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A 9/11 Reflection Thread. - Printable Version

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A 9/11 Reflection Thread. - FlickerOfLight - 09-11-2024

I hadn't planned on writing anything about this, but screw it. I'm sure it's on a lot of our minds today.

Something a little odd happened this morning, and it has me reflecting on that day, and now the 23 years that have followed. 

This morning I woke up at exactly the same time I did that fateful day. 

I woke up and looked at my clock and it was 8:56am. That was the exact time I was awakened that morning on 9/11/2001.

I was working at a restaurant as a server back then. I shared an apartment with a buddy of mine, and we lived your typical bachelor lifestyle. We both worked nights, and we were always up till the wee hours over the morning. Typically we didn't stir up till close to noon. We had been up late the night before, smoking buds watching the boob tube all night; as was our norm.

My phone rang at 8:56am, which it never went off that early. I knew as soon as the phone rang, that something was wrong. When I saw it was my little sister, I knew something bad had happened. 

I answered, and all she said was, "Turn on the TV. I gotta go." Click

I turn on the TV and see the first building smoking.

I immediately wake my buddy.

As we were watching and we're trying to figure out what the hell was going on, and thinking, Was this an accident, or what? It's felt like Almost immediately after this initial thought, the second plane hit.

We were in shock, as was every one else. We kept saying, "Is this real?"

The rest of the day is a fog.

When I look back at what's happened since all of that, it does seem that there was more to that than we'll ever truly know.

I posted this, so that anyone who wishes to reflect on that day, this thread is an open door to any and all thoughts about that day, and the 23 years since then. 

I know this. Even after all the hike in security, and all the "monitoring of terrorists," and the patriot act, and all that, I don't feel one stitch safer than I did before those towers fell.

R.I.P. to all that lost their lives that day.

I chose this forum for a reason. We all know who's pulling the strings.

RE: A 9/11 Reflection Thread. - Ninurta - 09-11-2024

I was an armed guard at the time, standing guard duty at a Bank of America banking center. My landlord caught me at the end of my driveway on my way to work, and told me that "terrorists had attacked us". How he knew that I have no idea - at that time, the radio news was leaning heavily towards an accident. I monitored it all the way to work.

At work, I stood a 10 hour shift, on my feet, outside the bank. A couple of the tellers, one gal from Venezuela and another from Columbia had taken a shine to me, and would periodically come outside and give me updates on the situation. They came and told me when the second plane hit... and then the reports from Shanksville and the Pentagon. It was starting to look like my landlord had been right - a coordinated attack rather than an accident.

The thing that stands out in my mind the most was how calm, clear, and peaceful the skies were for the next week or so, as the federal government put a stop to all flights in the aftermath of the attack, grounded all the planes. Nary a plane or contrail in the clear blue skies for about a week afterwards.

I remember the uproar when, later, they hired a Muslim to design the Shanksville Memorial, and she designed a great big Islamic Crescent and Star oriented towards Mecca as a memorial supposedly for the Americans who fought and died that day when their plane plunged into the ground at Shanksville. It was a travesty then, and it's still a travesty now - looked to most of us more like a memorial to the terrorists than to the Americans.


RE: A 9/11 Reflection Thread. - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-12-2024

The country really changed after that tragic day. And we're still living under the national security umbrella state more than ever.

I had gone into the office early that morning. Got in at 7am and did not know about the planes hitting the towers till a little while later. I'm on the west coast. The only other person at the office was my boss. About 15 minutes later he comes running over to my cube and says have you been watching the news?! Just by the tone of his voice I knew something had happened. I was thinking something local to my area.

I said no, of course not. I'm busy trying to get this plan of action paper done for your 9am meeting. He's says drop it, meeting is cancelled, come over to my cube, now!! His cube had a TV and I'm watching the CNN replay of the twin towers being attacked. It was so surreal. Twin towers gone, Pentagon hit, Flight 93 vaporized in Pennsylvania. Under my breath I'm asking is this real??!! Yes, yes my boss screams and says we are now at war! With who? I don't know but rest assured we are going to war. I was speechless, dazed and confused.

He tells me he's going to call everyone not to come into work and you (me) email everyone to do the same. When finished go home. Minutes later my phone is ringing off the hook, it's my frantic wife asking do you have the kids?? No, I dropped them off at daycare like I do every morning. Wife: Go get them right now!!! Yes dear. Less than a minute later our private daycare lady is calling me. Hello. You need to come... Yes, I'm on my way.

I go get our kids, drive home and my wife is shaking like a leaf. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to understand just what in the hell is going on over on the East coast. I was glued to the TV & Internet till 3am. I honestly did not know what to think despite what the msm was feeding me.

Next day my wife stayed home with the kids and I was already back at work. Business as usual, but the whole work atmosphere was eerie quiet with about 80% of the employees remaining at home. About half stayed home rest of week.

One of my rich aunts lived in a NYC condo and from her balcony she watched both towers collapse. She was never the same.

Amazing rare historic 9/11 footage by a military special operator:

The guy who filmed it: 9/11 Kevin - Horned Owl

[Image: E8XHt3y.jpg]
Covid, 9/11 & Forever War

RE: A 9/11 Reflection Thread. - MrJesterium - 09-16-2024

I was 9yo in 2001, I don't remember how I reacted to the news, I was too young to understand what was going on. So I'm at a total loss for words. 
I didn't get involved in politics until I was 24yo. Feels strange not to have the trauma from 9/11 looming over my head.

I think it was unnecessary for George Bush to create justification for Iraq, it was just like how it was unnecessary to drop nukes on Japan. They staged these attacks just to demonstrate their power and remind the world who's in charge. Apparently, they're going to do it again, this time with France and Germany, maybe at a later stage in Russia's wars.

Looking to the future, it appears New York will be the site of another attack, but this time, it might be actual nuclear retaliation from an enemy country. Apparently, there has always been a nuclear bomb detonation plan for NYC, especially in Time Square.
But at the same time, there could also be attacks on the civilians staged by our own government. A lot of clairvoyants have been saying they can't see past 2024-25 so many of them could just be tapping into collective anxiety, affecting the accuracy of their visions negatively.

Scenarios to prepare for: -

Keep in mind that not every mushroom cloud or bright flash of light people see is associated with nuclear detonations. I think these attacks can be averted, but some things must play out in order for us to reach an ideal outcome. I was recently watching Knowing (2009), it was chilling to see how predictions were being fulfilled, leading up to a massive solar flare.

RE: A 9/11 Reflection Thread. - kdog - 09-17-2024

I still remember it well. I was doing some work in a 15 story building on an empty top floor. I went down to go outside for a smoke break. The receptionist ask if I heard about the plane crashing into a building in NYC. I had not. 
I went outside and across the street from was a bank with a big display window with a big tv that usually displayed the stock market stuff. 
I saw a group of people standing there and I walked over to see what was going on. There was no sound, just videos of the plane crash. A few minutes later, the second plane crashed and I was like oh fuck ! 
Called my boss to tell him I had a family emergency and going home for the day. 
Then called my wife at the time, now ex , to tell her and I was coming to get our 3 year old daughter from daycare and coming home. 
My son was 10 days old and she was home taking care of him on maternity leave. 
I stayed glued to the TV.
The day our world changed.