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Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-05-2024

This is a first for me. As this place knows I'm no stranger to the paranormal. Every time you think you've seen it all something new blows you away.

This has me creeped out a good bit.

Something has been going on for a couple of weeks now. As I have shared in the past the house I am living in has always had a strong paranormal presence. Things have been really quiet for a good long while. Ive been saying for a while now, "I think they're all gone, for good." I hadn't seen anything. No slamming doors. No weird vibes or cold spots. It has been quite nice.

This was up until a couple of weeks ago when I noticed something, out of the corner of my eye; something new I'd never seen before.

This was a white apparition. At firs I shrugged it off as some weird eye thing. It was so prevalent and visible that when I saw it I thought to myself I might need to get my eyes checked, or maybe it was something medically wrong.

Because what I think I had just seen isn't possible. 

I go about my business and a day later bam. There it is again.

White apparition. Only this time I felt something behind me and turned to look and it was there. Bit as soon as I've got a lock on it with my eyes, it disappeared. 

This was a woman in white. An apparition looking thing. I could even see a face.

Watching me....

I've seen this 7 or 8 times now. Hiding in bedrooms as I'm walking by, or around a corner, or behind me. I've seen different angles. 

I was walking into my kitchen to get some late night munchies. The master bedroom is just off the kitchen and right by my microwave. I got a bowl of chicken and rice and turn to go put it in the microwave and I turn and lock eyes with this woman in white....staring dead at me. Looking frantic.

I keep getting a clearer and clearer look each time I see her. Always watching, with that same look. Whatever it is it is more interested in me than anything I've ever encountered. 

She's got long dark hair, and follows me around like a child that's intrigued by me. Running along behind me and watching me from corners. I just got up to take my plate back to the kitchen. I was watching for her. With chills. I was walking back to my chill room and I did a quick check behind me and damn sure enough there she was. As soon as I spot her she fades off into something, sort of like shadow people. Only she's brilliantly white. I don't think she wants to harm me, but she is definitely watching and very interested in something. She seems frightened actually.

This sounds as crazy as it gets. But this keeps happening. 

Anyone ever heard any lore about a woman in white watching?

RE: Woman in white is watching me - OmegaLogos - 07-05-2024

Explanation: If you find this spirit to be a unwanted hassle then I can recommend something that might help you ok ...


Quote:Smudging, or other rites involving the burning of sacred herbs (e.g., white sage) or resins, is a ceremony practiced by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas. While it bears some resemblance to other ceremonies and rituals involving smoke (e.g., Australian smoking ceremony, some types of saining) from other world cultures, notably those that use smoke for spiritual cleansing or blessing, the purposes and particulars of the ceremonies, and the substances used, can vary widely among tribes, bands, and nations, and even more so among different world cultures. In traditional communities, Elders maintain the protocols around these ceremonies and provide culturally specific guidance.[1] The smudging ceremony, by various names, has been used by others outside of the Indigenous communities as part of New Age or commercial practices, which has also led to the over-harvesting of some of the plants used in ceremonies.[2] Indigenous people in the US and Canada have argued against appropriation and over-harvesting of white sage.

Personal Disclosure: I hope this information helps you to find some peace eh?!

RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 07:11 AM)OmegaLogos Wrote: Explanation: If you find this spirit to be a unwanted hassle then I can recommend something that might help you ok ...


Quote:Smudging, or other rites involving the burning of sacred herbs (e.g., white sage) or resins, is a ceremony practiced by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas. While it bears some resemblance to other ceremonies and rituals involving smoke (e.g., Australian smoking ceremony, some types of saining) from other world cultures, notably those that use smoke for spiritual cleansing or blessing, the purposes and particulars of the ceremonies, and the substances used, can vary widely among tribes, bands, and nations, and even more so among different world cultures. In traditional communities, Elders maintain the protocols around these ceremonies and provide culturally specific guidance.[1] The smudging ceremony, by various names, has been used by others outside of the Indigenous communities as part of New Age or commercial practices, which has also led to the over-harvesting of some of the plants used in ceremonies.[2] Indigenous people in the US and Canada have argued against appropriation and over-harvesting of white sage.

Personal Disclosure: I hope this information helps you to find some peace eh?!
Sage advice.  Cool

I'm not sure I want to run this one off just yet. She's new and showed up at a weird time. I've only ever gotten a glimpse at anything paranormal. With her I can see her very clearly. I can even remember her face now. Seemed to look like someone in trouble or scared.

I'll give it some time and see what comes of it.

My issue is, I don't think a cleansing will work. At least not for too long. I've tried. I believe, and now more than ever due to recent developments, that I have cursed objects in this home that are family heir looms. I can't get rid of any of the stuff yet, and so I'm stuck with God knows how many conduits I might possibly have here.

I'd really like to know how to identify if an object is cursed or not.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - Ninurta - 07-05-2024

Generally speaking, white means "good", so I wouldn't worry about her much just yet. The more intriguing thing, to me, is why she's taken a sudden interest in you, and what the expression on her face means. It might also be significant that she fades out as soon as she knows you've seen her.

Have you tried doing any EVP work to ask her some questions? That could possibly yield an answer. There are several other ways to communicate, but most of them require "yes" or "no" answers, so the questions have to be pretty carefully constructed.

There are "ghost box" apps available for phones and computers, but I don't put much stock in most of them. I ran one on my computer once for 18 hours straight, and all it ever came up with was random gibberish,

There are 4 main "smudging" herbs. White sage cleanses. Native tobacco (nicotiana rustica, not regular smoking tobacco, nicotiana tabacum) blocks entry by evil spirits. Sweet grass draws good spirits, and promotes good feelings. Cedar is used for a variety of things, just as native tobacco is. The Indians around here used juniper for the cedar, and they are still called "cedars" around here. They grow by the acre here, all over the place. I grow my own sage and native tobacco (also referred to as sacred tobacco, Indian tobacco, and the Muskogee call it "little tobacco", because it only grows about 3 or 3 1/2 feet tall). I don't know any local source for the sweet grass, but that doesn't mean it isn't here, just that I don't know what I'm looking for.

