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Thoughts - 727Sky - 06-03-2024

I grew up as a christen just like many sand people grow up as a Muslim. A product of the society you are raised in mostly.

I have lived in a Buddhist country for over 20 years and out of the three Buddhist seem to be more of live and let live safe society. I like the Buddhist idea of do unto others as you would have then do unto you; many parallels in the belief system.

True Buddhist do not believe in a creator God yet they pray to Buddha all the time especially come lottery time ! Yep if you are mean and cruel then your next life will be one of suffering and cruelty focused upon you. No you do not come back as a Cockroach although throughout history there have probably been many who deserved that fate.

Many religions control by fear and damnation ... I have known people who lived their whole lives thinking the rapture or the return of Jesus was coming anytime now or for sure in their lifetime. Since I am very old all those folks are buried and worm food for many years. If religion brings you peace and happiness then good for you...if you live your life in fear and dread I would suggest finding a new way to make yourself miserable..

Some religions are a destructive force which in the past and even today have been responsible for untold thousands of deaths and wars, all in the name of some silent unseen sky fairy which had mankind write what the god supposedly wanted the people to believe. Key words being "man writes what is to be believed" and then the man claims his hand was guided by some supreme god. Thousands of years of stifled growth and advancement due to some written words supposedly by a god who promises paradise after you are dead yet written by men who seek power or live in a controlled fantasy of their own creation..

Mess up and no virgins for you (a sigh of relief from the corner with the virgins) or spend all eternity in hell fire because he/she/it/ loves you but you messed up ! The religious factions preach and proclaim tolerance while in truth anyone who does not fall within their sects hierarchy are condemned to a fate worse than death.

Lets sacrifice some people to the God of the Aztec; some say they sacrificed 80,000 in one month, or hey burn someone at the stake because they pissed off the Catholic enforcers or someone declared them a witch... Behead or stone her because she was with a man not of her kin. etc etc etc

A society will always invent ways of maintaining order and preventing disruption of their accepted norm; an elite few seem to always want total control of the information the masses receive. Same as yesteryear and same as today.

The fog of every mystery is only blown away by knowledge...If knowledge is lacking then a belief in a godly higher power will suffice for those in fear of the unknown..

RE: Thoughts - FlickerOfLight - 06-03-2024

I had an intrigue in Eastern religion and practices growing up. I was raised Protestant. Southern Baptist early on, then Pentecostal. Different sides of the rainbow of Christianity/Protestant.

I grew up with God used as a source of fear to control me. The ever threat of hell. I was told one minute that Jesus loved me. Always would. I was told I was forgiven, and that I had been "saved."

Then the next time I'm not perfect, I'm going to hell again.

The cycle repeated throughout my life, up until about 42 years old.

I learned, after seeking God on my own terms, my own way, with everything I had learned, and with a grain of mustard seeds worth of faith that i knew very little actually. I did eventually find God. But I learned something in my journey, and once I had actually "connected" with God...

I learned I had been lied to. 

I had been studying the Bible for a few years. Once I had been through it all a few times, really meditating on it, I realized that the church had lied. Or, left out SO much of the necessary truth of it all. I realized how much the Bible had been twisted. How much trouble it was just to get it translated out of Latin. How The Catholic church had used the Bible, and withheld the Bible to control the people. I studied religion. Every sect of Christianity. All of them twisted truths. I realized how much "religion" was actually a tool of teh devil. Having faith is one thing. Religion blinds faith.

What it has boiled down to, and the way I heard it that struck me, and the truth of the matter is, "Religion is one of the most dangerous things in the world." As you stated. Just look at all the bloodshed. All the control. All in the name of religious ideology. 

This is anti-gospel. Even antichrist because it goes against Christ's teachings.

We are to love one another. Period. Love, peace, mercy, gentleness, kindness, forbearance, and even long suffering and self control are all fruits of the Spirit. If we are operating outside of those we have stepped outside of Christ and His Holy Spirit. 

It doesn't matter if you're black white brown or yellow. It doesn't matter if you're from India, Japan, Spain or the moon, those 7 "fruits" are a universal language everyone will benefit from if exercised. 

I have so much respect for Budhism. They teach how to live a life that would be worthy of what Yeshua from Nazareth, the  Messiah himself would be proud of. They teach the same ideology of those fruits.

Any society, if Fueled by things like hate greed power and control are doomed to eventually fail. They all do.

There is more beyond this life and this world. There is an eternity waiting just beyond the threshold of this realm. We are all beings of light. Spirits. And spirits don't die.

They transform.

RE: Thoughts - Bally002 - 06-03-2024

If I am conscious in the real world or the spiritual world at the end of my time I will call upon the Lord Jesus and Mother Mary to protect me.

Regardless of my drinking and smoking I still acknowledge them and regret my failings and/or sins. 

I don't have to be perfect but just nod my head each day in recognition and I will be safe.  If I forget, it is forgiven.

That's my belief.  Keeps me willing to do or say the right thing each day.  Just be honest but my understanding with the Lord is I won't turn the other cheek.

Kind regards,


RE: Thoughts - SomeJackleg - 06-03-2024

(06-03-2024, 09:27 AM)Bally002 Wrote: I don't have to be perfect but just nod my head each day in recognition and I will be safe.  If I forget, it is forgiven.

that's the way i see. God knew man was imperfect, that's why every year jews had to give a blood sacrifice for a sin offering.
Jesus was the last blood sacrifice, if you ask you are forgiven, if you forget you will be asked at the gates why you did it and why you didn't ask for forgivenes. but either way you don't escape the consequences of the sins maybe be big time maybe small. you just don't burn.

RE: Thoughts - Chiefsmom - 06-06-2024

I've always been grateful for the way my mom raised us, regarding religion.  She introduced us to many different ones and let us choose our own path.

After so many years and a few interesting experiences, I basically go my own way, that leans towards paganism.  I certainly don't believe in hell, or a damnation of my soul.

I believe we all have souls and continue on after this body has expired.