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Do Psychic Abilities run in families? Are they hardwired in the DNA? - Printable Version

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RE: Do Psychic Abilities run in families? Are they hardwired in the DNA? - Stonerwilliam - 01-06-2024

(01-06-2024, 03:04 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(01-06-2024, 01:22 AM)Stonerwilliam Wrote: It took me 40 years to  finally listen to my gut instinct or the klaxon in my head as I call it .

I smoked a couple of joints a week back then and just put it down to a paranoid mind shrugged my shoulders and carried on , I lived  in a  really old property in the north of Scotland  30 + years ago that no one would live in for more than a few weeks before fleeing , if it had not been for my pets reactions I would have thought I was going nuts with what was going on in that cottage , doors banging ,milk cartons flying across the kitchen and really heavy boots clanking up and down the stairs and all this while I lived there alone .


Good to have someone from Scotland weigh in on it! You should have a firmer grasp of the "second sight" than even most of the literature, having lived it rather than just writing a paper about it.

Some times, you've just got to set your foot down as you did when you told a spook to either fuck off or pay some rent, I used to live in a house in Burlington, NC that was haunted. My son slept in an upstairs bedroom that he swore was haunted by a little old black lady, but I never saw her. After he left, however, I did sleep up there upon occasion, and one evening as I was laying in bed, but still awake, "something" got into the bed with me, behind me. You know how a bed sinks when someone gets in it? that's how it felt. I think whatever it was was trying to spook me. Anyhow, I never even rolled over, I just said out loud "you stay on your side of the bed, and we'll get along fine, but you come over here where I am, and we're gonna have some massive trouble that you ain't gonna like". After a minute or so, I felt the bed rise again like whatever it was got out, and was never troubled by it again.

You mentioned Sutherland. I live in an area of the Appalachian Mountains settled by Scot-Irish and German settlers, and Sutherland is a pretty prominent name around here, but s far as I know I've no kinship to any of them. The only Scots in my own family tree that I can name are lowlanders from Ayrshire, but when I had my DNA tested, I have some close kinship with some bones dug out of a Pict graveyard in Balintore, which I believe is up in the Highalnds, as well as some truly ancient bones (Neolithic or Early Bronze Age) from out on the Orkneys, and a couple of other Bronze Age burials at other points around Scotland.

I mention that because IF it truly is genetic, and there is a strong tradition of the Second Sight in Scotland, I can at least point to a potential source of the gene in my family tree.

I stay not far from Balintore and have family members there , all the people with the surname Sutherland in America are descendents of people forced from their homes and made to get on ships to the new world or die of starvation, they were forced to take refuge in a church where many of them scrawled their names into the glass of the church windows

I never used to believe in such things but over the years I have come across people who made me go mmmm , just how did they know that .

Probably genetic the second sight and it is still a thing among the islanders and older people , reading tea leaves was a thing I witnessed as a kid by my grandmothers sisters and one of their boys was supposed to have the evil eye he was feared by everyone in the family , He did have that 1000 yard stare about him , even the older men in the family knew there was something about him .