I haven't smudged anything in 16 or 17 years, because I've not felt any need to. The last thing I smudged was a house, which I sage smudged to get rid of a troublesome spook. Don't trust what New Agers tell you about smudging, because they make crap up as they go along. Go to the source: native American Medicine People. I learned what I know from a kindly old Cherokee Medicine Man in North Carolina.

While I don't really smudge with the tobacco much, I do occasionally sprinkle perimeters with it, and sometimes block window entries with a "hand" (4 or 5 leaves tied in a bunch) of tobacco hung in the window.

According to the Natives, it also make a good "gift" for the Little People, will keep them in good spirits so's they don't whomp on ya, and draw them near your house and cause them to be more likely to be helpful. They also use it as a gift to the spirit of a plant when they harvest any part of the plant, and sometimes will leave a pinch on a rock or stump in the woods as a gift for the Little People.

Smoking it ain't for the faint of heart, though. It's got between 3 and 9 times the nicotine of regular tobacco, and will make you see stuff if you overindulge. It will give you a feeling of "leaving" your body some times, which I suppose is why Medicine People use it to communicate with the Spirit World. Some of the tiny top leaves, near the end of the plant's life, will have up to 20 times the nicotine levels of regular smoking tobacco. Those get set aside for "special" uses.

I've got about a half a pound of native tobacco left over from last year's crop if you think you'll need any, and a crap-ton of seeds if you want to try your hand at growing your own for future use. I've got more seeds than I'll ever be able to use. Hundreds of thousands of them. Each plant throws about 800 seeds per pod, and will have up to about 20 seed pods per plant.

I don't have enough sage to distribute, as my plants are still young, only in their second year, but I can get cedar/juniper pretty easily if you need any.


RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 10:30 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Generally speaking, white means "good", so I wouldn't worry about her much just yet. The more intriguing thing, to me, is why she's taken a sudden interest in you, and what the expression on her face means. It might also be significant that she fades out as soon as she knows you've seen her.

Have you tried doing any EVP work to ask her some questions? That could possibly yield an answer. There are several other ways to communicate, but most of them require "yes" or "no" answers, so the questions have to be pretty carefully constructed.

There are "ghost box" apps available for phones and computers, but I don't put much stock in most of them. I ran one on my computer once for 18 hours straight, and all it ever came up with was random gibberish,

There are 4 main "smudging" herbs. White sage cleanses. Native tobacco (nicotiana rustica, not regular smoking tobacco, nicotiana tabacum) blocks entry by evil spirits. Sweet grass draws good spirits, and promotes good feelings. Cedar is used for a variety of things, just as native tobacco is. The Indians around here used juniper for the cedar, and they are still called "cedars" around here. They grow by the acre here, all over the place. I grow my own sage and native tobacco (also referred to as sacred tobacco, Indian tobacco, and the Muskogee call it "little tobacco", because it only grows about 3 or 3 1/2 feet tall). I don't know any local source for the sweet grass, but that doesn't mean it isn't here, just that I don't know what I'm looking for.

I haven't smudged anything in 16 or 17 years, because I've not felt any need to. The last thing I smudged was a house, which I sage smudged to get rid of a troublesome spook. Don't trust what New Agers tell you about smudging, because they make crap up as they go along. Go to the source: native American Medicine People. I learned what I know from a kindly old Cherokee Medicine Man in North Carolina.

While I don't really smudge with the tobacco much, I do occasionally sprinkle perimeters with it, and sometimes block window entries with a "hand" (4 or 5 leaves tied in a bunch) of tobacco hung in the window.

According to the Natives, it also make a good "gift" for the Little People, will keep them in good spirits so's they don't whomp on ya, and draw them near your house and cause them to be more likely to be helpful. They also use it as a gift to the spirit of a plant when they harvest any part of the plant, and sometimes will leave a pinch on a rock or stump in the woods as a gift for the Little People.

Smoking it ain't for the faint of heart, though. It's got between 3 and 9 times the nicotine of regular tobacco, and will make you see stuff if you overindulge. It will give you a feeling of "leaving" your body some times, which I suppose is why Medicine People use it to communicate with the Spirit World. Some of the tiny top leaves, near the end of the plant's life, will have up to 20 times the nicotine levels of regular smoking tobacco. Those get set aside for "special" uses.

I've got about a half a pound of native tobacco left over from last year's crop if you think you'll need any, and a crap-ton of seeds if you want to try your hand at growing your own for future use. I've got more seeds than I'll ever be able to use. Hundreds of thousands of them. Each plant throws about 800 seeds per pod, and will have up to about 20 seed pods per plant.

I don't have enough sage to distribute, as my plants are still young, only in their second year, but I can get cedar/juniper pretty easily if you need any.


The timing is the most significant. That's why I'm not too freaked out by her. 

The look on her face was like she was seeing a ghost for the first time. Scared and intrigued. 

The next time I saw her she was like a child peaking around a corner, not wanting to be seen, but wanting to watch. 

The third time she was behind me and looked like someone stealthily following along and then got caught so it was more like a flash of light moving away and disappearing. 

Tonight it was a flat out, as if I had turned around and a woman was standing there staring at me intently. We even locked eyes for a good Mississippi or two. The look she gave me was if she wanted to communicate (now that you've said that), but looked llike she was in trouble,  or maybe confused. 

