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The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - FlickerOfLight - 06-03-2024

What happens after we die?

This is the greatest mystery we have in my opinion. It is my greatest curiosity. I am naturally a curios person, and what actually happens once we pass through this life is the curiosity I am most excited to learn. There are so many different stories and beliefs here it is enough to make your head spin. This means we don't truly know.

Trying to picture the afterlife is an impossibility. I have one of the most childlike vivid imaginations I've ever known anyone to have. And yet, I cannot picture "Heaven" or "paradise" in my minds eye. We do not possess the knowledge of anything that "good" and pure. We know too much pain and suffering to be able to fathom what perfection is.

I happen to be someone who knows the scriptures. All of them. I have interviewed and dove deep into the different beliefs about the afterlife, heaven and hell. I know all of the theories surrounding what happens to us once we die. There are so many views within this topic it is impossible to know which is actually true and correct. This intrigues me even further.

With all of these different views and beliefs, and my own passionate curiosity, I am actually looking forward to the day I take that last breath, and when my spirit starts to slip out of this realm and into whatever comes next. I am ready to meet whatever is on the other side. I am ready to face my judgement, if that is what it takes. This thought does not frighten me. It doesn't scare me at all because I have learned love and mercy and compassion. I believe these to be the purpose of this life. To see evil, know the evil, dance with the evil, and then see for myself how this "evil" only destroys. It does not build up anything. It only tears things down. I reject evil. My spirit is clean.

I am Standing on all of this, pondering on what I consider to be "the greatest mystery of the universe" and finding out what happens to us once we pass through this life.

Now, this does not mean I am ready for my life to end. I am here until my time is up. I will make the best of this time and situation. But, I do have this childlike excitement about dying and seeing what comes next. I believe once that happens.......then I will be Truly Free, and that's when Life will truly begin.

This may seem morbid to most. But there is this peace, this joy, and a comfort i feel when I think about what happens next. 

I do believe some will go to a paradise and some will go somewhere else. There is a clear division of good and evil. 

But, how it actually plays one knows for sure.

This is the ultimate question, and one we won't know until we pass on.

What do you believe happens after we die? Are you excited, scared, terrified or at peace with the thoughts?

Edit: if you would, plz, don't quote us scriptures and all that. Plz Don't preach. Thats not what im lookingfor here. In your own words, describe what you think happens once your spirit passes on. Thanks

I will give my opinionon what will take place step by step as i believei see it.

My lights go out. I see a familiar pure white light. I know this light. It is my (our) Lord. He will greet me with His arms opened. I will finally get to hug my Heavenly Father. I will be at total peace. I am home now.

My family will be there.  All smiling, All youthful. They look different, but i know who they are. They are my loved ones who have already passed. Hugs and kisses all around.

I will be introduced the Heavenly hosts. The angels. My new brothers and sisters.

If this is before certain events, then we will wait in paradisefor things to be completed. We will dance and sing and glorify our Father, His Son, our Mother, and the Church (from the boof of shepherd of Hermes).

All the pain is gone. All the hurt. The weight of the world will be gone. I have a new body. A spiritual body. With cool new attributes. One of the first things i will probably choose to do with this new and improved Heavenly body-----is fly...

After that...who knows. Joy and Bliss until this freakshow called the world has run its course.

A new creation after some judgement,
but pretty much just transformedinto the garden of Eden. If im not already there. Its hard to know for sure with what we have, but after 10 years of a Holy Spirit/Word of God guiding me journey,  this is what i have come up with.

Thank you, Lord. Holy Holy Holy...

RE: The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - Ninurta - 06-06-2024

I have to admit to having a fascination with NDE's. I've studied dozens, or perhaps in the low hundreds, of them, and have come to some certain conclusions. Additionally, I've known two people personally who "died" and then were returned, and reported their own NDEs which never really made it into the literature, and I have to wonder how many other thousands of times that has happened, with few or none the wiser for it.

One of those who died and came back was "dcmb1490" from ATS, whom I also knew from outside that site. He died on the operating table, and then was returned. A few months later, he died for good, of cancer. He told me, in that time in-between deaths, that he was transported to something like "a huge meadow", filled with flowers. He could feel other "people" there, but couldn't see anyone. One thing that stuck out to me is that he said "there were no shadows. None at all. it seemed like the light came from everywhere, and that left no place for shadows to form" He said that the flowers in the meadow were the most colorful, the most beautiful he had ever seen.

