will post them when i find them again.

two for the distance from roof to podium

[Image: TS3.png]

[Image: TS4.png]

not sure if this is one of the two injured or the one that died but you can see the ER doctor at the bottom

[Image: TS5.png]

What the fuck.  I believe this guy 100%.  He told the SS there was a guy bear crawling with a rifle on a roof, for MINUTES.  And they did nothing.  Did you see the other video of the counter-sniper as the shots first went off?  Here it is:

I wonder if the shooter popped a round at the sniper to throw him off, before shooting at Trump.  Still begs the question, how could they not have had another team on that roof where the shooter was?

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - BIAD - 07-14-2024

Over here on this side of the pond, the BBC offered the reports of a blind Journalist (the chap
interviewing the ginger-haired witness) and had the fellow laid on the grass outside of the rally.

They also gave this by their so-called 'BBC Verify' department, a quick over-the-top report on
the gunman's location. A distance -the guy in the video reckons, was estimated by the CIA!!

BBC Verify: How close was the gunman to Trump?

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - 727Sky - 07-14-2024

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

The counter-sniper in the video Schmoe posted appeared to have a .50 caliber sniper rifle mounted on a tripod. If that's what it was, and the shooter was shot in the head as reported, then I'd imagine it made a hell of a mess out of his head, which would explain why they're having trouble getting a positive ID and having to resort to DNA testing.

The shooter was registered as a Republican with active voting status, yet paradoxically donated to a far left Political Action Group through ActBlue, another left-wing activism outfit. How do we explain this apparent dichotomy? It may be that he registered as a Republican in order to participate in the Left wing efforts to swing red primaries into blue territory, which we know is an actual thing. It may be that he was a "RINO" like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who tried to thwart and jail Trump at every turn because they were upset that he was turning the Republican party away from Neocons and back into Conservative territory. Fact is, we don't know yet for sure why that was, but you can be sure the Leftist gun-grabbers, among others pumping up hysteria about "Far-Right domestic terrorists" are going to make a lot of his political registration in the days to come.

He was a scrawny, squirrely looking lad with what appears to be some sort of jaw deformity - his lower jaw appears to project way forward of his upper jaw, even before his head got re-arranged by the counter-sniper. Long, stringy blonde hair, and glasses.

It's a weird, weird world.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - 727Sky - 07-14-2024

Someone with the police or the SS will get burned and rightly so as the shooter was out in the open and seen before he was in position and shots were fired !

Already talk about a possible inside job.. The problem for some is they would nor put anything past the deep state in planning such an operation..

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 09:59 AM)727Sky Wrote: Someone with the police or the SS will get burned and rightly so as the shooter was out in the open and seen before he was in position and shots were fired !

Already talk about a possible inside job.. The problem for some is they would nor put anything past the deep state in planning such an operation..

I wouldn't put it past the deep state either, but I think it's still a bit early in the hunting season for them - a blowout now would still leave too much time for reorganization and refit, allowing for a conservative win in November... a win fueled by outrage at the assassination. That could go poorly for the leftists after offices were refilled.

That's why I picked the "October Surprise" for a Deep State hit. They'd want to leave their opponents in as much of a disorganized state as they could muster in order to keep them from rallying in time to pull a win at the ballot boxes out of their asses.

Regarding the shooter being seen on the roof by spectators who tried to warn the cops, it's my understanding that the spectators were on a rise or knoll that allowed them to see onto the roof, whereas the cops were patrolling at ground level, and did not have the line of sight to see him.

The countersnipers on other rooftops may have been able to see him, and probably did judging from the reaction of the guy in Schmoe's video, but seemed to have been having IFF problems in identifying whether he was another rooftop counter-sniper or an active shooter until the shooting started. In other words, they seemed to be having problems identifying which side he was on, perhaps due to the way he was dressed - it may have looked an awful lot like the livery some of the other cops were wearing.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

As I sit pondering, I stumbled across the idea that maybe, just maybe, the little shit either registered Republican or changed his registration to it while plotting this shooting out, just as a way of throwing shade and confusion.

Or, maybe he did it to impress someone - a girl, a parent, whatever, and it went wrong...

Whatever the reason, it's certainly a very un-Republican act to try killing off the Republican front runner, and that is bugging me.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - 727Sky - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 11:05 AM)Ninurta Wrote: As I sit pondering, I stumbled across the idea that maybe, just maybe, the little shit either registered Republican or changed his registration to it while plotting this shooting out, just as a way of throwing shade and confusion.