A newly deceased spirit ending up in my home is a thought. 

I had not even thought about addressing her yet. I'll wait and see if I see her again and then maybe try and communicate verbally first and see what response I get, if any.

The white did set me at ease. 
 The first few times I kept brushing it off. My first thought was I was probably headed to the looney bin soon. The first one was like a flash of light from my peripheral. It lasted long enough for me to turn my head to it, so I could tell it wasn't something in my eye, or something going on with my eye. I sort of laughed and wondered if I had just had a stroke because the light flashed so brightly.
Had the light not moved and stayed put as if someone was standing in that position I would have worried. I kinda chuckled and thought it may if been an old acid flashback. I have been known to see a light or two that wasn't there, but this was big. A light as big as a person.

I got this strong feeling when her and my eyes were locked. As I mentioned she did have that look a person has when they want to say something but are unable to speak. But in this moment a sort of premonition ran through me. The feeling she gave me was like a mother who had just been separated from her child. I don't know how I know this, but I feel like she was in a car accident and was looking for her child hoping she (somehow I know it's a daughter) is okay, but at the same time worried she separated from her.

No clue how I know this, but this feeling sort of washed over me when I was looking her in the eyes.

I wonder if there are any young women who have recently passed around here. She kind of looked to be high 20s low 30s aged. Maybe I'll check the news around here. This started a week to two weeks ago (im horrible with time. Very recently). Not long at all.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - Ninurta - 07-05-2024

A couple of months ago, I was sitting here minding my own business, reading a web page, when there was a sudden "streak" of smoke or mist that darted between myself and the computer screen, moving from my right to my left, and hauling ass like it's ass was on fire and it's head was catching.

The motion caught my attention, so I looked to the left to see if I could still see it. Over beside the cabinet that my TV sits on, right next to the corner of the cabinet, there was... something... standing there. It was about 2 1/2 feet tall, and maybe 8" wide. it was black, and it was shimmering is the best way I can describe it. just very rapidly fading out and then back in, almost flashing rapidly. It was there for a good 10 seconds or so, with me staring at it thinking "what the hell?" Then it just popped out of existence, and a faint white wisp rose up from that location and went through the ceiling.

I was kinda stunned, but the impression I got was that whatever the white streak was, it "attacked" the black shimmer, and put it to going.

I just shrugged and muttered "Huh. Imagine that." and went right back to reading.


RE: Woman in white is watching me - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 11:14 AM)Ninurta Wrote: A couple of months ago, I was sitting here minding my own business, reading a web page, when there was a sudden "streak" of smoke or mist that darted between myself and the computer screen, moving from my right to my left, and hauling ass like it's ass was on fire and it's head was catching.

The motion caught my attention, so I looked to the left to see if I could still see it. Over beside the cabinet that my TV sits on, right next to the corner of the cabinet, there was... something... standing there. It was about 2 1/2 feet tall, and maybe 8" wide. it was black, and it was shimmering is the best way I can describe it. just very rapidly fading out and then back in, almost flashing rapidly. It was there for a good 10 seconds or so, with me staring at it thinking "what the hell?" Then it just popped out of existence, and a faint white wisp rose up from that location and went through the ceiling.

I was kinda stunned, but the impression I got was that whatever the white streak was, it "attacked" the black shimmer, and put it to going.

I just shrugged and muttered "Huh. Imagine that." and went right back to reading.



My brother was doing some work on his computer a while back, this is exactly what he described that he saw.

My mom often speaks of the lady in white that she sees often.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 12:01 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 11:14 AM)Ninurta Wrote: A couple of months ago, I was sitting here minding my own business, reading a web page, when there was a sudden "streak" of smoke or mist that darted between myself and the computer screen, moving from my right to my left, and hauling ass like it's ass was on fire and it's head was catching.

The motion caught my attention, so I looked to the left to see if I could still see it. Over beside the cabinet that my TV sits on, right next to the corner of the cabinet, there was... something... standing there. It was about 2 1/2 feet tall, and maybe 8" wide. it was black, and it was shimmering is the best way I can describe it. just very rapidly fading out and then back in, almost flashing rapidly. It was there for a good 10 seconds or so, with me staring at it thinking "what the hell?" Then it just popped out of existence, and a faint white wisp rose up from that location and went through the ceiling.

I was kinda stunned, but the impression I got was that whatever the white streak was, it "attacked" the black shimmer, and put it to going.

I just shrugged and muttered "Huh. Imagine that." and went right back to reading.



My brother was doing some work on his computer a while back, this is exactly what he described that he saw.

My mom often speaks of the lady in white that she sees often.

When NightskyeB4Dawn said her mom has seen this I thought maybe there is some truth to this and I'm not actually just going crazy.

So I did a web search of this woman in white.

I had no idea how popular this tale was. Hundreds of sites talking about this woman in white.

I described her exactly as others have. 

The takes vary a little. Some say this is the woman on the side of highways who kills men who are unfaithful or abusive towards women. Some say she has lost a child and steals children trying to replace her own lost child. Some say she has lost her romantic love partner and roams around looking to replace or find him.

Tons of lore on this particular ghost. 

Apparently I've seen one of the most popular ghost stories ever told.


Ummmm.....I know how this looks now, but this is all the truth. I have seen the "woman in white." The legend is real.

I did a check if the obituaries from this area of any young women who recently passed. No young women have died around here in quite some time.

Ps. I live right off of a highway. It's s stones throw away from where I'm sitting.

I've read up on this story. This particular ghost has been seen all over the world. All similar tales. 

She's considered to be a bad omen. An omen of an upcoming death or tragedy. 

