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Subliminal Warfare | Mind Control and Invisible Influence Why files - Printable Version

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Subliminal Warfare | Mind Control and Invisible Influence Why files - 727Sky - 05-21-2024

You can listen to the intro and then skip to 5:17 to miss the advertisement

I was not sure I would be interested in this Why Files however everything from the successful attack by Iraq into Saudi Arabia to destroy a mind control transmitter to a little history on Subliminal advertising that has been with us since the 50s. 

From advertising, Mind Control, to the overthrow of legitimate elected governments. Worth a listen IMO.

Quote:Subliminal Warfare | Mind Control and Invisible Influence The shocking truth about subliminal messages and their power to control minds. From advertising to warfare, there are hidden ways your thoughts and actions are being manipulated. Subliminal technology has moved from marketing to the military. Learn the truth behind this controversial technology.