Or, maybe he did it to impress someone - a girl, a parent, whatever, and it went wrong...

Whatever the reason, it's certainly a very un-Republican act to try killing off the Republican front runner, and that is bugging me.

Well the good news is he missed and his reward is he is just another dead M.F.

I am just sorry he was not dead sooner

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 11:11 AM)727Sky Wrote: Well the good news is he missed and his reward is he is just another dead M.F.

I am just sorry he was not dead sooner

Maybe like Judas, he just had a role he had to play.

It is good thing that the wound was not as bad as it could have been or looked .

It just brought this verse to mind. Made me look at it in different way.

Quote:Rev 13:3
One of his heads appeared to be fatally wounded, but his fatal wound was healed. The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.

Happened on the 13th and about 3 months out from the grand day.

I said I was not going to participate in this discussion anymore, because I see too many things at play.

I do not want to offend, or poke the bear, but I could not resist. My dry humor may seem unsympathetic to those that revere the man.

All those postings around the internet about the great blow that this has caused to America. About the massive grief, the desire for revenge, the posts about him being God's chosen, about him being our only savior, has brought out the cynic in me.

As you can see I am not immune to toxicity, and I am not completely free of the puppet masters.

Again I apologize.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-14-2024

Not even Monday and it's getting weird.

[Image: agJmlrQ.jpg]

Quote:The top political adviser to Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman suggested that the attack on Donald Trump could have been “staged,” even as Hoffman was criticized for joking before Saturday’s attack about Trump becoming a “martyr.”

Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, whose net worth is reportedly $2.5 billion, joked at last week’s billionaire confab in Sun Valley that he wished he had made Trump “an actual martyr.” Sunday, he said on X that he was referring to “accountability to the rule of law” and that he’s “horrified and saddened” by the attack.

The scale of Hoffman’s political donations isn’t public but the political adviser, Dmitri Mehlhorn, said on a recent private conference call that “Reed and I have invested nine figures of our own money to prevent Trump from getting back into office.” (The money appears to be largely Hoffman’s.)

In an email Saturday at 7:34 pm that appeared to be addressed to sympathetic journalists, and which was also sent to Semafor, Mehlhorn wrote that one “possibility -- which feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally -- is that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash. This is a classic Russian tactic, such as when Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power. Others who have embraced this tactic of committing raw evil and then benefitting from the backlash include Hamas on October 7. If any Trump officials encouraged or knew of this attack, that is morally horrific, and Republicans of decency must demand that Trump step down as unfit.”

The other possibility, Mehlhorn wrote, “is that some crazy anti-Trumper in this chaotic moment decided to assassinate the former President.”

Mehlhorn, who co-founded a fund called “Investing in US” with Hoffman, made clear his impulse was toward the false flag theory. “I know I am prone to bias on this, but this is a classic Putin play and given the facts seems more plausible. Look at the actual shot. Look at the staging. Look at how ready Trump is to rally; this pampered baby shit his pants when an eagle lunged at his food. Look at how quickly Trump protects himself at the expense of others, but showed few of those lifelong instincts in this moment. And consider how often Putin and his allies run this play.”

Top Democratic strategist pushed reporters to consider ‘staged’ shooting

Here’s Reid Hoffman at the event "How Elections Actually Corrupt The Democratic Process," hosted by Berggruen Institute, which he also sits on the board. This was 2019 when populist parties were winning elections, so they called for "alternative governance" without elections.

Letter from Melania Trump...

[Image: L1U86Ct.jpg]

Sad times...

[Image: TpT5rcq.jpg]

For the history files...

[Image: lfzbKt8.jpg]

Love'm or hate'm - Trump is a machine...

[Image: 2j7Dfvy.jpg]

Why is "shooter" in quotes?

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

I just thought I'd leave a link to this thread laying here...

Coincidence? Maybe.

Speaking of coincidences, I've seen several people across the internet making the bold claim that "God was looking out for him" or "God intervened for a reason" or similar sentiments. I have my doubts about that - if God were involved, wouldn't the shooter have been caught, or the bullet been flicked off course by an angel, BEFORE he pierced Trump's ear?