The weirdest part of this is the fact that I've actually had this strange feeling I was going to die soon, or something very tragic was right around the corner. 

Then the woman in white shows up.


RE: Woman in white is watching me - Ninurta - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 05:13 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 12:01 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 11:14 AM)Ninurta Wrote: A couple of months ago, I was sitting here minding my own business, reading a web page, when there was a sudden "streak" of smoke or mist that darted between myself and the computer screen, moving from my right to my left, and hauling ass like it's ass was on fire and it's head was catching.

The motion caught my attention, so I looked to the left to see if I could still see it. Over beside the cabinet that my TV sits on, right next to the corner of the cabinet, there was... something... standing there. It was about 2 1/2 feet tall, and maybe 8" wide. it was black, and it was shimmering is the best way I can describe it. just very rapidly fading out and then back in, almost flashing rapidly. It was there for a good 10 seconds or so, with me staring at it thinking "what the hell?" Then it just popped out of existence, and a faint white wisp rose up from that location and went through the ceiling.

I was kinda stunned, but the impression I got was that whatever the white streak was, it "attacked" the black shimmer, and put it to going.

I just shrugged and muttered "Huh. Imagine that." and went right back to reading.



My brother was doing some work on his computer a while back, this is exactly what he described that he saw.

My mom often speaks of the lady in white that she sees often.

When NightskyeB4Dawn said her mom has seen this I thought maybe there is some truth to this and I'm not actually just going crazy.

So I did a web search of this woman in white.

I had no idea how popular this tale was. Hundreds of sites talking about this woman in white.

I described her exactly as others have. 

The takes vary a little. Some say this is the woman on the side of highways who kills men who are unfaithful or abusive towards women. Some say she has lost a child and steals children trying to replace her own lost child. Some say she has lost her romantic love partner and roams around looking to replace or find him.

Tons of lore on this particular ghost. 

Apparently I've seen one of the most popular ghost stories ever told.


Ummmm.....I know how this looks now, but this is all the truth. I have seen the "woman in white." The legend is real.

I did a check if the obituaries from this area of any young women who recently passed. No young women have died around here in quite some time.

Ps. I live right off of a highway. It's s stones throw away from where I'm sitting.

I've read up on this story. This particular ghost has been seen all over the world. All similar tales. 

She's considered to be a bad omen. An omen of an upcoming death or tragedy. 

The weirdest part of this is the fact that I've actually had this strange feeling I was going to die soon, or something very tragic was right around the corner. 

Then the woman in white shows up.


NO. That's forbidden. I simply can't allow it. If you did die, we'd never know - it's not like the headline of your obituary would read "FlickerOfLight Sputters Out", so we'd never know.

When Mystic Wanderer died, it was a month before we knew, and then only because a friend she had convinced to join here dropped by to tell us. When Guohua died, it was around 2 months I think before we knew, and then only because I'd gotten tired of giving her her "space", and went looking for her, found her husband instead, who then let us know.

So, no, that is disallowed, because we would never know, and therefore could not light a candle for you in the Lit Candle Hall.

Nope. Nope. Nope.


Now in my case, if I were to shuffle off this mortal coil, I'm pretty sure Grace would drop in to let y'all know so that you could hold a lottery to raffle off the prez-ship. Same for Kdog and GeauHomeLittleD - if one bit the dust, the other would likely let us know. But most of the membership doesn't have an arrangement that would work like that, so I'm afraid I've had to make a new rule, no one gets to die.

It's just that simple. I have spoken!


RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 08:11 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 05:13 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 12:01 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 11:14 AM)Ninurta Wrote: A couple of months ago, I was sitting here minding my own business, reading a web page, when there was a sudden "streak" of smoke or mist that darted between myself and the computer screen, moving from my right to my left, and hauling ass like it's ass was on fire and it's head was catching.

The motion caught my attention, so I looked to the left to see if I could still see it. Over beside the cabinet that my TV sits on, right next to the corner of the cabinet, there was... something... standing there. It was about 2 1/2 feet tall, and maybe 8" wide. it was black, and it was shimmering is the best way I can describe it. just very rapidly fading out and then back in, almost flashing rapidly. It was there for a good 10 seconds or so, with me staring at it thinking "what the hell?" Then it just popped out of existence, and a faint white wisp rose up from that location and went through the ceiling.

I was kinda stunned, but the impression I got was that whatever the white streak was, it "attacked" the black shimmer, and put it to going.

I just shrugged and muttered "Huh. Imagine that." and went right back to reading.



My brother was doing some work on his computer a while back, this is exactly what he described that he saw.

My mom often speaks of the lady in white that she sees often.

When NightskyeB4Dawn said her mom has seen this I thought maybe there is some truth to this and I'm not actually just going crazy.

So I did a web search of this woman in white.

I had no idea how popular this tale was. Hundreds of sites talking about this woman in white.

I described her exactly as others have. 

The takes vary a little. Some say this is the woman on the side of highways who kills men who are unfaithful or abusive towards women. Some say she has lost a child and steals children trying to replace her own lost child. Some say she has lost her romantic love partner and roams around looking to replace or find him.

Tons of lore on this particular ghost. 

Apparently I've seen one of the most popular ghost stories ever told.


Ummmm.....I know how this looks now, but this is all the truth. I have seen the "woman in white." The legend is real.

I did a check if the obituaries from this area of any young women who recently passed. No young women have died around here in quite some time.

Ps. I live right off of a highway. It's s stones throw away from where I'm sitting.

I've read up on this story. This particular ghost has been seen all over the world. All similar tales. 

She's considered to be a bad omen. An omen of an upcoming death or tragedy. 

The weirdest part of this is the fact that I've actually had this strange feeling I was going to die soon, or something very tragic was right around the corner. 