And then he was sent back to finish living his life. I don't know what else he had to accomplish, but whatever it was, it only took him a few months before he left for good.

One of the last things he told me was that, because of that experience, he was no longer afraid to die... which he had been before.

The other individual died in childbirth, bled out, and was revived using I suppose gallons of blood to replace what was leaking out. She had what we would think of as a more traditional "religious" experience of death, and was a bit put out at being sent back from what she perceived of as "bliss". However, she too is no longer afraid to die, due to that experience.

What I have gathered from that report, as well as many more "traditional religious" experiences from the NDE literature, is that most of those folks calibrated in that direction see a "religious figure". Oddly, perhaps, they all identify that figure with prominent religious figures from their own religious tenets... but I do not know of any actual cases where that figure identified ITSELF. it has always been the supposition of the viewer that has made the identification, rather than the religious figure confirming that. It seems to be content to allow them to think what they want to think regarding it's identity.

So, Muslims will see "Mohammed" or "the Imam" during those experiences, where Christians will see "Jesus", and Hindus will see "Buddha", etc. it seems to me that they are all seeing the SAME religious figure, but that their own experiences are being allowed to color whom that might be, whom they identify it as.

So, I think the reality of the afterlife is far greater than we can conceive it to be. I think it is far more all-encompassing than the various "religions" will allow for it to be. I think that many religions act as boundaries to limit what people believe will be experienced.

I think the reality of it is far greater than we can understand, because we have been made to wear blinders so that we can only see in one, approved, direction, and have to ignore all the other potentials because we are no being allowed to see them.

However, I have no doubt that there is "something" beyond this life. it's just that the "something" there is far more than we can see for now.

Breaking the prohibition on religious quotes, I would like to offer at least some small support for this "wider" viewpoint from the Bible itself - "For now, we see as through a glass, darkly. But then we will KNOW, even as we are known".

You may make of that quote from Corinthians what you will. I choose to see it far more broadly than the average "Christian", though.

I prefer not to attempt to put human limits on Deity.


RE: The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - Bally002 - 06-08-2024

(06-03-2024, 06:12 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: What happens after we die?

This is the greatest mystery we have in my opinion. It is my greatest curiosity. I am naturally a curios person, and what actually happens once we pass through this life is the curiosity I am most excited to learn. There are so many different stories and beliefs here it is enough to make your head spin. This means we don't truly know.

Trying to picture the afterlife is an impossibility. I have one of the most childlike vivid imaginations I've ever known anyone to have. And yet, I cannot picture "Heaven" or "paradise" in my minds eye. We do not possess the knowledge of anything that "good" and pure. We know too much pain and suffering to be able to fathom what perfection is.

I happen to be someone who knows the scriptures. All of them. I have interviewed and dove deep into the different beliefs about the afterlife, heaven and hell. I know all of the theories surrounding what happens to us once we die. There are so many views within this topic it is impossible to know which is actually true and correct. This intrigues me even further.

With all of these different views and beliefs, and my own passionate curiosity, I am actually looking forward to the day I take that last breath, and when my spirit starts to slip out of this realm and into whatever comes next. I am ready to meet whatever is on the other side. I am ready to face my judgement, if that is what it takes. This thought does not frighten me. It doesn't scare me at all because I have learned love and mercy and compassion. I believe these to be the purpose of this life. To see evil, know the evil, dance with the evil, and then see for myself how this "evil" only destroys. It does not build up anything. It only tears things down. I reject evil. My spirit is clean.

I am Standing on all of this, pondering on what I consider to be "the greatest mystery of the universe" and finding out what happens to us once we pass through this life.

Now, this does not mean I am ready for my life to end. I am here until my time is up. I will make the best of this time and situation. But, I do have this childlike excitement about dying and seeing what comes next. I believe once that happens.......then I will be Truly Free, and that's when Life will truly begin.

This may seem morbid to most. But there is this peace, this joy, and a comfort i feel when I think about what happens next. 

I do believe some will go to a paradise and some will go somewhere else. There is a clear division of good and evil. 

But, how it actually plays one knows for sure.

