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The Conspiracy Times & Stepford Biden - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-22-2024

Quote:The term “conspiracy theory” has been a popular and effective slur against anyone skeptical of official narratives for a long time. The main reason it has been effective is it was always used against people with implausible theories. While the official narrative may not hold up, the alternatives ranged from unlikely to absurd. We have now reached a point where the poles have reversed. The “conspiracy theories” are often far more plausible and sober minded than official narratives.

Yesterday, Biden announced he was not going to run. He released a letter on Twitter, now stupidly called X and a supporting tweet. Others chimed in to say that he had a long think about things while recovering from Covid and decided that it was time to retire and pass the torch to his most trusted understudy, Kamala Harris. Regime media then set off memorializing the great man and his bold decision, thus setting the stage for the Kamala Harris campaign.

The problem is none of this actually happened. The letter Biden supposedly wrote was not written by him, but by some guy named Steve. Reportedly he worked with Biden in the middle of the night to craft the letter. Then he told the family that Joe had decided to call it quits. Then a chubby girl in the White House was given the task of posting a scan of the letter on Twitter. The letter is not on the official White House letterhead nor is it on the campaign letterhead. Just plain paper.

Joe Biden has not made a public appearance in many days and is not scheduled to show up anywhere at the moment. A sitting president choosing not to run for re-election is highly unusual. For the president who makes this decision, or any politician for that matter, it is the biggest event of his career. The first sentence in Biden’s obituary will now include his decision not to run for re-election. That requires more than a tweet from a chubby intern and a letter written by your lawyer.

Adding to the official version is the fact that his campaign chair was on television Sunday morning demanding the party fall in line behind Biden. His top people were running around Washington whipping support among donors and important party officials on the basis that Biden was the nominee. Once news hit the internet, many of these people told the press that they had no idea this was in the works and only heard the news from their interns who are on social media.

In other words, nothing about the official narrative rings true. In fact, it is so implausible that in a different time it would have been one of the conspiracies floating around in response to a much more plausible official narrative. This is the sort of thing Alex Jones says on his show. The mystery guy named Steve Ricchetti, by the way, is a long-time fixer and bag man for the Democratic Party. He is a boring version of The Smoking Man from the old conspiracy series The X Files.

The trope from gangster movies is that when the mafia decides to whack a guy, they find someone the victim trusts to do the deed. Steve Ricchetti has been around Washington for almost as long as Biden and he has been friends with Biden for decades. He has been in the White House with a minor title, but he is one of the family’s closest advisers and he is also keeps an eye on them for the regime. No doubt he was tasked with delivering the bad news to the family.

It is unlikely that there was a scene at the family home where Steve Ricchetti presented the already written letter to Biden and said, “I either get your signature or your brains on this letter” but this decision was obviously not a voluntary. The fact that Biden is unable to speak publicly about it suggest he is in worse shape than we are being told, which is probably why regime flunkies from the Republican Party are now demanding he resign from office, or they invoke the 25th amendment.

Given that Biden has not been in charge of things in any meaningful sense since he was installed, having him serve out his time in a coma or worse is not troubling to the people running things. It may be a problem for them if Harris is installed, as it is known that the Biden staff despises Harris and her people. In other words, the soft coup may be a modified limited hangout to buy some time. The people running the White House agreed to this, but not to Harris becoming president.

Alternatively, the people who engineered this soft coup did not think too much about how it looks as they just wanted Biden out of the race. They had Biden endorse Harris, but they can deal with that later. They now have a month to figure out how to find someone who is plausible enough as a candidate so that when the rigging machine kicks in on election night, the results are plausible enough to accept. Maybe they simply have not thought this far at all.

That is the other thing about our conspiratorial age. Not only are the official narratives more ridiculous than the conspiracy theories, but the people engineering the official narratives are thumbless screw-ups. Even the guys lining their clothes with aluminum foil would have cooked up a better story than the official narrative of how Biden decided to quit the race. The official narratives are not just implausible, but they are also stupid which makes the conspiracy itself stupid.

Of course, what all this points to is more ham-fisted shenanigans as the regime plotters try to sell Harris as a plausible alternative to Trump or find a suitable replacement if she flops this week. In other words, we will get a firehose of nonsense and lies from the regime, which will turn the conspiracy theory machine up to eleven. We have reached the point where only a fool accepts the official truth, which opens the door for everyone with a clever imagination to conjure alternatives.
The Conspiracy Times

Aside from it not being official White House letterhead, I was skeptical of the "letter" due to it being published on Joe Biden's personal twitter account, not the official POTUS account. I guess the old adage of 'Believe nothing, trust no one' is very practical these days.

[Image: 0iUVw8n.jpg]

Also, Biden's "I’m sick" tweet was twilight zone bizarre as hell.

"Narradigm shift is a narrative of events or things that, lacking well-founded support, are otherwise being pushed or driving into society in the hopes of creating a paradigm-shift in the consciousness of people or experts by creating an artificial consensus or agreement around it."
— Joseph P. Farrell

From the media & wiki perception it's like a whole family of handlers...

[Image: J2kTJJ2.jpg]
Ricchettis spread across administration  | Wiki

No one can say with a straight face that 2024 has not been a strange year, and we’re only half way through it. It’s like sitting on a monster roller coaster waiting to roll out and you’re not sure whether to be thrilled or terrified.