Then the woman in white shows up.


NO. That's forbidden. I simply can't allow it. If you did die, we'd never know - it's not like the headline of your obituary would read "FlickerOfLight Sputters Out", so we'd never know.

When Mystic Wanderer died, it was a month before we knew, and then only because a friend she had convinced to join here dropped by to tell us. When Guohua died, it was around 2 months I think before we knew, and then only because I'd gotten tired of giving her her "space", and went looking for her, found her husband instead, who then let us know.

So, no, that is disallowed, because we would never know, and therefore could not light a candle for you in the Lit Candle Hall.

Nope. Nope. Nope.


Now in my case, if I were to shuffle off this mortal coil, I'm pretty sure Grace would drop in to let y'all know so that you could hold a lottery to raffle off the prez-ship. Same for Kdog and GeauHomeLittleD - if one bit the dust, the other would likely let us know. But most of the membership doesn't have an arrangement that would work like that, so I'm afraid I've had to make a new rule, no one gets to die.

It's just that simple. I have spoken!


That's a good point. 

I'm known to just dissappear and not return to things. I'm always a flight risk. If I do dissappear I wouldn't worry. It's just my nature. 

I have actually been having this feeling since about 8 months ago. It's this really strong feeling of either death or prison for me, or some horrid nightmare. After everything I've been through for the last 6 or 7 years has me whooped. I'm wanting things to settle down and they seem to just keep ramping up. To the point I've come a total recluse. I have stepped away from this world completely. Other than here.

I have been battling fear. An unknown fear, or fear of the unknown. Even though I know I'm protected, I still have this overwhelming fear. I was actually going to write about it here. I knew this was something I had to overcome. I'm slipping into madness sitting here like this. I am a social butterfly. Or at least not the type to stay copped up inside constantly. But, truthfully, I am afraid to step out of my door. I feel like if I do something really bad is going to happen to me.

I have never felt like this!!! Ever!!!! This is NOT my nature at all.

Whatever it is it has me rattled, bad.

And then this white light and woman shows up. I know she did feel like tragedy. Her face is stuck in my mind now. It's creepy.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-05-2024

The power of the mind is amazing. You would be surprised at what you can manifest.

There is a reason that, "Do not be afraid", is in the Bible 365 times.

My mother will be 90 years old come November, and she has been seeing the lady in white for years.

I don't think she is a harbinger. If anything, she may be trail marker, warning you that you are about to go off track.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-05-2024

(07-05-2024, 10:49 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: The power of the mind is amazing. You would be surprised at what you can manifest.

There is a reason that, "Do not be afraid", is in the Bible 365 times.

My mother will be 90 years old come November, and she has been seeing the lady in white for years.

I don't think she is a harbinger. If anything, she may be trail marker, warning you that you are about to go off track.

You just stopped me dead in my tracks and got me to stop and re-think. 

As the last few years have blown by, and as I've been enduring this awful lifestyle since dad is gone, and with this old abuse happening again, I have been growing more and more angry. I past anger and reached fury. I am actually furious. Just like I was at 17. Just like I was when I started a really bad drug addiction that destroyed my life for 5 years. And now here I am again. At this same fury.

This is actually worse for me than I realized. This could very well push me back into addiction. Or worse. My end.

As this anger has been boiling more and more I have been getting closer and closer to a rage. I could feel it coming. I knew that if I was going to hurt someone it would be myself. That's the statement I would make.

As I realize what I'm saying right here. I have been feeling like I was going to be set up in some drama trap the devil will set to ensnare me. Ensnare me into making a bad decision. 

I've been being pushed to my worst thoughts because of this.

Funny thing is, when I was gone and living in AL, none of these feelings existed. I have actually already overcome all of this. And now I'm being dragged back down to my lowest point...

He'll no......

I had started this story with you all wondering if my mom was demon possessed or oppressed by an evil spirit. What I come to find is, her family using dark magick. How far that rabbit hole goes I do not know. I do know they have been messing with magick. All for money and power.

I was getting ready to snap, when I read this post.

I realized how angry I really was. How all of the peace I had learned to obtain, all the joy I had discovered, all the happiness and belonging that the Lord had graced me with has been ripped from me. Piece by piece.

No one on this earth is worth me losing one minute in the Kingdom of Heaven. As I match all this up to the word of God, I know exactly what this is I've been dealing with. This has shown me more truth about all of my life's problems. I've been listening to hypocrites, demons and witches all my life telling me what a POS I am.

I'll be the one laughing soon...

Because I have decided to stop. Take a breath and know that if I leave up outta here like a fart in the wind, and I dissappear and turn my back on all of this I will have made tge right choice. That if I stay here my life and my heart will only get worse. I've decided instead of getting mad....I hand them over to Satan.

I finally know the meaning of that verse.

So, instead of continuing falling into this thinking it's going to get better, I'm going to backtrack back to my own peace and joy, sat screw it, make a plan and bounce.

When I do, I won't be looking back. I will not fall into this trap.

That apparition may have very well of been a warning. And yes, I very well may have even manifested her. 

I'm going to listen to my sign here. I'm done being angry and hurt and sad like this. How my dad did this I will never know.

What you all have been witnessing here isn't me putting this into perspective for you, but me putting this into perspective so that I could see it. I kept wanting to get angrier and angrier.

I'm gonna go the opposite Way.

Regarding the therapist.
One good kick in the teeth I received as I was piecing everything together, finally admitting to my "condition" and studying it I learned that nowadays this is absolutely able to be corrected.

With talk therapy!

No meds. That's awesome. With about 6 months of intensive talk therapy I could absolutely reverse all of this.