This is the ultimate question, and one we won't know until we pass on.

What do you believe happens after we die? Are you excited, scared, terrified or at peace with the thoughts?

Edit: if you would, plz, don't quote us scriptures and all that. Plz Don't preach. Thats not what im lookingfor here. In your own words, describe what you think happens once your spirit passes on. Thanks

I will give my opinionon what will take place step by step as i believei see it.

My lights go out. I see a familiar pure white light. I know this light. It is my (our) Lord. He will greet me with His arms opened. I will finally get to hug my Heavenly Father. I will be at total peace. I am home now.

My family will be there.  All smiling, All youthful. They look different, but i know who they are. They are my loved ones who have already passed. Hugs and kisses all around.

I will be introduced the Heavenly hosts. The angels. My new brothers and sisters.

If this is before certain events, then we will wait in paradisefor things to be completed. We will dance and sing and glorify our Father, His Son, our Mother, and the Church (from the boof of shepherd of Hermes).

All the pain is gone. All the hurt. The weight of the world will be gone. I have a new body. A spiritual body. With cool new attributes. One of the first things i will probably choose to do with this new and improved Heavenly body-----is fly...

After that...who knows. Joy and Bliss until this freakshow called the world has run its course.

A new creation after some judgement,
but pretty much just transformedinto the garden of Eden. If im not already there. Its hard to know for sure with what we have, but after 10 years of a Holy Spirit/Word of God guiding me journey,  this is what i have come up with.

Thank you, Lord. Holy Holy Holy...

If this has any bearing on what exists after death I'll describe some realistic dreams that made me shudder to wake up.

Dream 1/.  (Many years ago perhaps 40 to 45 years ago) I'm in an airliner crossing what I knew in the dream as Bass Strait from Melbourne to Tasmania. Flying south.  I was window seat on the port side.  Looking out of the seascape, approaching land.  The plane tilted to my side and kept rolling.   The airliner did an actual full roll.  I heard screaming but I was transfixed to the window.  The aircraft commenced to roll again but this time it didn't complete the roll and I saw the sea rushing up.  The water was light blue, clear and I could make features out on the sea floor.  It was quick.  Just blackness with my mind calling out.  "I'm here, I'm here" several times.

Dream 2/. (A couple of years ago)    My mate was driving his 4 x 4.  I was in the passenger seat and my wife was in the rear seat.  We were in the hills just driving and chatting.  I saw out to the right of the vehicle large objects in the sky.  By large I mean huge building size.  I said,  "Pull over, stop"  Which we did.  We got out of the small truck and watched as these object floated across the sky, different shapes.  As they moved over and along the horizon they started bricking up the sky with elongated hexagonal shapes of sorts blocking out the light.  As they did I could hear a thump as each one went into place.  Gradually darkening the sky until thump, the last one was placed and it went totally black.  Could not see, could not feel, could not talk.  I imagined I was dead.

Dream 3/. (Not so long ago.)  I dreamt I was dying in bed and couldn't move.  As I passed of course everything went black.  I was nothing.  Just mind.  Couldn't move and in my mind again I couldn't feel anything. I felt like an atom in darkness.  Just my thoughts existed.  Was going nowhere.  Then I woke up.

No light in any of these dreams.

In real life I very nearly died 2005, staying conscious on the slab while the doctors and nurses worked on me but I willed myself to stay awake.  I could discern light flashes with my eyes open and could logically think that I can't die.  Pain was immense and I couldn't breath and they pumped me full of oxygen and morphine.  I consider myself lucky but as I said I didn't close my eyes.  Once the episode passed I spent a week in ICU.

Had other dreams.  I'm dreaming every night.

Kind regards,


RE: The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - FlickerOfLight - 08-24-2024

(06-08-2024, 09:04 AM)Bally002 Wrote:
(06-03-2024, 06:12 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: What happens after we die?

This is the greatest mystery we have in my opinion. It is my greatest curiosity. I am naturally a curios person, and what actually happens once we pass through this life is the curiosity I am most excited to learn. There are so many different stories and beliefs here it is enough to make your head spin. This means we don't truly know.

Trying to picture the afterlife is an impossibility. I have one of the most childlike vivid imaginations I've ever known anyone to have. And yet, I cannot picture "Heaven" or "paradise" in my minds eye. We do not possess the knowledge of anything that "good" and pure. We know too much pain and suffering to be able to fathom what perfection is.

