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Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - 727Sky - 05-18-2024

Remember all the lies Fauci said while looking directly at the camera .. ?

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - BIAD - 05-18-2024

(05-18-2024, 12:11 AM)727Sky Wrote: Remember all the lies Fauci said while looking directly at the camera .. ?

I would confidently propose that the Covid scam was only one of many that the media have deliberately
promoted for personal gain and regardless of the degree of impact of these con-jobs, advance for the
reason of keeping themselves in control of information-distribution and further employment.

Fauci and his cohorts knew -and know this, and it will only be a matter of time before the next scary
noises are heard from this dying trade.

Just as a reminder of how these dirt-scratchers deliver one thing and behave in another, here's what
a prominent 'Journalist' and her media-class friends got up to during a time when countries around the
world were telling their citizens that a deadly disease was roaming their lands.

(By the way, dig the opulent lifestyle during this supposed 'stay-at-home' narrative!)

Quote:How Kay Burley's Covid rule breach led to turmoil at Sky

‘A six-month holiday’: resentment simmers at news channel over presenter’s stand-down

[Image: _115988406_gettyimages-1095058150_cut.jpg.webp]
The woman who defied a disease.

'When Kay Burley decided to hold a 60th birthday party for 10 people last weekend, she was also looking
forward to a pre-Christmas safari holiday before knuckling down to cover the arrival of a coronavirus vaccine
and the conclusion of the Brexit process – two of the biggest stories of her decades-long career.

Instead, she is in for a much longer break. After a week of controversy and internal drama at Sky News, her
employers concluded that her celebrations broke the coronavirus rules – and meant she should be off air for
six months. While she will still be paid throughout her absence, there is no doubt that Burley would rather
be on screen.

The process that led to her temporary departure – as well as those of colleagues Beth Rigby and Inzamam
Rashid, for three months each – began on Sunday, when journalists at the Sun, the Daily Mail and the Guido
Fawkes website became aware of Burley’s party and the possibility that it was in breach of London’s tier 2

The Daily Mail and the Sun were both apparently unable to confirm the story. Meanwhile, Guido Fawkes
contacted the manager of Folie, the second of the Soho restaurants Burley visited, which reportedly told
the outlet she had gone there to pay a bill. By Monday morning, news of the party had percolated through
to some staff at Sky, and alarm bells were ringing. “It just seemed like an accident waiting to happen,”
one on-air journalist said.

When the story finally emerged on Guido Fawkes, while the Guardian was also seeking to confirm it, Burley
tweeted that she had “briefly popped into another restaurant to spend a penny” – but Sky, which had no further
comment on Friday, did not seek to dispute the claim that a group of four had gone to Burley’s home after
their night out.

Executives at the broadcaster see her intervention – as well as a subsequent tweet appearing to contrast reporters
with lions that “kill for food not sport” – as disastrous. “It would have been much better if she had kept her counsel,”
one said. “Suggesting it was just a case of needing the loo was bound to make the internal process more complicated.”

On Tuesday, as she sought to figure out her path through the crisis, Burley was in touch with Rebekah Brooks, the
chief executive of News UK, which publishes the Times and the Sun, about the story. By that evening, the team
working on Burley’s breakfast programme were expecting her to be absent for six months – but even as Burley is
understood to have been withdrawn from an entry to the prestigious Royal Television Awards and two of the
attendees at the party signed non-disclosure agreements, Sky insisted no decision had been taken.

Colleagues of Burley’s said the subject was consuming private messaging threads and internal discussions. By the
time Sky’s veteran anchor and former political editor Adam Boulton started retweeting criticism of Burley – including
a post calling her and other attendees at the event “morons” – a mood of black humour had set in.

After Boulton warned that the episode had raised concerns about the “credibility of our journalism”, staff WhatsApp
threads bemoaned “a piss-up turning into a crisis”. On one such thread, a staffer posted a link to Boulton’s comments
along with a gif of a figure walking calmly away from a raging explosion, with the caption: “Adam just now.”
Complicating matters was Burley’s status within Sky, where she is contrastingly viewed as a fiercely loyal friend
and colleague with an enthusiastic fanbase – and an occasionally abrasive figure who can be unfriendly to those
outside her circle.

