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Starting Spooktober Right - Printable Version

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Starting Spooktober Right - GeauxHomeLittleD - 10-01-2024

Well "Spooktober" is already off to a rip roaring start here at Kdog's Castle. As many of you Rogues are already aware we have had many encounters with wandering spirits in the "Castle" during the 10 years we have lived here. Most (not all) of the spirits are "spill overs" from neighboring apartments, though we do have a few who visit that are particularly attached to Kdog and myself- personal relations who await us on the other side but pop in to visit every now and then.

The last few days have made it apparent that we have a new addition to our entourage and this one seems to have taken a shine to Kdog in particular. Here is our story:

For a few days (maybe a week?) something has been moving objects and making noises, daytime and nighttime, in the same room we are in or sometimes in adjacent rooms. Before anyone asks the answer is a resounding NO!- no mice, no rats, not even bugs, no neighbors with escaped reptiles, no bats, no squirrels, etc. Sometimes these noises happen directly in front of us, we're talking inches, but nothing is there. The noises can at times make us jump (as unexpected sounds often can) but other than that no biggie and we just go on with our daily lives... until yesterday.

Yesterday I was getting ready for an early-ish appointment when I heard what sounded like a young girl's voice coming from the bedroom where Kdog was asleep. I couldn't make out what the voice was saying, only that it sounded to be about a 5-7 year old girl. I walked into the bedroom, nothing there but Kdog "sawing logs". I went out on the patio, no children outside, nobody outside at all. The only girl child in our building is a 2 year old toddler who only comes for one day every other weekend and said child's dad wasn't even at home. Just to note the only other child in the whole building is an 8 year old boy who also only comes every other weekend and was in school during this time. 

I decided maybe I was just hearing things and went to my appointment. When I got home after a short while I heard a young girl's voice coming from the bedroom again, a little louder this time and definitely coming from our bedroom. I still couldn't make out what she was saying (the snoring gene is STRONG with the Kdog!) but she also giggled this time.  When Kdog wakes up I tell him about it. He wasn't surprised as this isn't even close to being our first rodeo.

Today, just a little while ago, Kdog sort of jolts up from sleep and walks through the living room on his way to the bathroom. He tells me he was awakened by a girl's voice right in his ear that just said "Hey!" and that it was (in his words) "freaky". He's back in bed asleep now, that man could sleep on a sinking Titanic I swear!

So I will try to keep you updated on what is going on with the new house guest. Could actually be the spirit of a small girl, could be something else presenting itself as a small girl, it is too early to know. Whatever it may be there are protections in place against harmful spirits or entities entering our "Castle" so this can only go one of two ways: either a harmless being or a very powerful bit of evil masquerading as a harmless being. When I find out I will let you know.

Happy Spooktober Rogues!

RE: Starting Spooktober Right - EndtheMadnessNow - 10-02-2024

Ok, color me officially Spooked!!!

[Image: ve2wLrz.jpg]