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Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Printable Version

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Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Infolurker - 08-11-2024

Preplanning already. I remember every election (before the last one) where the results were known the same night, even way back when we "Only" had paper ballots. Does anyone buy that they can't "count" ballots any longer? If so, what is the use of electronic machines other than the obvious?

One of the best comments on the thread:

Quote:They can't tell you the results on Election Night.

But they can tell you today that it will be Kamala.


"Any changes in results that occur as countries continue to count ballots are not evidence that an election is ‘rigged.’”

Quote:The Pennsylvania Department of State has announced that the results of the state's upcoming election will not be known on election night.

In a social media post, the department ,“Pennsylvanians won’t always know the final results of all races on election night. Any changes in results that occur as countries continue to count ballots are not evidence that an election is ‘rigged.’” The post also included a link to a website dedicated to fact-checking claims about Pennsylvania's election process.

The announcement echoes the situation from the 2020 election when initial results appeared to favor President Donald Trump as polls closed. However, as mail-in ballots were counted in the following days, Joe Biden was declared the winner in Pennsylvania. The prolonged counting process has frustrated some critics who argue that state election results should be finalized and made public on or immediately following November 5.

Despite calls for reform, Pennsylvania lawmakers did not pass legislation that would allow pre-canvassing of ballots, which could speed up the counting process. The legislative session ended without any changes to the law despite the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passing an initiative in May, according to The Washington Post.

As one of the key battleground states in the upcoming election, Pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes could be crucial in determining the next president. If the race comes down to Pennsylvania, it may take several days before the American public knows the final outcome of the election.

“If the electoral college comes down to Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, we might still face a long period where we don’t know the winner,” explained Rachel Orey, an elections expert with the Bipartisan Policy Center.

RE: Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Ninurta - 08-11-2024


Getting the fix in early so they can make sure there is time for Chinese pre-voted ballots get salted in correctly to the mail in ballots, eh?

We always used to know the results on election night. Sometimes not until the wee hours of the morning, but always, ALWAYS, before it was time to go to work the next morning. That changed slightly in 2000 when Florida had a bunch of "hanging chads" that had to be re-counted by hand, but at least they did that re-count on TV, so anyone in the world who wanted to could watch it... unlike the 2020 vote, which was "finalized" a couple of weeks later, in secret, in smoke-filled back rooms.

And here I thought computers - like voting machines - were supposed to make life easier and faster. It seems that computerizing the vote has slowed things down quite a lot... and I gotta wonder why IS that?

Does it really take that long to rig a voting machine's count?

Just hide and watch - when Cacklin' Kammie wins, there are gonna be several districts with more votes than registered voters. Funny how that happens...

I think we need to add "Made in China" to the Presidential seal when that happens.


RE: Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - xuenchen - 08-11-2024

Well they have to allow for bad weather, breakdowns, etc.

The delivery trucks for counterfeit ballots are not all perfect you know!


RE: Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Ninurta - 08-11-2024

(08-11-2024, 09:55 PM)xuenchen Wrote: Well they have to allow for bad weather, breakdowns, etc.

The delivery trucks for counterfeit ballots are not all perfect you know!


Exactly! You have to plan ahead, ya know - it could be an early winter with icy roads in PA on election night, and the pre-print votes in the delivery truck might be slowed down, not able to make it there by the 2 AM "counting break". Some of the dead who vote may not be able to get out of their graves on time... heck, anything could happen to thwart the vote-rigging! ya gotta plan ahead, y'know?


RE: Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Infolurker - 08-11-2024

(08-11-2024, 09:53 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Does it really take that long to rig a voting machine's count?

So. The latest prosecutions (Democrat prosecuting another Democrat), what they have done and gotten busted for (besides harvesting, fake registrations with fake mail in or absentee ballots) is filling out ballots "AFTER" they find out the registered voters on the voter registration lists who didn't vote at all. Then they submit a "vote" for them.

Of course that is a lot easier to do when you have that information after the polls close.

RE: Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Ninurta - 08-12-2024

(08-11-2024, 10:18 PM)Infolurker Wrote: Of course that is a lot easier to do when you have that information after the polls close.

That makes it make sense! Where is this prosecution playing out? I'd kind of like to follow it to see if any actual convictions happen, seeing as how it's Democrat on Democrat lawfare...


RE: Pennsylvania announces election results may not be available on election night - Infolurker - 08-12-2024

Ummm... Let me check these old threads.

Here is the one where they requested military absentee ballots and sent them to "be filled out" in Wisconsin.

Here is the one with blatant Ballot Stuffing (Democrat Vs. Democrat so it was reported)

Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud

Quote:Michael DeFilippo, a Bridgeport City councilman and Democrat Party-endorsed candidate, was charged by the federal government with one count of conspiracy against rights, 3 counts of identity theft, and 11 counts of fraudulent registration after conspiring with others to request and submit fraudulent absentee ballots to be elected to the Bridgeport City Council during the 2017 and 2018 primary elections and the 2018 general election, which he won. DeFilippo, and others acting at his direction, fraudulently submitted Democratic political party affiliation applications and falsely registered and submitted absentee ballots on behalf of local university students who rented properties from DeFilippo. In some cases, he and the conspirators would assist his tenants with applications and in others, he would alter or forge party affiliation applications or request absentee ballots on their behalf, knowing those tenants did not meet criteria to vote absentee. In some cases, DeFilippo stole ballots from his tenants which he and his co-conspirators would fill out and fraudulently sign. DeFilippo, who resigned from the City Council after he was indicted, pleaded guilty to one felony count of deprivation of rights under color of law in exchange for dismissal of the other charges and is awaiting sentencing.

BREAKING: Milwaukee Election Director Terminated from Position

140,000 ballots for Joe Biden was dumped in Milwaukee in the wee hours of the morning.

Not it but a good example of absentee ballot fraud

Quote:Trenae Myesha Rainey, 28, pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of making a false statement on an absentee ballot application. During the 2020 general election, Rainey, an employee at an assisted living facility, completed roughly two dozen absentee voter applications, forging individual signatures of residents. She then handed over the ballots to another employee, whom she instructed to send the absentee ballot requests to the county election clerk. Rainey was sentenced to two years' probation, in which the first 45 days would be spent in the county jail.

There are just too many to go through. I had done a big thread on ATS about it but can't find it currently.

Quote:Former U.S. Congressman Michael "Ozzie" Myers was charged with over 13 felonies for his role in orchestrating a scheme to stuff ballot boxes in favor of Democrat candidates he either favored or represented as a consultant. Myers, a former Democrat congressman who was ousted from office and served time in prison on charges of bribery and corruption due to his involvement in the Abscam sting, orchestrated schemes in Philadelphia's 39th Ward, the 36th and 2nd Divisions, to commit ballot fraud. He conspired with Domenick Demuro and Marie Beren, Judges of Elections for each ward by bribing them to add additional fraudulent votes to voting machines for candidates Myers represented or supported as a political consultant. This scheme occurred during elections between 2014-2018. He pleaded guilty to charges of depriving persons of civil rights, bribery, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election. If his plea deal is accepted by the judge he faces up to 60 years in prison and over $1 million in fines. He will be sentenced in September.