All wars are always about good and evil, the big problem is both sides are a mix of good and evil.
For good to fight evil good must become evil or even more evil than what it fights if it wants to win. For a long time i understood that to think that one side is all good and the other side is all bad is pointless. I use the light that is in my soul to guide me and hope its strong enough to help heal the hurt. I do not know if i am good or evil, because nothing is all good and nothing is all bad. Everything is a mixture, sometime more good some time more evil.
Do not fear because that is what evil wants, it wants people to live in feat. Live life and keep the joy and light in your soul
The shadow of evil covers the world now, but many people who carry light are driving the shadow of evil away. We can never drive the shadow of evil completely away but we can drive it back and bring light and hope to the world, and we will.
I also think much about the fact that good and evil are very fluid, sometimes I think of things long ago that were seen as evil but now are seen as good. For me hindsight does not bring answers but questions about how fluid good and evil are and how easily interchangeable they are.
How easily we let good and evil be decided by politics. Perhaps the only thing that can decide what is good or evil is us, but if we do then we must take the reasonability for that decision.
Is this the reason we dont make the decision and let others make the decisions for us.
For good to fight evil good must become evil or even more evil than what it fights if it wants to win. For a long time i understood that to think that one side is all good and the other side is all bad is pointless. I use the light that is in my soul to guide me and hope its strong enough to help heal the hurt. I do not know if i am good or evil, because nothing is all good and nothing is all bad. Everything is a mixture, sometime more good some time more evil.
Do not fear because that is what evil wants, it wants people to live in feat. Live life and keep the joy and light in your soul
The shadow of evil covers the world now, but many people who carry light are driving the shadow of evil away. We can never drive the shadow of evil completely away but we can drive it back and bring light and hope to the world, and we will.
I also think much about the fact that good and evil are very fluid, sometimes I think of things long ago that were seen as evil but now are seen as good. For me hindsight does not bring answers but questions about how fluid good and evil are and how easily interchangeable they are.
How easily we let good and evil be decided by politics. Perhaps the only thing that can decide what is good or evil is us, but if we do then we must take the reasonability for that decision.
Is this the reason we dont make the decision and let others make the decisions for us.