It's expensive and lengthy, and with no insurance it will be a challenge. Funny to think that I was right all along. I just needed someone to talk to. Someone to understand. And to teach me the tools I was never handed or taught.

I have always kept journals. This place has been a living journal of mine as I navigate this mess.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-06-2024

Let me share a bit with you.

I made a promise to myself and to God on New Year's Eve.

I promised that I was going to make this year, a year of gratitude. I did not know what I was committing to.

I opened up one hell of a can of worms.

18 days later I had a stroke. I was in hospital and rehab for three months. My tenants stopped paying their rent, putting me in a battle to stop from losing my house and since I was not working, my savings started dwindling at the speed of light. Then 2 weeks ago I fell, damaged my back and was bed bound. I am better, but I am still in constant agony.

Sometimes right now I feel like Job. But I gain strength from Job, and I do exactly what I promised. I look for the blessings, and I am truly grateful for every blessing.

The world is out to consume you. There is a wolf behind every corner and every bush. It is not easy to reject the ways of the world. Living in the light is not easy, but it is sure as the heck worth it.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - Ninurta - 07-06-2024

The preacher that baptized me nearly 40 years ago was named Jack Hamilton. He's since gone on to his reward, and I'm convinced he's playing golf in Heaven. How do I know? Because Jack told me there would be golf courses in Heaven. I laughed, and he said, serious as a heart attack, "of course there are golf courses there! It wouldn't be Heaven without golf courses!"

Old Jack REALLY liked his golf, you see.

Something else Old Jack always told us was to never, EVER, pray for patience. According to Jack, the Bible says "tribulation worketh patience", and so, if you pray for patience, what you are actually praying for is trouble, because that is what teaches us patience.

I wonder what the Bible says about cutting a deal with God to express more gratitude?


RE: Woman in white is watching me - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 01:28 AM)Ninurta Wrote: The preacher that baptized me nearly 40 years ago was named Jack Hamilton. He's since gone on to his reward, and I'm convinced he's playing golf in Heaven. How do I know? Because Jack told me there would be golf courses in Heaven. I laughed, and he said, serious as a heart attack, "of course there are golf courses there! It wouldn't be Heaven without golf courses!"

Old Jack REALLY liked his golf, you see.

Something else Old Jack always told us was to never, EVER, pray for patience. According to Jack, the Bible says "tribulation worketh patience", and so, if you pray for patience, what you are actually praying for is trouble, because that is what teaches us patience.

I wonder what the Bible says about cutting a deal with God to express more gratitude?


I don't think the Bible says anything about that.

I did not cut a deal with God, but I do think when I promised to find blessings in my trials and tribulations, instead of succumbing to the ills of my day, I did not know that I would be put to the test.

I am learning a lot. It is easier to be joyful than to be bitter.

I have found that taking your attitude towards those things I can't do anything about, makes it easier to get through the day.

Sometimes just not giving a darn, helps to keep me going. Que será será.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - MrJesterium - 07-06-2024

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I am a social butterfly. Or at least not the type to stay cooped up inside constantly.
I am the exact opposite, I didn't leave my apartment until 2021.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I'm not sure I want to run this one off just yet... My issue is, I don't think a cleansing will work. At least not for too long. I've tried.
Afaik DIY saging can worsen a situation if performed improperly.
Can you get yourself a Himalayan salt lamp? My clairvoyant friend Kate claims it works really well for her, but she wasn't sure whether it affected all ghosts or only bad spirits.

She told me: When you have abilties you often are met by many ghosts, so I would just ask these “strangers” how it felt to be near the lamp, if they are able to turn it off. So far it seems to be like two magnets pushing away from each other instead of pulling towards each other - is the feeling one of them said it had felt like.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: She's considered to be a bad omen. An omen of an upcoming death or tragedy.
This legend is unfounded,
a lot of female ghosts wear white clothes.

In my reading of Justinus Kerner's Seeress of Prevorst, especially his account of Friederike Hauffe's last days, my attention was drawn to this passage:

"Three weeks before her decease, she had three times a second-sight, which also indicated the approaching catastrophe. There appeared to her a benign female figure, taller than herself, enveloped in black; she saw only the bust; the rest of the form was also wrapt in black, and stood in an open coffin, beside it was a white cross. The apparition beckoned to her, and she felt its cold breath. She said it was not a spirit, but a portentous second-sight; and well she knew what it foreboded."

I found a similar story in Cheiro's True Ghost Stories, Chapter VI:

"In another family that I have known for many years, the warning appears in the form of a sinister-looking figure of a white-haired woman who appears in the dead of night by the bedside of each member of the family in rotation. The one who does not have the visitation is the one who is to die... The ghostly white-haired visitor appears at the bedside with a lighted candle in her left hand. With the index finger of her right, she touches the sleeper’s face and forces the person to wake up and look at her."

Kerner shared another anecdote from his patient:

"Three successive days before the death of her father, at a time that the news of his illness had not reached her, she saw, when she was awake, a coffin standing by her bed, which was covered by a mort-cloth, on which lay a white cross. She was very much alarmed, and said she feared her father was dead, or sick...
Three times when awake she saw her mother-in-law looking into a coffin: seven days afterwards this lady fell ill, but she recovered. When Mrs. Hauffe saw the image of a person lying dead in a coffin, it predicted their approaching death,—if alive, a severe illness."

So just because a woman in white appears doesn't automatically mean she's an omen of death, it's more nuanced than that. There are accompanying signs, conditions, etc. which come with such appearances.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I turn and lock eyes with this woman in white....staring dead at me. Looking frantic.
She's frantic because she's concerned about your life spiralling out of control.

