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Our Medical System Is Dead - Printable Version

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Our Medical System Is Dead - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-03-2024

My back decided it wanted to give out on me last Thursday. Sudden and no warning. I am sure it is related to a fall and overdoing it afterwards.

I am so fed up with the medical system that I did not want to deal with going to the hospital again. But the people that are taking care me kept pushing the issue.

So I broke down and went to the ER. They did not disappoint. The results was what I expected. They ran the standard test, that always come back clean, so "You are fine!" "Someone will be here in a second to discharge you. " "Be prepared to pay us our $5,000.00, and get the Hell out of our ER." "Have a good day." "Next!"

This video is spot on. I wish it weren't.

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - FlickerOfLight - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 05:59 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: My back decided it wanted to give out on me last Thursday. Sudden and no warning. I am sure it is related to a fall and overdoing it afterwards.

I am so fed up with the medical system that I did not want to deal with going to the hospital again. But the people that are taking care me kept pushing the issue.

So I broke down and went to the ER. They did not disappoint. The results was what I expected. They ran the standard test, that always come back clean, so "You are fine!" "Someone will be here in a second to discharge you. " "Be prepared to pay us our $5,000.00, and get the Hell out of our ER." "Have a good day." "Next!"

This video is spot on. I wish it weren't.

I spent all of 2019-2020 in and out of hospitals. I had recently moved to a different state, gotten a new job so I was still in my probation period and had no insurance at the time.

January 2019 I end up in the ER. Apparently I was going into septic shock, and was dying. I spent about a week in the hospital with no insurance. As soon as I wasn't dying I was on my way home.

This scenario happened 9 times in a single year.

They kept saying it was just diverticulitis. 


I ended up in a random ER, and it was the same ol song and dance. Only, this hospital, I could tell just wanted me outta there.

After a quick scan at my colon, I get the same thing. Diverticulitis. Go home.

Except this time I had some random young lady doctor come rushing into my room. This was not my doctor. This woman seemed to be in a panic. She asked me directly. "Sir, are you aware that you have some sort of huge growth on your colon?"

My answer was, "No."

Tears started to fall from her eyes. I could tell she was fighting breaking down about something. 

As she is fighting tears she says, "Sir, I'm not supposed to tell you this, and I could get into a lot of trouble, but you have a major growth on your colon that you need to have checked immediately. 

Then she rushes out.

My doctor comes in...

He says,  "Everything looks fine. Just another diverticulitis attack. You're good. I'm releasing you."

Not a word about any growth...

I had an absess on my colon the size of a golf ball. 

It eventually burst.

I should have died. (Which is what they were expecting all along)

Somehow, by complete miracle that absess burst and punched a whole into my bladder, completely sealed pathway between my colon and my bladder. My bladder became the absess and contained the infection goo that would have/should have been my death.

Not one doctor of mine ever mentioned any abscess until it had burst.


Yeah, don't trust your dumb shit doctors. They don't care if you die. Not one bit. Not at all. Not even a little. 

What they do care about?

Can you pay your bill...

F* the medical system here. I will NEVER set foot in another hospital. Not under my on power.

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-04-2024

For anyone that does not believe this is real, read the comments.

They can't come out and tell you without sugar coating it, that they are killing us. So all the jokes.

The system is broken and rigged. Your government does not give a damn about you. You are more value to them dead than alive.

COVID was a beta test or it failed. They will not stop. Don't trust them.

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - Infolurker - 07-04-2024

I gave up on our Medical System years ago and started to self diagnose and tell my doctor what tests I needed to confirm.

Long story, but I have a rare endocrine disease which I ended up self diagnosing and confirming via tests I conned my doctor into ordering.

I think the first time he just did it to shut me up as his comments were like "that is so rare" and "you don't have ALL the symptoms of that".

Well, I was right and have been able to control it with medication for 15 years.

When your doctor is plugging everything into an Ipad to get your diagnosis options, you can do the same thing with better results....

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-04-2024

(07-04-2024, 09:19 PM)Infolurker Wrote: I gave up on our Medical System years ago and started to self diagnose and tell my doctor what tests I needed to confirm.

Long story, but I have a rare endocrine disease which I ended up self diagnosing and confirming via tests I conned my doctor into ordering.

I think the first time he just did it to shut me up as his comments were like "that is so rare" and "you don't have ALL the symptoms of that".

Well, I was right and have been able to control it with medication for 15 years.

When your doctor is plugging everything into an Ipad to get your diagnosis options, you can do the same thing with better results....

You are absolutely right. Doctors today do not listen or focus on their patients. They are totally focused on the computer and plugging in the data that pleases the insurance.

You are no more than a money generating algorithm.

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-05-2024

Another one they sneaked past us.

We are nothing to these people. Read between the lines. This is the second time I was in hospital with pain off the chart, and I have a very high tolerance to pain. All they gave me was Tylenol.

No wonder so many people are seeking drugs off the streets. They are creating the illegal drug crisis and trying to make it look like they are doing a good thing.

If the government says they are here to help, run.

Quote:JANUARY 17, 2023

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – On December 28, 2022, the Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation (NOPAIN) Act, legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and a bipartisan group of senators, was signed into law. This law helps address barriers to non-opioid pain management for those enrolled in Medicare, which will support efforts to stem the opioid epidemic in West Virginia and across the nation.

Opioid overdoses took the lives of over 70,000 Americans in 2021. The law expands patient and provider access to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved non-opioid pain management approaches in all outpatient surgical settings beginning in 2025 and requires a report to Congress on limitations, gaps, barriers to access, or deficits in Medicare coverage or reimbursement for therapeutic services.

“It is vital we continue to take steps to stop future addiction before it can begin,” Senator Capito said. “This law does exactly that by ensuring Medicare patients have access to non-opioid options, which will manage their post-surgical pain, while also helping them to avoid addiction and opioid misuse by others in their households. I’m confident this new law will make significant strides in preventing future addiction.”


Prior to the NO PAIN Act being signed into law, hospitals received the same payment from Medicare regardless of whether a physician prescribed an opioid, or a non-opioid. As a result, hospitals relied on opioids, which are typically dispensed by a pharmacy after discharge at little or no cost to the hospital. The NOPAIN Act changes this policy by directing the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide separate Medicare reimbursement for non-opioid treatments used to manage pain in both the hospital outpatient department (HOPD) and the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) settings.,Medicare%20coverage%20or%20reimbursement%20for

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-05-2024

We are either really stupid, or we are ridiculously gullible.

How many times are we going to have the football snatched away before we realize that the sole purpose of the game is make sure we stay gullible, and that we always fail.

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-12-2024

They know what they are doing.

RE: Our Medical System Is Dead - Ninurta - 07-13-2024

The decay from the brain death is spreading farther throughout the medical system.

Ninurta Jr. had to renew his medical insurance a couple of days ago. The first question the lady asked over the phone was: "Are you male or female?"

Ninurta Jr. answers: "Male".

The second question was: "Are you pregnant?"

Ninurta Jr., without missing a beat, answers: "Nooooo... because I'm... MALE. See above question!"

The insurance lady laughed nervously, but made sure to tell him "we have to ask that now."

We pay these folks' salaries, and they make a lot bigger bucks than we do. Crime may not pay, but batshit crazy stupidity sure as hell seems to!
