This is what I learned strictly from my studies: the darker a spirit, the louder the sounds they produce; they are not visibly seen in the act of opening/closing doors.
If we take superstitions into account, it'd be advisable to keep windows closed while you're away from home or while asleep; to not have any beds facing mirrors, consider covering up mirrors when not in use. If saging/smudging, you have to leave the window open until smoke clears out or a spirit might end up trapped inside.
But this is what I learned from shifting through people's paranormal stories:
They're often reported seen standing under door frames, but seem unable to enter a room without permission. The Hat Man type seem to be passive observers, which some people find strangely comforting, it often leads them to believe "he" was there for them when nobody else was.
Actually, they are careful observers of people's habits, looking for an opening for attack. They wait until the exact moment a person leaves before they pull off some antics, such as impersonating their form. They often make themselves known shortly after someone dies, producing sounds to appear as if the deceased person returned.
And this is what I heard from interviewing clairvoyants: Not all shadow people are the same, no two spirits are the same, even if they belong to the same class (i.e. hooded, hatman). Those depraved beings which are known to prey on the living and mock deceased spirits feel like they've never been human.
Two Testimonies:
1. (From a clairvoyant friend) If someone says that there is a “good” or “nice” shadow person that is a ghost who they can only see as a shadow. Or one who is trying to conceal their appearance or is unable to fully show their appearance.
2. (A different clairvoyant) And in one of my dreams he took me to the world where the shadow people are from, and it became clear to me that we are just as strange and terrifying to most of them as they are to us, and only a handful of them are the predatory things most people that have experienced shadow people seem to think they all are.
A non-clairvoyant was thrice visited in his dreams by a shadow man, he was told, “You would consider me an alien but you ‘humans’ are aliens to me too, but you aliens are different.” And “as for what I’m doing here in your dream is I’m here to study you without studying you.” (basically he’s trying to figure us out without coming to earth)