I personally think it was just the luck of the draw for Mr. Trump. Life does that to us some times, although some folks do seem to lead a more charmed life than others. Still, taking it to the level of Divine Intervention seems to be something of an over-reach to me.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - BIAD - 07-14-2024

Merely a thought-provoking banner.

[Image: dBlMBDP.jpg]

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - DuckforcoveR - 07-14-2024

I despise the politics of the man, and have been a vocal critic since he came down the elevator. With that said, the picture (the one from BIADs banner) gives me goosebumps, and it'll likely hand him the election on a gold platter.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 06:59 PM)BIAD Wrote: Merely a thought-provoking banner.

[Image: dBlMBDP.jpg]

I like the way BIAD worked the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt in there! Roosevelt was a bastard, too, but he was a tough bastard, and OUR bastard. I saw, out in the wilds of the internet, where someone else compared Trump to Roosevelt after he came back up defiant immediately after being shot.

I gotta tell ya true - I'd have likely been too busy pissin' all over myself to have demonstrated that sort of defiance. I like to THINK not, but am all too aware of my limitations!


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 06:54 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I personally think it was just the luck of the draw for Mr. Trump. Life does that to us some times, although some folks do seem to lead a more charmed life than others. Still, taking it to the level of Divine Intervention seemsi have had to lock myself 8. to be something of an over-reach to me.


I have had to lock my door, draw my curtains, and hide in my bedroom, from some of my dear religious friends and family.

They are so enamored with Trump, that they idolize him. One of the things I think the Bible commands against. I will not be surprised to see the roaring lions pics, with fist raised and bloodied face, get replaced with those of him walking on water.

I love my friends and family. I do not fight with them over what they choose to believe, or who or what candidate or team they choose to idolize. But I can only tolerate so much, so I remove myself from the audience.

Sitting on the outside looking in, I can see much more of the landscape. I can see beyond the yellow brick road, and the entrance to the cave.

They are happy with their choices. I just keep my mouth shut, and exit the building. They know how I feel and have given up on trying to force me into their way of thinking. But their ever idolizing and lauding of the man gets old quick.

For all I know, he may be the Christ they claim him to be. My question is he the Christ with the big "C" or the little "c"?

(07-14-2024, 07:36 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(07-14-2024, 06:59 PM)BIAD Wrote: Merely a thought-provoking banner.

[Image: dBlMBDP.jpg]

I like the way BIAD worked the ghost of Teddy Roosevelt in there! Roosevelt was a bastard, too, but he was a tough bastard, and OUR bastard. I saw, out in the wilds of the internet, where someone else compared Trump to Roosevelt after he came back up defiant immediately after being shot.

I gotta tell ya true - I'd have likely been too busy pissin' all over myself to have demonstrated that sort of defiance. I like to THINK not, but am all too aware of my limitations!


They have become masters at manipulating a crisis. Both those manufactured or incidental.

It could have been incidental. I have witnessed enough over the top narcissist behavior that we have questioned whether the person was possessed, in their fit of rage.

Unfortunately, having spent years overcoming anger management issues, I know personally what it looks like and what it feels like. Not pretty. You can definitely display what looks like increased bravery and strength, irrational reactions and responses. And most never prudent.

What others may find complementary, I find troublesome. But I do agree with the banner, that we have diverse views.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-14-2024

(07-14-2024, 08:11 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-14-2024, 06:54 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I personally think it was just the luck of the draw for Mr. Trump. Life does that to us some times, although some folks do seem to lead a more charmed life than others. Still, taking it to the level of Divine Intervention seemsi have had to lock myself 8.  to be something of an over-reach to me.


I have had to lock my door, draw my curtains, and hide in my bedroom, from some of my dear religious friends and family.

They are so enamored with Trump, that they idolize him. One of the things I think the Bible commands against. I will not be surprised to see the roaring lions pics, with fist raised and bloodied face, get replaced with those of him walking on water.


Idolizing anyone is a bad business. It's religiously WRONG for Christian types to do so, at a minimum. It's also dangerous, because when that "idol" gets taken out, the religiously fanatic worshipers of that idol will often do bad, untoward things in their ecstatic frenzies.

I personally think THAT is why the Bible warns against it. Not that it's bad for GOD, because after all, what would an actual God care? But that it is bad for the humans engaged in it, and everyone else around them, since it will lead them to do despicable things.
