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RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - FlickerOfLight - 04-06-2024

Another random coincidence. According to the Hebrew calendar (Levitical calendar) this eclipse is happening on the last day of the year (their new years eve. OR God's night before he begins creation).
The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a) cites two opinions as to the date of G-d's creation of the universe: according to Rabbi Eliezer: "The world was created in Tishrei" (i.e., the sixth day of creation--the day on which Adam and Eve were created--was the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Rosh Hashanah); according to Rabbi Joshua, "The world was created in Nissan." As interpreted by the Kabbalists and the Chassidic masters, the deeper meaning of these two views is that the physical world was created in Tishrei, while the "thought" or idea of creation was created in the month of Nissan.
The more you look at it the weirder it gets.

According to the Talmud, the three Patriarchs of the Jewish people-- Abraham (1813-1638 BCE), Isaac (1713-1533 BCE) and Jacob (1653-1506 BCE)--all were born and passed away in the month of Nissan

On the first of Nissan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE--two weeks before the Exodus), G-d showed Moses the crescent new moon and told him, "When you see the moon like this, sanctify [the new month]." This ushered in the first Jewish month, and commenced the lunar calendar Jews have been following ever since.

That bakes the ol noodle a bit.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - NightskyeB4Dawn - 04-06-2024

(04-06-2024, 03:02 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: Another random coincidence. According to the Hebrew calendar (Levitical calendar) this eclipse is happening on the last day of the year (their new years eve. OR God's night before he begins creation).
The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a) cites two opinions as to the date of G-d's creation of the universe: according to Rabbi Eliezer: "The world was created in Tishrei" (i.e., the sixth day of creation--the day on which Adam and Eve were created--was the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Rosh Hashanah); according to Rabbi Joshua, "The world was created in Nissan." As interpreted by the Kabbalists and the Chassidic masters, the deeper meaning of these two views is that the physical world was created in Tishrei, while the "thought" or idea of creation was created in the month of Nissan.
The more you look at it the weirder it gets.

According to the Talmud, the three Patriarchs of the Jewish people-- Abraham (1813-1638 BCE), Isaac (1713-1533 BCE) and Jacob (1653-1506 BCE)--all were born and passed away in the month of Nissan

On the first of Nissan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE--two weeks before the Exodus), G-d showed Moses the crescent new moon and told him, "When you see the moon like this, sanctify [the new month]." This ushered in the first Jewish month, and commenced the lunar calendar Jews have been following ever since.

That bakes the ol noodle a bit.

It seems we may not have been paying enough attention to the lunar time frame.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Grace - 04-07-2024

(04-03-2024, 09:21 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: Hello all.
I'm just going to freestyle some thoughts for you about this upcoming eclipse, and all the doom porn that has flooded all my feeds the closer we get to April 8th.

I have been noticing a recent influx of rapture/end of days judgement/second coming of Jesus articles and youtube videos popping up. It has gotten so bad lately that I am flooded with different theories every day. We have always been expecting and waiting for the End to come, but with this particular eclipse there are more people thinking the rapture will happen during this eclipse than i have ever seen, while others believe it marks the beginning of judgement on us here in the USA, or the beginning of war for us. As well as many other end of days theories concerning it.

I am not one to usually feed into these predictions. Usually when everyone is screaming the rapture is coming I know we are definitely not getting raptured. Anytime people start chanting "this is the end," I know it's not; because no one knows the hour in which it will come. So the more people predict it, the less I'm likely to feed into it.

But, I gotta say, as far as signs go, they are firing off like fireworks on the fourth of July. There are Signs everywhere.

Which has me thinking...

Now, I am not saying I'm buying into the theories circulating right now. I'm just saying, that with all of these things coming together the way they are, something big is about to happen. 

Be it, "staged" or real. Seems to be a lot of build up to something. (I'm leaning more towards something being staged in the near future. Looks as if its being perfectly set up for us imo)

Usually it's nothing. Usually these events occur, and after their over, and Jesus hasn't raptured people up yet, then we all just move on to the next end of days catastrophe to make our little predictions. 

Something feels different with this one though, and I wanted to see if anyone else, who isn't a "the end is nigh" crackpot was feeling it too.