I happen to be someone who knows the scriptures. All of them. I have interviewed and dove deep into the different beliefs about the afterlife, heaven and hell. I know all of the theories surrounding what happens to us once we die. There are so many views within this topic it is impossible to know which is actually true and correct. This intrigues me even further.

With all of these different views and beliefs, and my own passionate curiosity, I am actually looking forward to the day I take that last breath, and when my spirit starts to slip out of this realm and into whatever comes next. I am ready to meet whatever is on the other side. I am ready to face my judgement, if that is what it takes. This thought does not frighten me. It doesn't scare me at all because I have learned love and mercy and compassion. I believe these to be the purpose of this life. To see evil, know the evil, dance with the evil, and then see for myself how this "evil" only destroys. It does not build up anything. It only tears things down. I reject evil. My spirit is clean.

I am Standing on all of this, pondering on what I consider to be "the greatest mystery of the universe" and finding out what happens to us once we pass through this life.

Now, this does not mean I am ready for my life to end. I am here until my time is up. I will make the best of this time and situation. But, I do have this childlike excitement about dying and seeing what comes next. I believe once that happens.......then I will be Truly Free, and that's when Life will truly begin.

This may seem morbid to most. But there is this peace, this joy, and a comfort i feel when I think about what happens next. 

I do believe some will go to a paradise and some will go somewhere else. There is a clear division of good and evil. 

But, how it actually plays one knows for sure.

This is the ultimate question, and one we won't know until we pass on.

What do you believe happens after we die? Are you excited, scared, terrified or at peace with the thoughts?

Edit: if you would, plz, don't quote us scriptures and all that. Plz Don't preach. Thats not what im lookingfor here. In your own words, describe what you think happens once your spirit passes on. Thanks

I will give my opinionon what will take place step by step as i believei see it.

My lights go out. I see a familiar pure white light. I know this light. It is my (our) Lord. He will greet me with His arms opened. I will finally get to hug my Heavenly Father. I will be at total peace. I am home now.

My family will be there.  All smiling, All youthful. They look different, but i know who they are. They are my loved ones who have already passed. Hugs and kisses all around.

I will be introduced the Heavenly hosts. The angels. My new brothers and sisters.

If this is before certain events, then we will wait in paradisefor things to be completed. We will dance and sing and glorify our Father, His Son, our Mother, and the Church (from the boof of shepherd of Hermes).

All the pain is gone. All the hurt. The weight of the world will be gone. I have a new body. A spiritual body. With cool new attributes. One of the first things i will probably choose to do with this new and improved Heavenly body-----is fly...

After that...who knows. Joy and Bliss until this freakshow called the world has run its course.

A new creation after some judgement,
but pretty much just transformedinto the garden of Eden. If im not already there. Its hard to know for sure with what we have, but after 10 years of a Holy Spirit/Word of God guiding me journey,  this is what i have come up with.

Thank you, Lord. Holy Holy Holy...

If this has any bearing on what exists after death I'll describe some realistic dreams that made me shudder to wake up.

Dream 1/.  (Many years ago perhaps 40 to 45 years ago) I'm in an airliner crossing what I knew in the dream as Bass Strait from Melbourne to Tasmania. Flying south.  I was window seat on the port side.  Looking out of the seascape, approaching land.  The plane tilted to my side and kept rolling.   The airliner did an actual full roll.  I heard screaming but I was transfixed to the window.  The aircraft commenced to roll again but this time it didn't complete the roll and I saw the sea rushing up.  The water was light blue, clear and I could make features out on the sea floor.  It was quick.  Just blackness with my mind calling out.  "I'm here, I'm here" several times.

Dream 2/. (A couple of years ago)    My mate was driving his 4 x 4.  I was in the passenger seat and my wife was in the rear seat.  We were in the hills just driving and chatting.  I saw out to the right of the vehicle large objects in the sky.  By large I mean huge building size.  I said,  "Pull over, stop"  Which we did.  We got out of the small truck and watched as these object floated across the sky, different shapes.  As they moved over and along the horizon they started bricking up the sky with elongated hexagonal shapes of sorts blocking out the light.  As they did I could hear a thump as each one went into place.  Gradually darkening the sky until thump, the last one was placed and it went totally black.  Could not see, could not feel, could not talk.  I imagined I was dead.