Similar case:

Her eyes were wide open, as if she was looking through me, but the way she was looking at me was as if she was very scared about something. She told me with a shivering voice: "Run", I was very weirded out and was like: "What?!", she repeated herself as she was holding my arms, with the shiver in her voice I could hear the fear in her voice and see the fear in her eyes, she looked very worried about me, and kept repeating: "Run, you're in danger, Run, be careful out there."

There have actually been a lot of stories where strangers look people in the eye and warn them. I think they were either clairs, ghosts, or angels.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: She's got long dark hair,
Was she wearing a veil over her head, a head-covering? Hauffe said all female spirits without exception wore one in her days.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I had not even thought about addressing her yet. I'll wait and see if I see her again and then maybe try and communicate verbally first and see what response I get, if any.
Make sure to ask her about what happens to us after death. See the attached screencap.

Hauffe says, "I observe that the happy spirits have the same difficulty in answering questions regarding earthly matters, as the evil ones have in doing it with respect to heavenly ones; the first belong not to earth, nor the last to heaven." She added, "How the soul is to exist after death?, is assuredly a question worth asking!"

(07-05-2024, 10:49 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: My mother will be 90 years old come November, and she has been seeing the lady in white for years.

I don't think she is a harbinger. If anything, she may be trail marker, warning you that you are about to go off track.
This is a very intuitive answer!  Cool Incidentally, Tom Brown, Jr. wrote about this in The Tracker:

"An omen is an insight that changes your way of seeing the world. It is a landmark against which everything that follows or preceded it comes to be measured... An omen is an experience that interprets all events that follow it and reinterprets everything that went before... Omens change our understanding of our relationship to the world. Nothing is ever exactly the same once you have experienced an omen."

My grandma is 99yo, she used to talk to empty space in her sleep and while awake, and she claimed to see a little boy come to her, but my mother dismissed it as hallucinations.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I have been battling fear. An unknown fear, or fear of the unknown.
You can't fight fear, that strengthens it, stop giving it any attention. Isn't there any subject you've been curious to learn about?

RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 07-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 07:20 PM)MrJesterium Wrote:
(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I am a social butterfly. Or at least not the type to stay cooped up inside constantly.
I am the exact opposite, I didn't leave my apartment until 2021.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I'm not sure I want to run this one off just yet... My issue is, I don't think a cleansing will work. At least not for too long. I've tried.
Afaik DIY saging can worsen a situation if performed improperly.
Can you get yourself a Himalayan salt lamp? My clairvoyant friend Kate claims it works really well for her, but she wasn't sure whether it affected all ghosts or only bad spirits.

She told me: When you have abilties you often are met by many ghosts, so I would just ask these “strangers” how it felt to be near the lamp, if they are able to turn it off. So far it seems to be like two magnets pushing away from each other instead of pulling towards each other - is the feeling one of them said it had felt like.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: She's considered to be a bad omen. An omen of an upcoming death or tragedy.
This legend is unfounded,
a lot of female ghosts wear white clothes.

In my reading of Justinus Kerner's Seeress of Prevorst, especially his account of Friederike Hauffe's last days, my attention was drawn to this passage:

"Three weeks before her decease, she had three times a second-sight, which also indicated the approaching catastrophe. There appeared to her a benign female figure, taller than herself, enveloped in black; she saw only the bust; the rest of the form was also wrapt in black, and stood in an open coffin, beside it was a white cross. The apparition beckoned to her, and she felt its cold breath. She said it was not a spirit, but a portentous second-sight; and well she knew what it foreboded."

I found a similar story in Cheiro's True Ghost Stories, Chapter VI:

"In another family that I have known for many years, the warning appears in the form of a sinister-looking figure of a white-haired woman who appears in the dead of night by the bedside of each member of the family in rotation. The one who does not have the visitation is the one who is to die... The ghostly white-haired visitor appears at the bedside with a lighted candle in her left hand. With the index finger of her right, she touches the sleeper’s face and forces the person to wake up and look at her."

Kerner shared another anecdote from his patient:

"Three successive days before the death of her father, at a time that the news of his illness had not reached her, she saw, when she was awake, a coffin standing by her bed, which was covered by a mort-cloth, on which lay a white cross. She was very much alarmed, and said she feared her father was dead, or sick...
Three times when awake she saw her mother-in-law looking into a coffin: seven days afterwards this lady fell ill, but she recovered. When Mrs. Hauffe saw the image of a person lying dead in a coffin, it predicted their approaching death,—if alive, a severe illness."

So just because a woman in white appears doesn't automatically mean she's an omen of death, it's more nuanced than that. There are accompanying signs, conditions, etc. which come with such appearances.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I turn and lock eyes with this woman in white....staring dead at me. Looking frantic.
She's frantic because she's concerned about your life spiralling out of control.

Similar case:

Her eyes were wide open, as if she was looking through me, but the way she was looking at me was as if she was very scared about something. She told me with a shivering voice: "Run", I was very weirded out and was like: "What?!", she repeated herself as she was holding my arms, with the shiver in her voice I could hear the fear in her voice and see the fear in her eyes, she looked very worried about me, and kept repeating: "Run, you're in danger, Run, be careful out there."

There have actually been a lot of stories where strangers look people in the eye and warn them. I think they were either clairs, ghosts, or angels.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: She's got long dark hair,
Was she wearing a veil over her head, a head-covering? Hauffe said all female spirits without exception wore one in her days.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I had not even thought about addressing her yet. I'll wait and see if I see her again and then maybe try and communicate verbally first and see what response I get, if any.
Make sure to ask her about what happens to us after death. See the attached screencap.

Hauffe says, "I observe that the happy spirits have the same difficulty in answering questions regarding earthly matters, as the evil ones have in doing it with respect to heavenly ones; the first belong not to earth, nor the last to heaven." She added, "How the soul is to exist after death?, is assuredly a question worth asking!"