I'm not even sure I believe in a (secret) rapture at all. At least not in the way it was taught to me growing up. The scriptures just don't match up for me the way others see the rapture happening. 

I don't believe the hype, but at the same time something does seem different, and it does feel like things are stirring up to something big in our near future, and I do believe this eclipse is a starting point to the 'next stage' of the end of all this. 

I for one will be staying home that day.
Just incase some of these theories come to fruition. 
I even saw a theory this eclipse will do something to the people who took the jab and will be activating zombie mode in them after the eclipse! Lol with all this craziness, who knows though, eh?

So, what do you all think? Anyone else feel the energy building up to something? Anyone else a wee bit nervous? So much hype out there, it's hard not to.


Has God told you to repent? 

He has told me. 

I have a few things I need to do much better in (more time in prayer, the Scripture etc) and I feel God screaming at me to get offline and spend more time with Him. 

I don't believe in the rapture... I'm an Amillenial, I believe Jesus will return someday, but it won't be preceded with millions of people skipping out on the persecution of the church in the days prior to the second advent. (That's silly) 

But people who are seeing this as a sign it really might be... 

But if it's a sign, it's telling us to repent... All the blood moons and the eclipse from 2014-2017 were warnings for the Church/Israel and this eclipse is the warning for the rest. 

I believe it's time for everyone to get right with God. 

This doesn't make it the end necessarily, but it does mean if we aren't right with God we won't act in the right way to the events we are all about to face.

The above sentence is the takeaway here.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - FlickerOfLight - 04-07-2024

(04-07-2024, 09:14 AM)Grace Wrote:
(04-03-2024, 09:21 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: Hello all.
I'm just going to freestyle some thoughts for you about this upcoming eclipse, and all the doom porn that has flooded all my feeds the closer we get to April 8th.

I have been noticing a recent influx of rapture/end of days judgement/second coming of Jesus articles and youtube videos popping up. It has gotten so bad lately that I am flooded with different theories every day. We have always been expecting and waiting for the End to come, but with this particular eclipse there are more people thinking the rapture will happen during this eclipse than i have ever seen, while others believe it marks the beginning of judgement on us here in the USA, or the beginning of war for us. As well as many other end of days theories concerning it.

I am not one to usually feed into these predictions. Usually when everyone is screaming the rapture is coming I know we are definitely not getting raptured. Anytime people start chanting "this is the end," I know it's not; because no one knows the hour in which it will come. So the more people predict it, the less I'm likely to feed into it.

But, I gotta say, as far as signs go, they are firing off like fireworks on the fourth of July. There are Signs everywhere.

Which has me thinking...

Now, I am not saying I'm buying into the theories circulating right now. I'm just saying, that with all of these things coming together the way they are, something big is about to happen. 

Be it, "staged" or real. Seems to be a lot of build up to something. (I'm leaning more towards something being staged in the near future. Looks as if its being perfectly set up for us imo)

Usually it's nothing. Usually these events occur, and after their over, and Jesus hasn't raptured people up yet, then we all just move on to the next end of days catastrophe to make our little predictions. 

Something feels different with this one though, and I wanted to see if anyone else, who isn't a "the end is nigh" crackpot was feeling it too.

I'm not even sure I believe in a (secret) rapture at all. At least not in the way it was taught to me growing up. The scriptures just don't match up for me the way others see the rapture happening. 

I don't believe the hype, but at the same time something does seem different, and it does feel like things are stirring up to something big in our near future, and I do believe this eclipse is a starting point to the 'next stage' of the end of all this. 

I for one will be staying home that day.
Just incase some of these theories come to fruition. 
I even saw a theory this eclipse will do something to the people who took the jab and will be activating zombie mode in them after the eclipse! Lol with all this craziness, who knows though, eh?

So, what do you all think? Anyone else feel the energy building up to something? Anyone else a wee bit nervous? So much hype out there, it's hard not to.


Has God told you to repent? 

He has told me. 

I have a few things I need to do much better in (more time in prayer, the Scripture etc) and I feel God screaming at me to get offline and spend more time with Him. 

I don't believe in the rapture... I'm an Amillenial, I believe Jesus will return someday, but it won't be preceded with millions of people skipping out on the persecution of the church in the days prior to the second advent. (That's silly) 

But people who are seeing this as a sign it really might be... 