Dream 3/. (Not so long ago.)  I dreamt I was dying in bed and couldn't move.  As I passed of course everything went black.  I was nothing.  Just mind.  Couldn't move and in my mind again I couldn't feel anything. I felt like an atom in darkness.  Just my thoughts existed.  Was going nowhere.  Then I woke up.

No light in any of these dreams.

In real life I very nearly died 2005, staying conscious on the slab while the doctors and nurses worked on me but I willed myself to stay awake.  I could discern light flashes with my eyes open and could logically think that I can't die.  Pain was immense and I couldn't breath and they pumped me full of oxygen and morphine.  I consider myself lucky but as I said I didn't close my eyes.  Once the episode passed I spent a week in ICU.

Had other dreams.  I'm dreaming every night.

Kind regards,


I just now saw this.

Okay, wow, this is interesting. 

So you're having recurring dreams of different deaths?

Kinda neat and makes ya wonder.
May I ask, do you have a fear of dying?

I am a dreamaholic. I dream constantly, vividly, and powerfully. Constantly. 

I love it.

I've had a few dying dreams.
The most interesting was one I kept dying over and over. 

It started where I was leaving an apartment in a downtown urban area. It was night, as are all my creepy dreams. I walked through the streets, knowing I was risking my life just walking out into the streets. It was as if it was an end of the world situation, and things were really bad, and as I was walking down a side road some guy jumps out and shoots me. I die. But I wake up back at the beginning. Knowing I had just died and started over. I try again. Same situation. Same streets. I get a little further down a different road, and then bam. Same thing. Some dude jumps out and blasts me. Poof...I wqke up at the beginning. This happened seven times. Each time I'm aware of the last. I'm gaining wisdom from each try. For survival for myself, and the people I am with, i must continue to try to escape these streets or city we are in, but we are all trapped, and so I keep braving forward and every time, a little further, but end up getting shot.

Until the seventh time.

I had made it the farthest and was almost free from this urban hell hole, but as I am coming to the end some dude jumps out, but this time he shoots me 7 times. This is like a matrix scene, only I'm getting hit by each bullet slowly. I usually wake up here, but this time it's playing out. I realize I should be dead, and I might be, but I didn't jump back to the beginning. So, I this. For some reason I stretch out my arms and suddenly begin to float away slowly at first. I realized I could control this flight and so I take off flying.

I wake up.

I have no clue what that means, but it was mighty powerful.

I think I had died seven times, and was on my eighth life. I think I was flying to heaven. Just, not dead.

(06-06-2024, 10:24 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I have to admit to having a fascination with NDE's. I've studied dozens, or perhaps in the low hundreds, of them, and have come to some certain conclusions. Additionally, I've known two people personally who "died" and then were returned, and reported their own NDEs which never really made it into the literature, and I have to wonder how many other thousands of times that has happened, with few or none the wiser for it.

One of those who died and came back was "dcmb1490" from ATS, whom I also knew from outside that site. He died on the operating table, and then was returned. A few months later, he died for good, of cancer. He told me, in that time in-between deaths, that he was transported to something like "a huge meadow", filled with flowers. He could feel other "people" there, but couldn't see anyone. One thing that stuck out to me is that he said "there were no shadows. None at all. it seemed like the light came from everywhere, and that left no place for shadows to form" He said that the flowers in the meadow were the most colorful, the most beautiful he had ever seen.

And then he was sent back to finish living his life. I don't know what else he had to accomplish, but whatever it was, it only took him a few months before he left for good.

One of the last things he told me was that, because of that experience, he was no longer afraid to die... which he had been before.

The other individual died in childbirth, bled out, and was revived using I suppose gallons of blood to replace what was leaking out. She had what we would think of as a more traditional "religious" experience of death, and was a bit put out at being sent back from what she perceived of as "bliss". However, she too is no longer afraid to die, due to that experience.

What I have gathered from that report, as well as many more "traditional religious" experiences from the NDE literature, is that most of those folks calibrated in that direction see a "religious figure". Oddly, perhaps, they all identify that figure with prominent religious figures from their own religious tenets... but I do not know of any actual cases where that figure identified ITSELF. it has always been the supposition of the viewer that has made the identification, rather than the religious figure confirming that. It seems to be content to allow them to think what they want to think regarding it's identity.

