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Sentient World Simulation - EndtheMadnessNow - 01-18-2023


It has been almost ten years since I have blogged about this subject, namely, "Sentient World Simulation."  In case you missed that blog and that subject, here is the link

In that blog, I indulged in a bit of high octane speculation about what such a computer program simulation of the entire world might be capable of doing interesting, intriguing and perhaps even unusual data correlations between unusual things:

Quote:But behind it all, there is another possibility that lurks, one I suggested in Babylon's Banksters: the ability to figure out the relationships between celestial geometry and human behavior.  Recall, for a moment, that both ancient Egyptian and Babylonian sources indicate that their astrological observations were taken over tens of thousands of years... in other words, if taken at their word, they were suggesting that an enormous stastistical database was compiled. Astrology was the result, which, without that database, was merely a "pseudoscience," with the "results" being passed down to become the qualitative "science" it is today, sans the data that had been compiled.

Since we like to indulge in high octane speculation here, then suppose for a moment that these various hidden programs were also being used to find and collate such correlations. It would mean, quite literally, that "econophysics" would be given a component from celestial mechanics... it would become a real though obviously deeply hidden "astrology".  Now let's extend our speculations a bit further. Suppose, in compiling such correlations, that another set of correlations were examined, namely, those between celestial mechanics and actual astrological texts, beginning, of course, with the various Egyptian and Mesopotamian records that are still extant.  In such a case, the program would perhaps provide insights into the original basis of the origins of astrology, of human history, and of those civilizations' claims for having been compiled over thousands of years. It would be, in other words, a way of verifying their own statements that they were legacy civilizations, declined civilizations, from something far more ancient and advanced.

But now with the following two articles, shared by V.T., we're in a position to expand that speculation of ten years ago rather dramatically, because the idea of a world computer simulation, in which every person becomes a "node" in a database, is back, and with a vengeance. And with its reemergence, comes a confirmation of a speculation I've voiced many times in the past few years. The articles, while somewhat dated, are important, because they confirm a wider and deeper high octane suspicion I've advanced in the years since my original blog about the subject appeared in 2013 :
Quote:Sentient World Simulation and NSA Surveillance – Exploiting Privacy to Predict the Future?

Quote:Understanding and Countering Sentient World Simulation

Why are these two articles significant?

As I said above, it's because they can be taken as confirmation of a wider speculation I've advanced over many interviews and appearances on various podcasts and radio shows; I've advanced the hypothesis that with computers running more and more programs affecting daily life - consider only their presence in equities or commodities markets, or an even more glaring example, the recent failure of the FAA's flight computer system that literally grounded all flights in the USA - that the possibility arises that the "elites" running western civilization lemming-like off the cliff are perhaps doing so in response to what a very sophisticated and complex A.I. program might be telling them to do. Being the fundamentally stupid, immoral, and godless people that they are, they are only too happy to follow the dictates of their real God: computer code, and "science," and a false "omniscience" that it gives them, all of which is of course programmed by humans.

That thesis, I suggest, has been confirmed in spades by the two articles. Consider this statement from the beginning of the second one:

Quote:The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence (A.I.) program to test how people react to propaganda and strategy of tension. The program is called Sentient World Simulation[/url] (SWS). Defense, intelligence and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world on a computer that agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies.

With this “God Tier” technology, if the user wants to bring about a certain event, he would already know how the masses would likely behave. It features an avatar for each person in the real world that’s based upon data collected about us from records and the internet.

The core of the data collection is the smart phone, which will be ramped up with 5G technology. Avoid both.

The first article, while concentrating initially on Edward Snowden's claims, also comes to more or less the same conclusion:
Quote:Amidst all of the publicity surrounding the leaks, journalist Christopher Ketcham (who previously won acclaim by covering the tragic events on 9/11) released a relevant new article discussing the secretive exploits of a governmental unit which gathers boundless amounts of information on Americans. Ketcham details programs by the government designed to fight crime by predicting criminal behavior before it is committed and to predict behavioral responses to propaganda and government-inflicted terror.

Both programs rely on keeping tabs on citizens and gathering data by tracking phone calls, credit card receipts, social networks, GPS tracks, Internet searches, Amazon purchases and E-Z pass records.

The program based out of Purdue University’s Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation Laboratory is titled Sentient World Simulation (SWS). This 9-page PDF released by Purdue itself describes the project in adequate detail.

The simulator has taken the spying that Snowden publicized, one step further. The program has amassed databases so profound they can now look so deep into a person’s life they can predict their thoughts and future actions with relative certainty. Although this system is incredibly intrusive and raises many moral concerns, it provides valuable insight into questions which could be extremely beneficial. It’s unclear as to weather all the private-sector efforts towards transparency (including some noteworthy AI projects at Microsoft) will have any effect on the direction and intensity of public-sector surveillance.

By gathering enough intelligence SWS is capable of producing realistic simulations of various different scenarios such as natural disasters, foreign and domestic attacks, resource shortages, and hazardous economic trends. The program, once finished will utilize the information from its colossal database to create these hypothetical situations, predict possible outcomes, and test the effectiveness of various responses. Researchers hope the system will be able to provide effective answers to complex questions which baffle the most skilled thinkers and will create more efficient methods of responding to catastrophes.  (Emphasis added)

So there you have it. Not only is spying on everyone, it is doing so to compile massive databases to make generalized predictions, and from these, to formulate specific courses of action under particular circumstances, and more general policy.

There's a dire implication in all this, an "extrapolation" that confirms my suspicions about Mr. Globalooney actually "listening" to A.I.s and computers: if you're wondering why the leadership of the west - the Baal Gateses and Hochklaus von Blohschwabs and the whole viper's nest at Davos - looks and sounds completely nuts, advocating inhuman and - let's call them by what they are - ultimately nihilistic policies, this is why.

Before we leave this subject, V.T. shared one more article, which itself contains further links to articles on this precise topic:

The DoD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth

Post article: The Giza Death Star

Purdue removed that Draft 9-page PDF, here's an archived copy

"SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Civil Affairs activities, capable of illustrating the impact of these activities on populations."

Quote:Menticide: Don’t Fall Victim to Mind Control Technologies & Techniques

We come full circle with Sentient World Simulation (SWS), a programme that pools all the intelligence collected about you. SWS uses that information to simulate and predict how you would behave under certain social conditions, such as civil unrest, economic shocks or environmental catastrophe.

But it goes much deeper. The SWS was developed with military money at Purdue University. It creates a digital mirror-image of the real world, including you and me: our streets, towns and even the weather. In order to anticipate how we would react in real life, programmers do things to the digital us: cut our power supplies, simulate weather disasters, crash the economy, etc. This is useful for counterinsurgency planning and market prediction.

Robots & the Digital World become sentient, new Inter-species/being interactions occur in unforeseen ways, Neuralink enables us to communicate with the sentient digital beings.

[Image: H1TmPOv.gif]