But if it's a sign, it's telling us to repent... All the blood moons and the eclipse from 2014-2017 were warnings for the Church/Israel and this eclipse is the warning for the rest. 

I believe it's time for everyone to get right with God. 

This doesn't make it the end necessarily, but it does mean if we aren't right with God we won't act in the right way to the events we are all about to face.

The above sentence is the takeaway here.

I've repented, and my feet are clean.

Let's just say, by some off chance the rapture was about to happen, tomorrow as I write this. I'm good with that, and it does not rattle me one bit. I trust in God's judgment. For me no matter how it plays out, I'm good with it. I am ready to stand before the almighty and find out if my name is written in that Book of Life. In my heart of hearts I know it's there. I know this because I know love. I have forgiven all wrongs against me, and hold zero malice in my heart for anyone. Thats why None of this scares me. People's reactions/ and the growing craziness epidemic (especially those who chose to reject God), and the possibility of a chicada invasion is the only thing I'm a wee bit concerned about. The bugs more than anything, truthfully lol.

If Jesus is ready to come....then come Lord come. 
If not, we'll figure out our next moves as we play this stupid little rigged game they have us trapped in.

As we grow closer, and even having wiped all my history so that I get fresh content, I am seeing the amount of eclipse articles and videos continues to rise. They really are making it sound like this is the end.  More of more theories and angles every time I look.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Grace - 04-07-2024

(04-07-2024, 10:56 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I've repented, and my feet are clean.

Let's just say, by some off chance the rapture was about to happen, tomorrow as I write this. I'm good with that, and it does not rattle me one bit. I trust in God's judgment. For me no matter how it plays out, I'm good with it. I am ready to stand before the almighty and find out if my name is written in that Book of Life. In my heart of hearts I know it's there. I know this because I know love. I have forgiven all wrongs against me, and hold zero malice in my heart for anyone. Thats why None of this scares me. People's reactions/ and the growing craziness epidemic (especially those who chose to reject God), and the possibility of a chicada invasion is the only thing I'm a wee bit concerned about. The bugs more than anything, truthfully lol.

If Jesus is ready to come....then come Lord come. 
If not, we'll figure out our next moves as we play this stupid little rigged game they have us trapped in.

As we grow closer, and even having wiped all my history so that I get fresh content, I am seeing the amount of eclipse articles and videos continues to rise. They really are making it sound like this is the end.  More of more theories and angles every time I look.

The cicadas aren't a big deal. It's just a bigger than usual 17 year hatching coupled with another hatching cycle coming up at the same time. There's only one state predicted to have a lot a lot of them, and they don't eat all the vegetation like locusts so. 

Those are fine, you just won't sleep with the windows open as easily. Noisy year... Lol.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - F2d5thCav - 04-07-2024

The only somewhat unnerving thing about the last eclipse I went outside for was that as the darkness closed in, a wind suddenly picked up.


RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - xuenchen - 04-07-2024

It's the beginning of the end!!!  Cool

USGS reports nearly 30 aftershocks since New Jersey earthquake

U.S. Senate candidate goes viral for blaming NY earthquake on climate change


RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Grace - 04-08-2024

(04-07-2024, 10:03 PM)xuenchen Wrote: It's the beginning of the end!!!  Cool

USGS reports nearly 30 aftershocks since New Jersey earthquake

U.S. Senate candidate goes viral for blaming NY earthquake on climate change


Oh that's hilarious...Im reading the second link and got to the Babylon Bee comment and about fell out of bed laughing... Hahaha

Thanks for that!

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Ninurta - 04-08-2024

(04-07-2024, 04:25 PM)F2d5thCav Wrote: The only somewhat unnerving thing about the last eclipse I went outside for was that as the darkness closed in, a wind suddenly picked up.


That's fairly common. I noticed it during the 2017 eclipse here.

What happens is, the moon's shadow blocks not just the sun's light, but also the heat that accompanies it. The temperature drop from that, however slight, causes that air in the shadow to have a reduced air pressure. Because of that reduced air pressure, air comes flowing in from warmer areas, and you get wind.