So, Muslims will see "Mohammed" or "the Imam" during those experiences, where Christians will see "Jesus", and Hindus will see "Buddha", etc. it seems to me that they are all seeing the SAME religious figure, but that their own experiences are being allowed to color whom that might be, whom they identify it as.

So, I think the reality of the afterlife is far greater than we can conceive it to be. I think it is far more all-encompassing than the various "religions" will allow for it to be. I think that many religions act as boundaries to limit what people believe will be experienced.

I think the reality of it is far greater than we can understand, because we have been made to wear blinders so that we can only see in one, approved, direction, and have to ignore all the other potentials because we are no being allowed to see them.

However, I have no doubt that there is "something" beyond this life. it's just that the "something" there is far more than we can see for now.

Breaking the prohibition on religious quotes, I would like to offer at least some small support for this "wider" viewpoint from the Bible itself - "For now, we see as through a glass, darkly. But then we will KNOW, even as we are known".

You may make of that quote from Corinthians what you will. I choose to see it far more broadly than the average "Christian", though.

I prefer not to attempt to put human limits on Deity.


That's actually quite beautiful, really. 

I have the opposite of a fear of death. An odd comfort with it. I have a feeling I'm going "home" when I do finally pass on (this time). That's a feeling that I can't describe. I guess it's because I have found the kingdom of heaven while on this earth and in this life. I've entered into that kingdom. It is indescribable and has brought me a joy this world couldn't even imagine up. Knowing that I've only had a morsel of the kingdom of God, and how awesome that was, then whatever is waiting for God's children on the other side is greater than our minds can fathom. My soul is at ease with whatever is waiting for me on the other side. 

Something greater than this is still to be seen once we "Cross over." I have no doubt about that.

"he was transported to something like "a huge meadow", filled with flowers. He could feel other "people" there, but couldn't see anyone. One thing that stuck out to me is that he said "there were no shadows. None at all. it seemed like the light came from everywhere, and that left no place for shadows to form" He said that the flowers in the meadow were the most colorful, the most beautiful he had ever seen."

Okay, so I've seen something exactly like this in a handful of dreams now.

In these dreams I'm walking with God. I cannot see him, but I'm walking through this meadow, or huge garden, and as we are strolling casually through this beautiful place, that yeah, no shadows, the most beautiful colors and smells and sounds I've ever heard, and as we walk I am asking questions and getting answers. It's as if God is explaining things to me that I had been asking about. Things I had been meditating on for years. In other dreams it's as of he is sharing wisdoms and insights with Mr. In one of them it was actually Moses and David I was walking with, as they were also talking with me in this way. These are beautiful and peaceful dreams.

But, when I wake up I don't remember anything that was said.

RE: The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - FlickerOfLight - 09-09-2024

Up until about the 1800's or so, this used to be the definitive "Biblical" answer to this question. 

This is from the "banned book" of the original Bible, The book of Enoch. 

Notice there are three levels for people, and one level for the "fallen angles." 4 levels in all.

Index Previous Next 
XXII. Sheol, or the Underworld.

1. And thence I went to another place, and he showed me in the west ⌈another⌉ great and high mountain [and] of hard rock.


2 And there was in it †four† hollow places, deep and wide and very smooth. †How† smooth are the hollow places and deep and dark to look at.


2. And there were †four† hollow places in it, deep and very smooth: †three† of them were dark and one bright; and there was a fountain of water in its midst. And I said: '†How† smooth are these hollow places, and deep and dark to view.'


3. Then Raphael answered, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said unto me: 'These hollow places have been created for this very purpose, that the spirits of the souls of the dead should assemble therein, yea that all the souls of the children of men should assemble here. And these places have 

p. 48

been made to receive them till the day of their judgement and till their appointed period ⌈till the period appointed⌉, till the great judgement (comes) upon them.'


5. I saw the spirits of the children of men who were dead, and their voice went forth to heaven and made suit. 6. Then I asked Raphael the angel who was with me, and I said unto him: 'This spirit--whose is it whose voice goeth forth and maketh suit?'