“The group at the party really summed it up,” one person said. “You had people there from up and down the
organisation, which speaks to the fact that she’s not grand. But at the same time there’s a lot of sympathy for
them when they’ve also wound up being responsible for something that was ultimately down to her.”

By Friday, at least externally, the storm appeared to be calmed by the news of Burley, Rigby and Rashid’s planned
absences – not officially termed suspensions – and profuse apologies from all three. “I have great respect for Kay
Burley and Beth Rigby as journalists,” the culture secretary, Oliver Dowden, told Times Radio. “They’ve apologised,
they’ve come off air. I think that is a suitable response.” Sources at Sky News are at pains to emphasise that all will
bewelcomed back when their punishments are over.

But for some within the organisation, a sense of injustice lingered. “It remains astonishing to me that somebody
paid more in a month than some people here get in a year should be given what is, in one sense, a six-month holiday.
Meanwhile, the rest of us are still here, picking up the pieces.”...'
Archived Guardian Article:

Did yer' see it...? This Guardian 3-year-old piece was a disarming tactic for the time and shows the subtle levels
these rats get up to in order to fool the public. It was published on the 11th of December 2020 and Burley's
birthday is the 17th of December.

"...she was also looking forward to a pre-Christmas safari holiday before knuckling down
to cover the arrival of a coronavirus vaccine..."

The arrival...? Here's what the BBC was reporting on that very same day.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2057]
Margaret Keenan receives the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine at University Hospital, Coventry, UK.
The 90-year-old grandmother became the first person in the world to be given the jab as part of a mass
vaccination programme. -Source:

They were already inserting the alleged take-once cure into people and Ms Burley wasn't worried about
catching the supposed deadly strain!

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - NightskyeB4Dawn - 05-18-2024

The MSM is owned by a handful of families. I am sure with a little research it will be found that the number of families are much smaller than is reported.

As long as they are being paid by the family conglomerates, in this case Vanguard and Black Rock, among others, they will do as they are told.

The MSM media is just one string the puppet master uses to control us. The legacy media may be dying, but everybody has their price. I am sure it is a lot cheaper to pay the keyboard minions, that are more interested in their time in the spotlight, than keeping actor journalist on the books

Nothing they don't want presented gets presented. They control the horizontal, and they control the vertical. We are past the point of deception. We are at the ala carte phase, where we believe what we chose to believe, and the menu is too long to read.

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - xuenchen - 05-18-2024

This must mean all the COVID stats were all fake too !!

The whole thing was for the 2020 election and a mass test of authoritarianism !!

Smile Smile

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - NightskyeB4Dawn - 05-18-2024

(05-18-2024, 08:32 PM)xuenchen Wrote: This must mean all the COVID stats were all fake too !!

The whole thing was for the 2020 election and a mass test of authoritarianism !!

Smile Smile

It is all suspect. You have to vet all the information, and even then, it will be extremely difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I don't think the election was the sole purpose. They already have that pretty much under their complete control. They control who makes it to the ballot and they don't care which one of the kings or queens we choose for the board, because they control the game.

The big test was how easy or difficult it would be to control the useless eaters.

We proved that their centuries of conditioning and programming, worked better than they could have ever hoped.

We talk a lot of bravado, but we collapse when we think we may lose a little bit of convenience. So we give away all those rights and freedoms we bitch about, and claim we value so much.

The beta test worked well. They know exactly which buttons to push to get us to comply.

And we learned at what price we are willing to sell our souls.

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - 727Sky - 05-24-2024

There needs to be a cut/cleaver applied to many of our corrupt agencies

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - NightskyeB4Dawn - 05-24-2024

(05-24-2024, 03:41 AM)727Sky Wrote: There needs to be a cut/cleaver applied to many of our corrupt agencies

The media has always been loyal to the people, and would never lie to them, right?

The media is a powerful tool they have used for decades against us. We know this, but we continue to fall victim this blatant trap.

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - BIAD - 05-24-2024

(05-24-2024, 08:47 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: The media is a powerful tool they have used for decades against us. We know this, but we continue to fall victim this blatant trap.