Same thing happens in these mountains just about every day. Down in the hollers, there is more shade because the mountainsides block the sunlight. But the sun comes up, and warms the air at the mountain tops, causing the higher pressure to run down the slopes to attempt to fill the relative vacuum of the shady hollers, and we get an east wind.

In the evening, it reverses as the hollers heat up from the sunlight they get between about 10 am and 4 pm, and the air tries to fly out of them back up to the lower pressure mountaintops.


RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Michigan Swamp Buck - 04-08-2024

(04-08-2024, 07:01 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(04-07-2024, 04:25 PM)F2d5thCav Wrote: The only somewhat unnerving thing about the last eclipse I went outside for was that as the darkness closed in, a wind suddenly picked up.


That's fairly common. I noticed it during the 2017 eclipse here.

What happens is, the moon's shadow blocks not just the sun's light, but also the heat that accompanies it. The temperature drop from that, however slight, causes that air in the shadow to have a reduced air pressure. Because of that reduced air pressure, air comes flowing in from warmer areas, and you get wind.

Same thing happens in these mountains just about every day. Down in the hollers, there is more shade because the mountainsides block the sunlight. But the sun comes up, and warms the air at the mountain tops, causing the higher pressure to run down the slopes to attempt to fill the relative vacuum of the shady hollers, and we get an east wind.

In the evening, it reverses as the hollers heat up from the sunlight they get between about 10 am and 4 pm, and the air tries to fly out of them back up to the lower pressure mountaintops.


So, a drop in air temperature causes a decrease in air pressure? The colder mass of air, heavier than the warmer air around it, causes reduced air pressure under its weight, or are you actually referring to a temperature inversion? I'm not a weather expert, but I thought that a hot air balloon rises because the hot air is pushed up by the higher pressure (or weight) of the cold air around it.

Please explain, I am perplexed.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Ninurta - 04-08-2024

(04-08-2024, 02:03 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: So, a drop in air temperature causes a decrease in air pressure? The colder mass of air, heavier than the warmer air around it, causes reduced air pressure under its weight, or are you actually referring to a temperature inversion? I'm not a weather expert, but I thought that a hot air balloon rises because the hot air is pushed up by the higher pressure (or weight) of the cold air around it.

Please explain, I am perplexed.

One difference with a ht air balloon is that all of the air molecules are trapped, and have to move as  unit rather than freely flowing as a breeze. But it, too, seeks to fill the lower pressure of the colder air above it, which causes it to rise like a bubble of air.

The same effect can be seen when a storm rides in and the wind kicks up - it's a function of the difference in the air pressures at play between the ambient air where you are and the air under the storm coming in. You feel a cold breeze coming FROM the storm, but that's because that cold air is being displaced and pushed out by the warmer air rushing INTO the storm trying to restore pressure equilibrium..

Different folks will see "flow" differently, and explain it differently. For example, electronic technicians have a different view of electrical flow from electronic engineers. Technicians say that electricity is the flow of electrons, from positive to negative, while engineers say it's the flow of electron HOLES, from negative to positive. But in both cases, the electricity is really flowing the same way.

When I was studying electronics in trade school in high school, it really warped my head a bit to get that understood. Made for some bad marks in the first semester or so while I was figuring it out and get it understood. Logic told me that if I grabbed a hot wire, I was in for a worse day than if I just grabbed a ground wire, and it seemed to me that the engineers had it all backwards,,, but that is the theory of electricity they use to develop circuitry, and it seems to work all the same, whichever view of flow one takes.

BUT - even after all these years, I think it's still a bad idea to grab the positive wire and get all the electron holes sucked right out of ya!


We've got cloud cover and some rain drops here, not much eclipse. A few minutes ago I saw about a quarter of the sun gone during a break in the clouds.



RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - FlickerOfLight - 04-08-2024

We are at Totality

All is quiet. Everything seems to have gone off without a hitch.

Not seeing any reports of anything weird. 

It's pretty much passing out of the US soon

Rapture report: Anybody dissappear on ya? Lol

It was weird. Everything went still. Everyone around, everything just fell still and quiet all at once.
I heard the streets or NY just stopped. Everyone All at once stopping falling quiet and just looking up.