5. I saw (the spirit of) a dead man making suit, and his voice went forth to heaven and made suit. 6. And I asked Raphael the angel who was with me, and I said unto him: 'This spirit which maketh suit, whose is it, whose voice goeth forth and maketh suit to heaven?'


7. And he answered me saying: 'This is the spirit which went forth from Abel, whom his brother Cain slew, and he makes his suit against him till his seed is destroyed from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men.'

8. Then I asked regarding it, and regarding all the hollow places: 'Why as one separated from the other?'

9. And he answered me and said unto me: 'These three have been made that the spirits of the dead might be separated. And such a division has been made 〈for〉 the spirits of the righteous, in which there as the bright spring of water. 10. And such has


8. Then I asked regarding all the hollow places: 'Why is one separated from the other?'

9. And he answered me saying: 'These three have been made that the spirits of the dead might be separated. And this division has been made for the spirits of the righteous, in which there is the bright spring of water. 10. And this has been made for sinners

been made for sinners when they die and are buried in the earth and judgement has not been executed on them in their lifetime. 11. Here their spirits shall be set apart in this great pain till the great day of judgement and punishment and torment of those who †curse† for ever, and retribution for their spirits. There He shall bind them for ever. 12. And such a division has been made for the spirits of those who make their suit, who make disclosures concerning their destruction, when they were slain in the days of the sinners. 13. Such has been made for the spirits of men who were not righteous but sinners, who were complete in transgression, and of the transgressors. they shall be companions: but their spirits shall not be slain in the day of judgement nor shall they be raised from thence. 14. Then I blessed the Lord of glory and said: 'Blessed be my Lord, the Lord of righteousness, who ruleth for ever.'

when they die and are buried in the earth and judgement has not been executed upon them in their lifetime. 11. Here their spirits shall be set apart in this great pain, till the great day of judgement, scourgings, and torments of the accursed for ever, so that (there maybe) retribution for their spirits. There He shall bind them for ever. 12. And this division has been made for the spirits of those who make their suit, who make disclosures concerning their destruction, when they were slain in the days of the sinners. 13. And this has been made for the spirits of men who shall not be righteous but sinners, who are godless, and of the lawless they shall be companions: but their spirits shall not be punished in the day of judgement nor shall they be raised from thence. 14. Then I blessed the Lord of Glory and said: 'Blessed art Thou, Lord of righteousness, who rulest over the world.'



In short,
If judgement has not been made on a person while they are alive they go to a place of torment, so that they "might have" retribution for their souls. However, it looks like it never comes for them, and they are simply left in the dark and torment, that they themselves have woven over their lives with their own judgements. (I wonder of this is our "ghosts.")

Then there's a place for people who reject God. Sounds like they go straight to hell, or bound up until they're tossed in the lake of fire after the final judgement.

Then, those who are marked by God. Righteous spirits seem to go straight to a paradise. (You'd have to read a few chapters to see that)

The book of Enoch gives two translations in some sections. This section being one of them. It is separated into E & G. It gives the first translation as E, and then immediately the second translation in G. That's why it seems to repeat itself.

For a full description read chapters 17 through 36.

RE: The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - FlickerOfLight - 09-12-2024

I finally found it. The resting place of the righteous. 

I've been rereading Enoch, again, and found it in the first parables section. 

Index Previous Next 
XXXIX. The Abode of the Righteous and of the Elect One: the Praises of the Blessed.

1. [And it †shall come to pass in those days that elect and holy children †will descend from the high heaven, and their seed †will become one with the children of men. 2. And in those days Enoch received books of zeal and wrath, and books of disquiet and expulsion.]

And mercy shall not be accorded to them, saith the Lord of Spirits.
3. And in those days a whirlwind carried me off from the earth,
And set me down at the end of the heavens. p. 58

4. And there I saw another vision, the dwelling-places of the holy,
And the resting-places of the righteous.

5. Here mine eyes saw their dwellings with His righteous angels,
And their resting-places with the holy.

And they petitioned and interceded and prayed for the children of men,
And righteousness flowed before them as water,

And mercy like dew upon the earth:
Thus it is amongst them for ever and ever.