(07-05-2024, 10:49 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: My mother will be 90 years old come November, and she has been seeing the lady in white for years.

I don't think she is a harbinger. If anything, she may be trail marker, warning you that you are about to go off track.
This is a very intuitive answer!  Cool Incidentally, Tom Brown, Jr. wrote about this in The Tracker:

"An omen is an insight that changes your way of seeing the world. It is a landmark against which everything that follows or preceded it comes to be measured... An omen is an experience that interprets all events that follow it and reinterprets everything that went before... Omens change our understanding of our relationship to the world. Nothing is ever exactly the same once you have experienced an omen."

My grandma is 99yo, she used to talk to empty space in her sleep and while awake, and she claimed to see a little boy come to her, but my mother dismissed it as hallucinations.

(07-05-2024, 05:45 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: I have been battling fear. An unknown fear, or fear of the unknown.
You can't fight fear, that strengthens it, stop giving it any attention. Isn't there any subject you've been curious to learn about?

For the other posts. If anyone thinks I'm ungrateful I refer you back to "coo coo for cocoa puffs."

For this post. Thank you. This was actually quite helpful. 

An impression I got from this experience, and especially when I had locked eyes with her. She did seem to be worried about me.

There were 3 signs given before she appeared. I had not connected them to this, until now.

If the three signs are connected, and then this woman in white appears, looking frantic and scrared/worried, then I will know what it was all about soon. I do not think it actually has as much to do with me. I listened to the 3 "signs," and tried to prevent someone from doing something. My warning didn't stop them. As I'm writing this I have a different concern now. 

I think she came to tell me to chill... to stop my anger from moving forward. 

I'm wondering if it was that anger that manifested her.

She had no veil on her head. Her hair floated as if she was in zero gravity. Her clothes shined like purity. Dazzling to the eye. The only part of her that wasn't pleasing was the look on her face. She didn't frighten me like some have. I actually felt like I needed to protect her at first.

I think it may have been the other way around.


I have been stuck in some research trying to find some answers. This all started with one single question. 

Who am I?

That question lead me to discovering many many things.

First about myself. I was looking at tge man in the mirror and working on doing some self improvement. I knew I had some strong holds of the mind I needed to break down. Understanding my past, helped me to understand my present, and my direction for the future. 

The answers I found shocked me. Flabbergasted is the only word I can think of. It pissed me off to no end. Like watching someone lie to you for almost 50 years, knowing you knew better but "controlling the narrative" so you see the past they want you to see.

Once I discovered the truth it blew the lid off of everything. 

As I sit here now, calm and sober minded, I am looking for my next learning experience. I've spent far too long on this crap because I kept getting lied to. Unweaving a web of manipulation is tike consuming. This is the end of a year+ long journey of figuring out "who am i?".

Thank you for your efforts here. This was a big help, and why I bring these things to this place.

RE: Woman in white is watching me - Ninurta - 07-06-2024

(07-06-2024, 08:12 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: As I sit here now, calm and sober minded, I am looking for my next learning experience. I've spent far too long on this crap because I kept getting lied to. Unweaving a web of manipulation is tike consuming. This is the end of a year+ long journey of figuring out "who am i?".


Alexander didn't waste time trying to untie the Gordian Knot.

He simply drew his sword and cut through it. He destroyed the knot and moved on.


RE: Woman in white is watching me - FlickerOfLight - 08-22-2024


I have remedied this entire situation finally. It took me completely turning my back on everything, and jumping into the unknown, but for the last few week's all of this has disappeared. 

I moved back home... something I thought I would never do. ,I moved back to my home state, and the big city, once again. It's been culture shock again, as I've lived the quiet country life for so long, but I have been at total peace since I have been back.

All of that pressure is gone. I haven't had a single bad thought since I left that house, and that situation. My head space has been quiet and still. I can actually be completely without thought again.

It's been a while. I'm stoked.

Since then I haven't seen any signs of the woman in white; or any other weird phenomenon that I can't explain. 

As I've had time to consider all of this, I truly believe, that in my fierce anger and hurt I was manifesting something. I believe it was the powerful emotions involved that set these events into motion. I will be honest and say, I don't know of these things were in my mind or not. I do know this would have to of been one hell of a hallucination; it was just too real to be thought up. 

If this was not a hallucination, then I wonder if the women in white was conjured up by me, and is now loose somewhere; roaming around the house I left, or did I catch this in time and never gave it full power to manifest. 

Either way, it's (she's) gone, and everything has been stellar after leaving this garbage in my rear view.

Cheers, RN. Thanks for riding this roller coaster shit show with, yours truly.


RE: Woman in white is watching me - Michigan Swamp Buck - 08-23-2024

I have a rather lengthy thread on ATS about things seen from the corner of your eyes. I may copy and paste it here as a thread, but I don't have time so here is a link. 

From Out of the Corner of Your Eye

Quote:Many people who have experienced a paranormal occurrence have reported seeing ghostly things from out of the corner of their eyes. People will catch fleeting glimpses of things moving in their peripheral vision only to have them disappear when viewed directly. These "corner of the eye" type of visions are most often the case under lighted conditions, however, such stories claim that at night, inside of a darkened room, illuminated specters and darkened shades become directly visible.

Some might say that such is the flight of fancy of our minds when faced with the diminished information obtained from the extreme limits of our vision. Others, like myself, would entertain the idea that perhaps the human eye has the ability to sense things outside of the range of what is considered normal vision. There is a whole universe of things we can't see directly, but perhaps under the right conditions we can see the unseen.

Check out the link for the rest, it may be enlightening.