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The WHY FILES Illuminati Vol. 1: The Bilderberg Blueprint - Printable Version

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The WHY FILES Illuminati Vol. 1: The Bilderberg Blueprint - 727Sky - 08-05-2024

Skip to the 5 minute mark to miss the Ad.

Quote:Imagine a world where a small group of people control everything - the economy, politics, even the information you receive. Now, what if I told you this world already exists? In luxurious hotels, behind closed doors, the most powerful people on the planet gather. They're not just wealthy - they're presidents, prime ministers, and CEOs of global corporations. These meetings aren't publicized. There are no minutes, no records. The attendees are sworn to secrecy. But their decisions impact your life in ways you can't imagine. From the price of gas to the wars we fight, from the technology in your pocket to the money in your bank account - it all traces back to these clandestine gatherings. Who are these people? What do they want? And most importantly, what does it mean for the rest of us?

RE: The WHY FILES Illuminati Vol. 1: The Bilderberg Blueprint - FlickerOfLight - 08-05-2024

Todays "Christianity" was designed by the illuminati. A clever trap that has ensnared half the world.

It's amusing to me when people think the illuminati have infiltrated everything but the "church."

 "Christianity" was their first target.

Blind fools.

RE: The WHY FILES Illuminati Vol. 1: The Bilderberg Blueprint - NightskyeB4Dawn - 08-05-2024

Living things give little thought to the womb they are born in.

They give no thought to the air they breath. It is not until the well runs dry or food is in short supply, that the survival instinct is activated in a few.

I used to blame the powers that be. But I can't blame them when I know the plan. The only one I can blame is me.

Knowing is not a resolution. Us knowing is one of their greatest weapons. Maybe that is why "Fear Not" is in the Bible 365 times.