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X The man with X-ray eyes - FlickerOfLight - 07-04-2024

This was too good not to share, as it aligns everything I've been trying to say.

X. The man with x-ray eyes (1963)

This film was on as I was nestling down after a pounding rain storm all day. I love these old sci-fi flicks, but had never seen this one before.

The movie is about a doctor performing an experiment they call "experiment X." Now, thos experiment X has popped up everywhere and so this really caught my attention. 

This doctor is working on an eye drop that enables him to see through clothes, casino cards, and eventually even through skin.

I sort of chuckled a bit at this idea because this is something else I've always been saying. 
That I can see right through people. With that I figured I'd give this movie a try.

It's a little creepy, kinda weird, and a total B-film, with some decent actors.

BTW, all kinds of illuminati symbolism in it, and it's just getting started.


I just finished the film


This movie could not have been more "illuminated." Full of symbolisms. Full of subliminal messages, and it could not be more obvious who is behind this one.

If you love your conspiracy and are interested in all things illuminati, then I highly recommend watching this one.

Especially the end. The last few sentences of the film are that hard truth they speak in movies sometimes. Where they reveal "secrets."

I dare any conspiracy theorists to watch this and tell me I'm wrong.

5 stars for content and messages