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Violent Children on the Rise - FlickerOfLight - 09-07-2024

Here is yet another story of child violence and murder. This story is of a 6 year old murdering his 2 year old brother. 

Police say 6-year-old boy stabbed 2-year-old brother to death in Joliet
by Adam Harrington
9/6/2024 · 10:36 PM EDT

JOLIET, Ill. (CBS) -- A 6-year-old boy stabbed his 2-year-old brother to death in Joliet late Friday afternoon, police said.

Joliet police were called at 5:04 p.m. to the 2700 block of Fairway Drive, near Pembroke Road, for a child who had been stabbed. They found the 2-year-old boy in the house with multiple stab wounds, police said.

A preliminary investigation determined the toddler had been stabbed with a kitchen knife by his 6-year-old brother, police said.

Numerous questions remained Friday night about what exactly happened.

The 2-year-old was taken to Ascension St. Joseph Medical Center in Joliet in an ambulance. He died at the hospital, police said.

The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services has been notified and is investigating, police said.

I know every time I bring up the fact that violent crimes, done by young children, is on the rise, people dismiss it as ramped up media.
Well, The numbers are there, and law enforcement agrees.

I recently had a conversation with my brother in law, who has been Law Enforcement for 26 years, with the same force. I asked him directly, "Have you seen a rise in violent crimes by young children?"

His answer was an absolute, yes. He has seen more violent crimes performed by young kids, in the last 5 years or so, than in his entire 26 year career. He also stated that the numbers of these crimes are rising, as well the crimes becoming more and more violent and weird. 

This is not just something the MSM has ramped up. This is a real problem, and it's getting worse. 

There is a common factor in these crimes by these kids...


The majority of the children committing these crimes are medicated. Most, not all.

Medications aren't always the answer. Tablets arent the answer. 

The proof is in the pudding.

This will only get worse.

RE: Violent Children on the Rise - MrJesterium - 09-08-2024

Wow, this is more disturbing than seeing kids chasing away birds. 
I've seen a few kids spooking birds at the local park. Most just want to see them spread their wings and take off, but other kids are just let loose by their parents. People just watch, thinking it's harmless, emboldening them to be more aggressive. I stood and watched, I was too distracted by the birds all taking off at once...

As for the case, I don't have enough to go off of, don't know what to make of it. Can only speculate. The victim was too young to play a game with the older kid or get into an argument with him, right? Or maybe the older kid was playing a game...

I think children are being exposed to violence or traumatic incidents from a young age, which leave a lasting impression on them, send them down the wrong path. They may try to imitate what they saw.

Of course, some people turned out fine, did not end up as serial killers:

In schools, children are being taught to yield to their body's urges, and then people wonder why they end up as murderers & rapists.
Same for emotions. Granted, there are freeing reactions where it's perfectly alright to cry (like in that one JoJo episode with ACDC), but people should be more mindful about what they project into their environment. We are all victims of our uncontrolled urges.

From my experience with medication, it does jacksquat. Tried it a few times, made me feel drowsy and sluggish. Never again. I've gone 13 years without taking meds, managing just fine by listening to music. It helps drowns out the thoughts. I can't imagine living in a world without birds or music.

RE: Violent Children on the Rise - Ninurta - 09-10-2024

I'd say that while medication definitely is a factor, it's not the only one, and the phenomena is likely being generated by a multiplicity of factors.

We, all of us, harbor a monster within. Most of us are either taught or otherwise develop a certain amount of discipline, and are able to keep it under control. Some folks manage to bury it so deep that even they don't know it's there... but it is. When I was 7 0r 8, I had a cousin that tormented me constantly. When enough is enough, you'll snap, I guarantee it. One day I snapped, hustled to the kitchen and got me an 8" butcher knife for to gore HIS ass with. Enough is enough, and I'd had just about enough. Dear Old Dad intercepted me, disarmed me, and then proceeded to bust a plastic dust pan all over my ass. Nothing left but shards of the dustpan (and my ass, too) when he was done.

I got the message. I started acquiring some goddamned discipline in my life. Otherwise, I'd have probably been just another one of those tragic headlines at some point.

But acquiring "discipline" doesn't mean simply wussing out and always doing nothing. It means knowing WHEN, and HOW, to wag and when to bite. A year or two after that, the little bastard bit the crap out of me, on the shoulder. Instead of reacting, I went and sat at the dining room table in tears of rage and frustration over the latest incident, when Dear Old Dad caught me again. He asked me what was the matter, and I told him. I'll never forget what he said - "Do you recall when I wore out that dust pan on your ass? If you don't get back in there, and I mean right now, and wear his ass out with your fists, then I'm gonna wear out ANOTHER dustpan on your ass. You ain't gotta kill a fella to get your point cross, but some times you might have to mark him up a bit."

Now that was decades ago, way back in the 1900's, but from that day to this, that cousin has never offered me a speck of violence. I got my point across.

But in this day and age, Momma's Little Angels are not being disciplined enough, nor are they learning discipline. They are, mostly, on or off, all or none. Part of that is to do with the increasing chemicalization of American kids, but part of it too can be put down to the permissive society they are living in, one that no longer teaches them discipline or any of the other skills of adult living. When anything goes, well, anything goes. The stops are pulled out, and people will act on impulses that they would otherwise have learned to evaluate, categorize, and act upon properly.