In the wheelhouse of a ship, there is (or used to be) a device called an Engine Order Telegraph (EOT). It’s that dial thingy with the handle and bells and the speeds printed on the face that the bridge officer grabs to indicate course and speed to the engine room. Now imagine one of those installed on the Good Ship Mass Media Inc., as a mysterious hand reaches out and pulls the handle from FULL AHEAD to FULL ASTERN. The engines roar, the ship violently shudders and the entire vessel slowly begins to change this case 180 degrees astern.

Something happened in the last month to switch the narradigm into full reverse. With blinding efficiency, the Legacy Media has switched to "Biden Bad" and "Trump Sympathetic". It makes no sense on it’s face. Oh sure, as expected Biden fumbled the "debate", that was inevitable, and Trump got winged on the ear. And we all know the Legacy Media has been trying for years to activate some "lone nut" to take a shot, and suddenly Trump is good when one does?

Instead, the Media is getting worshipful and reverent reactions from grateful Trumpsters, talking about Divine Intervention and miraculous events. The Media is flummoxed! They don’t have a back-up script. All they can do is run with what they have, hoping and praying someone in the wheelhouse will indicate a new course and speed. On one hand it’s actually quite funny. I don't think the Media has been this discombobulated since Bush won the presidency in 2000. They were all geared up for mass riots, dogs and cats living together, the Apocalypse!

Instead, the clouds parted and a crepuscular ray of golden light shone down on a defiant Trump, fist in the air in a billion-dollar pose yelling, "FIGHT!"

I don't think there is anyone at the helm in the Media Inc. wheelhouse right now. The great ship U.S.S. Mockingbird is adrift on the high seas with a tempest of biblical proportions roaring through the masts. Their little minds are in full shut-down mode trying to parse recent events and come up with something…ANYTHING…to unspin what they have spun. The cathode-ray confessionals of THX1138 are crammed with lost journalism school souls seeking guidance... "Bless me father, for I have spinned…".

And far as the ship of state goes, I think it's been rudderless for some time. Now that is a crazy & scary conspiracy to ponder. I mean after today's 4 hour scorch grilling of Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle of continuous finger pointing in circular fashion [SS - FBI - Homeland Security - local police] just adds more chaos with many questions left unanswered. In the end the House demanded her immediate resignation and charges of perjury will be filed.

The Biden administration has been an unmitigated disaster from start to finish. 8 straight years of hyper division and wild propaganda campaigns the likes of which were never possible...before AI. Thank goodness we now have the X Everything app to save us!

For the establishment history books...

[Image: KwY49sA.jpg]

[Image: ekWr3gu.jpg]

[Image: LQQwtf7.jpg]

[Image: lMRQDUu.jpg]

RE: The Conspiracy Times & Stepford Biden - xuenchen - 07-22-2024

We have a real time actual Coup that just happened.


RE: The Conspiracy Times & Stepford Biden - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-23-2024

All the world is but a stage.

I can see those at the wheel taking in your face control. They don't have to hide anymore. They have us right where they want us. We are full on Paloved.

I swear over half the time I feel trapped on  "The 13th Floor."

When are we going to stop being& Sneetches?

RE: The Conspiracy Times & Stepford Biden - BIAD - 07-23-2024

Quote:NightskyeB4Dawn wrote:

"All the world is but a stage.

I can see those at the wheel taking in your face control. They don't have to hide anymore.
They have us right where they want us. We are full on Paloved.

I swear over half the time I feel trapped on  "The 13th Floor."

When are we going to stop being& Sneetches?"


I can appreciate your perception of where the usually-tedious political road has now become a busy highway
of over-embellish oratory with tones not-far from the realms of a comedy televison show.

The school-yard name-calling had little effect -regardless of what the media pretended it had reported, on the
average person on the street and with the exception of the few who are still clinging to it for ratings-purposes,
it's slowly dying away. The reason was that it was a bad tactic on many levels, but the worst was it allowed
some to see what was the real division in major western countries.

It isn't the colour of skin, sexual preference or disability, it's today's social class structure.

When President John Kennedy stated "Ich bin ein Berliner", he was jokingly using the German language to get
across his message of anti-communist to those of West Berlin. Today, many politicians in the US employ the
accents of the region they're attempting persuade. Why...? because it's now seen as a patronising manner by
those of a certain social stratum that believes those they wish to seek favour with are unable to understand
the usual 'High-Speak' of the halls of power.

The insulting is so obvious and yet, nobody in their inner-circles suggests to them that it could be deemed as
such. The patent falsehoods are now part of the system too and it all just comes-off as vaudeville or as in the
UK, comedic farces like below.

In today's world of denigrating infotainment, JFK would've been advised to break the ice with West Berliners
with this:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2152]

RE: The Conspiracy Times & Stepford Biden - Bally002 - 07-23-2024

When are we going to stop being Sneetches?"

Well I'm certainly not a sneetch as described by the good doctor.

When I am presented with such a person I cock my head and smile lopsidedly.

To them I am a sneetch.

To me I am just me. Ugly, longhaired, unshaven, dirty at times, can be smelly after splitting wood, filthy nails, skin cancer scars across my face but,,,, I still smile.  Regardless of my dirty dressing sense. (teeth are falling out too)  (Just thought I'd add that.)

I've lived alongside other dirtbags  One who now a commissioner.  Others now serving officers and those with Doctorates,  They are not sneetches to me.  I just decided not to prolong my career.  But mates being mates each of these sneetches give me a hug after 50 or so years.   

But here we are only colonialists. 

It's to me what impression you generate to others and not give a flying F to those who stand above you.

My kind regards,