6a. And in that place mine eyes saw the Elect One of righteousness and of faith,
7a. And I saw his dwelling-place under the wings of the Lord of Spirits.
6b. And righteousness shall prevail in his days,
And the righteous and elect shall be without number before Him for ever and ever.
7b. And all the righteous and elect before Him shall be †strong† as fiery lights,
And their mouth shall be full of blessing,

And their lips extol the name of the Lord of Spirits,
And righteousness before Him shall never fail,
[And uprightness shall never fail before Him.]
8. There I wished to dwell,
And my spirit longed for that dwelling-place:

And there heretofore hath been my portion,
For so has it been established concerning me before the Lord of Spirits.

9. In those days I praised and extolled the name of the Lord of Spirits with blessings and praises, because He hath destined me for blessing and glory according to the good pleasure of the Lord of Spirits. 10. For a long time my eyes regarded that place, and I blessed Him and praised Him, saying: 'Blessed is He, and may He be blessed from the beginning and

p. 59

for evermore. 11. And before Him there is no ceasing. He knows before the world was created what is for ever and what will be from generation unto generation. 12. Those who sleep not bless Thee: they stand before Thy glory and bless, praise, and extol, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Spirits: He filleth the earth with spirits."' 13. And here my eyes saw all those who sleep not: they stand before Him and bless and say: 'Blessed be Thou, and blessed be the name of the Lord for ever and ever.' 14. And my face was changed; for I could no longer behold.

Next: Chapter XL

In all the places Enoch had traveled in all of his journeys throughout the heavens and sheol and different dimensions this is the one place he didn't want to leave. I've noted that in red.

RE: The Greatest Mystery of the Universe - Schmoe - 09-12-2024

I've always been fascinated by thoughts of an afterlife, NDEs, consciousness, etc.  I was raised Roman Catholic, but it never sat well with me.  Nor did any other religion, so I've always been looking for answers.

We don't understand much about consciousness, where it comes from, where it possibly goes when we die.  Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, so....

Reading about all these things brought me to a beautiful molecule called dimethyltryptamine, aka DMT.  The more I read about it, the more clear it became that there's a striking similarity between people who've experienced NDEs and those who've taken DMT.

We've all heard about NDEs, about how many people seem to travel through this tunnel, towards a light maybe.  We've heard they are greeted sometimes by loved ones, other times by some sort of entity, and they're overwhelmed by the feeling of peace and love they feel.

Similar things are reported by people who've taken DMT, myself included.  When I did it, I vaporized it, inhaled, sat back, and closed my eyes.  Within seconds, in the dark field I was seeing with my eyes closed, a sort of spiral of fractal shapes was spinning in the distance.

It steadily got closer, and as I started to appreciate the beauty, I heard a somewhat high-pitched ringing in my ear, that increased in intensity for a few seconds, and then I was catapulted through those fractals.  The voyage through them was intense and honestly frightening, I forgot what breathing was, and I was traveling through what felt like a wormhole, mostly darkness with bits of light visible, but I remember them passing me at a high speed.

I was starting to freak out, but that feeling only lasted a few seconds, because I soon emerged at the end of the tunnel into this place or dimension where everything existed as energy.

As soon as I was there, I laughed at myself for being afraid, and forgetting home.  I was home.  How could I possibly have forgotten this place of energy, pure love and pure acceptance?  I was overcome by that feeling, and there was a constant, rhythmic vibration that I was hearing or feeling, hard to tell, but it was soothing.  I suddenly had the knowledge that we are all one, each of us a part of a collective consciousness.

I felt the trip fading, and got sad that I had to leave, but also happy that I'd one day go back.  The next second I open my eyes, and I'm completely conscious and aware that I'm back in my living room, with no lingering effects, other than the euphoria I felt at being where I was.

My point is, I have a feeling there's a link somewhere between our consciousness and an afterlife.  Nikola Tesla said if we want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of frequency, energy, and vibration.  I felt like DMT allowed my consciousness to resonate at a certain frequency or vibration, which allowed it to travel.  When I forgot what breathing was, I got the impression afterwards that my consciousness was removed from my body and sent elsewhere.  I was starting to freak out because I couldn't accept that my consciousness didn't need to breath, just the body.

People who've meditated for decades report being able to project their consciousness, and maybe there's a link there for what MKUltra was trying to accomplish.  I think DMT may be a shortcut.

Maybe I also sound like a raving crystal-worshipping hippie.