If, as Killary once said, "it takes a village to raise a child", then the village is letting our youth down just as much as the irresponsible miscreants who brought them into the world to begin with are. As it gets worse over time, society itself, as well as all the individuals making up that society, will suffer for that inattention to properly raising citizens, and instead raising mere animals who have no impulse control.

It all started with Dr. Spock, I think. That bastard ruined not just a generation, but generations to come with his useless and damaging "parenting advice". The first generation he ruined now does not have the skills to raise further generations...

.. and, as a result, we are seeing an increase in undomesticated humans whom society thinks we can control with chemical shortcuts. We can't. that won't work. It's only going to get worse until folks figure that out, and start installing discipline in their children once again. Some parents still do, but as time marches onward, there are fewer and fewer parents who even know how... and we are seeing the results of that.

Another factor, I'm sure, is the Electronic Age. Kids these days get more screen time than face time, and as a result of the lack of face-to-face interaction, their socialization is suffering. Without the face time, they are not learning how to properly cope with others in the real world, and are living in a fantasy world of attack and retreat. The only way they are learning to interact is what they are seeing online, on their screens, and that is usually vastly different from real-world interactions. "Anonymous" posters a thousand miles away can let their inner monster out to play without any real world repercussions,and that is the kind of interactions kids these days are getting used to... but when that's done in the real world, all hell often breaks loose. they are not prepared for it.

We, all of us, have a monster within. Until we teach our kids how to control that monster, society is going to get what it gets when the monsters are unleashed.

.That's my opinion, and I'm stickin' to it!


RE: Violent Children on the Rise - FlickerOfLight - 09-10-2024


You said a mouthful there, my friend. Covered it nicely.

I think what my bro was saying was, in the majority of these cases, when these young kids get arrested for violent crimes, and when booking these children, the most common thread with them all is medications. 

Add everything Ninurta mixed in for us, and we have a perfect recipe for violent children. 

Focusing on the medications just for a moment. 

The number one side affect for antidepression medications is "thoughts of suicide &* worsening depression. Especially among people under 21."

As a young man learning to tame my own demons within I went through a phase where I tried medications to help me with my anxiety and depression. The medications only made me worse. I went from a pain in the ass (sometimes) to a full on emotionless monster.

I went from sorta bad to full on monster. It happened slowly enough that it was hard to recognize, and I was worse than before, before I even realized it.

I've ended up in jail 2 times, both times I was medicated. When off meds I might be a pain some times, but I can still control myself better without medications. 

You had mentioned bad parenting. Well, in my eyes, why on earth would a parent risk that? 

If you had a severe headache and needed medication to ease the suffering, would any of us choose a medication that the number one side affect is a worse headache?

Why the **** do we do this to our mental health?

I was a grown man when taking those meds, and had the issues I had with them.

I find it even more irresponsible that so many parents are medicating their kids these days...

.....instead of just whoopin' that ass when it needs it.

The "proof" we see is the majority of the children booked for these crimes are on some sort of "behavior medication(s).

Bad parenting + negative online influence + medications -self control = MONSTERS

I see a "Lord of the flies" future for our kids and grandkids.

It's a shame.

RE: Violent Children on the Rise - Ninurta - 09-10-2024

When my son was 7 or 8 years old, the school tried to put him on meds. They had even convinced his ma that he should be on meds.

Then I found out what they were up to. Had to set my foot down there.

It was an uphill battle on his behalf, but I finally prevailed, and they didn't put him on meds. At one point I had to actually say "well, I reckon we can see what the courts think of you folks putting him on babysitter-in-a-bottle instead of just doing your goddamned jobs. OR, I can pull him out of school altogether and just school him myself, and solve your problems for you so that you don't have to do your job at all. Maybe both... but you ain't putting him on any unnecessary chemicals just because YOU are lazy."

I'm not sure exactly what worked, but they eventually backed off when they saw I wasn't about to back down.

As you correctly observe, why in the hell would anyone voluntarily subject themselves to a chemical regimen that has a high probability of just making things worse? Why in the hell would they allow their CHILDREN to be subjected to that? Aren't we supposed to protect and nurture them rather than try to kill them off?

To be honest, this sort of thing is why I don't bitch too much about abortions. Some folks just ain't got no damned business reproducing, and it seems to be those very folks who have the highest incidence of inability to keep their goddamned knees together. I see no reason to allow them to bring kids into the world just to have someone to experiment on and chemically lobotomize.

I think their potential parents are already far enough down THAT road!

Don't get me wrong - I do believe that abortion is, generally speaking, murder as classically defined - the intentional killing of another human being without justification - but it could also be seen as a mercy-killing, considering the lives those kids would have to put up with if they were born.

"Reproductive rights" my dyin' ass! Their "reproductive rights" are being exercised when they fling those knees apart! If they get to an abortion clinic, that "reproductive rights" horse is already out of the gate, and they're just having to put it down because they lacked self control to begin with.

The root cause there is a lack of self control - we're not installing it in our kids, and then they are growing up not  even having it in their tool kit to be able to install it in THEIR kids, and each generation is just sliding farther into that abyss because fewer people born in that generation are able to control themselves. So then society tries to "cure" that problem (which it created in the first place) with chemical lobotomy...

... but what happens when the chemicals for the lobotomies run out, or either become ineffective or actually counter-productive?