From what I can tell it all went smoothly. No reports of riots or violence or earthquakes that I can see.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Ninurta - 04-08-2024

The Celestial Dragon has stopped eating the sun, and has thrown it back up. The Apocalypse is over. We have survived yet another ending of the world. Grace mentioned that it was a shame we didn't get Raptured, but  secretly, I am happy about that - heights make me dizzy.

We had cloud cover for it here, for the most part... but it was a good sort of cloud cover. It provided a natural filter, which helped in looking at it (we had the special filter glasses too, for those times when the cloud cover was too thin or nonexistent), and it REALLY helped with the photography of it. During the 2017 eclipse, we had clear skies, and I burned holes in a pair of the sun specs trying to get pictures and using extra lenses trying to get the image in focus through the filter glasses.

We got a cold breeze, and the light got weird. Crows and ravens lost their damned minds and started looking for a roost, and we heard an owl start hooting up the holler opposite us. All the bugs started looking for their nests or hunkering down right where they were.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - FlickerOfLight - 04-08-2024

(04-08-2024, 09:30 PM)Ninurta Wrote: The Celestial Dragon has stopped eating the sun, and has thrown it back up. The Apocalypse is over. We have survived yet another ending of the world. Grace mentioned that it was a shame we didn't get Raptured, but  secretly, I am happy about that - heights make me dizzy.

We had cloud cover for it here, for the most part... but it was a good sort of cloud cover. It provided a natural filter, which helped in looking at it (we had the special filter glasses too, for those times when the cloud cover was too thin or nonexistent), and it REALLY helped with the photography of it. During the 2017 eclipse, we had clear skies, and I burned holes in a pair of the sun specs trying to get pictures and using extra lenses trying to get the image in focus through the filter glasses.

We got a cold breeze, and the light got weird. Crows and ravens lost their damned minds and started looking for a roost, and we heard an owl start hooting up the holler opposite us. All the bugs started looking for their nests or hunkering down right where they were.

Here it was just a weird light. It did get really calm for a few minutes, and the temperature dropped with the breeze picking up.

After it was all said and done, I walked out on my porch a few hours later and saw one cicada on my porch roof.  Sure
 All that doom porn and it looks like everyone had a pleasant experience with it.

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - 727Sky - 04-09-2024

RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - Ninurta - 04-09-2024

A couple of images from the eclipse:

This first one looks a little on the apocalyptic side to me, with the dark clouds and the rainbow halo around the eclipsing sun adding a little other-worldliness to it:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2002]

This one was taken at the closest we got to totality here, from my deck:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2003]

I took a total of 87 pictures, 36 of which turned out fairly decent, but these two are the best of the lot.


RE: Upcoming eclipse and the rise in End Times doom porn - FlickerOfLight - 04-18-2024

They tried pulling a Mr. Burns on us. 

Just before solar eclipse: Secret government experiment to block sun
One week ago, a group of engineers ran an experiment on the deck of the Hornet, a decommissioned aircraft carrier parked in San Francisco Bay. Carried out just a few days before a total solar eclipse, the experiment aimed to investigate the possibility of blocking out the sun.
It was the first outdoor test in the United States of technology designed to brighten clouds and bounce some of the sun’s rays back into space, a way of temporarily cooling a planet that is now dangerously overheating,” the article read. The scientists wanted to see whether the machine that took years to create could consistently spray the right-sized salt aerosols through the open air, outside of a lab.”

The Biden administration is funding research into different climate interventions. Still, the approach is so contentious that before the experiment, the White House sent a statement to The New York Times that read: “The U.S. government is not involved in the Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) experiment taking place in Alameda, CA, or anywhere else.”

Despite the denial, the White House released a report in July outlining a plan titled “Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification (SRM).”

The methods used in SRM are so controversial that even climate activists caution against them. The NYT cited David Santillo, a senior scientist at Greenpeace International.

“You could well be changing climatic patterns, not just over the sea, but over land as well,” he said. “This is a scary vision of the future that we should try and avoid at all costs.”

Karen Orenstein, director of the Climate and Energy Justice Program at Friends of the Earth U.S., a nonprofit environmental group, called solar radiation modification “an extraordinarily dangerous distraction.” 

I bet this is where all the glitter went to.  Minusculegoodjob