You're right, we do keep believing the media due to a simple recipe they installed a very long time ago.
We initially fell foul to the idea that there's a sense of bravery in speaking in a proclamation form, a strong
serious voice relating a narrative in descriptive terms and offering tones of affinity with the audience.

The television has dazzled its viewers for so long that a News Presenter may now merely stand outside
a building for 'visual' reasons and many are tricked into believing the speaker has some-sort of inner
knowledge of the subject matter they're spouting. Yet, it's all just a rehearsed speech approved -many
times, by the actual people they're talking about.

The rigged set-up has become so decadent and complacent that the media have convinced what few
people still watch them with faith, that politics is really important! A simple proposal by an unknown
political adviser becomes a foreboding warning and studies become statements of fact.

Today's media have become entertainers.

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - EndtheMadnessNow - 05-25-2024

[Image: tg8aZsQ.png]

[Image: FsnDAVB.png]

Sadly, as we all know, it works every damn time. From generation to generation since the Gutenberg press.

I still have flashbacks to Dr. They. More relevant than ever:

[Image: KGwNBjK.jpg]

New COVID Select Memo Details Allegations of Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - BIAD - 05-25-2024

(05-25-2024, 03:33 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: [Image: FsnDAVB.png]

As a mild and harmless example of how the media create their own material and offer it as some type of news,
a story came to light in 2019 about our old favourite, the Loch Ness Monster. I still find it fascinating that even in
his day-and-age of cynicism towards established outlets of broadcasting, the public will still rush to embrace the
'Lucy/Charlie-Brown' syndrome without thinking twice.

We're constantly reminded that Journalists will show rigorous diligence for facts before even daring to drop an
article on their Editor's desk and when to comes to questionable subjects like the tourist-drawing-beastie on the
peaty waters of the Great Glen, it would be a very distrustful individual who didn't naturally accept the basics of
a story.

Back in 2019, a Southampton chap and his brother were supposedly up at the loch taking photographs of the far
side from Urquhart Castle for some unsaid reason. Being that Southampton is 530-odd miles away from the 23
-mile long stretch of water in Scotland and at the time this image was supposedly captured during lockdown, the
many news-outlets that wrote about it never mentioned the UK Government's warning to not travel during the
scary Passover of Covid. Odd that.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2064]

One would presume that the photographer proclaimed by the many outlets as Steve Challice, had watched the
television or read a newspaper and learned that a deadly disease was stalking the little rainy island of Britain
and the only way to avoid breathing via a ventilator would be take the Government's advice and stay at home.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2066]
(Grabbed from an episode of 'The Proof Is Out There')

But he and his unnamed brother didn't and our token cynical person might wonder if maybe Steve had inside
knowledge about the Coof and the strict guidance constantly bleated out by the mainstream media. And to
suggest such a derisive idea would mean the guy who witnessed a large animal emerging from the cold
northern lake and managed to snap a picture of it, would swim in the same waters of Journalism and was
aware that the Covid-scare was nothing more than a manipulation of mild mass-hysteria.

Maybe there's more to all of this... maybe a monster-sighting during a time of national sullenness is just a
taste, an obscure tang that hints towards the idea that what we've consuming is not the dish we were led
to believe.

Grinding one's heels into the ground of pragmatism in order to counter the conclusion that Loch Ness does hold
a mottled-skin behemoth, maybe Mr Challice had fabricated the image for personal reasons? Accepting that not
all Journalists are expert in image-manipulation, surely any researched background on Mr Challice would cause
a paid scribbler to pause in typing a few paragraphs about a chance encounter with the legendary creature?

Stephen Challice is a Graphics Designer and boast an impressive resume on his website. Adobe Dreamweaver,
Adobe Fireworks, After Effects, CSS, Photoshop and many more types of software, where any style of photograph
can be generated to offer a viewer something that -in these days of 'pics-or-it-didn't-happen', looks believable.
Something our very own Rogue Nation Banner thread strives for daily!

And so the reader of the many news-outlets that ran the story is left to believe that Mr Challice's monster is
either a tongue-in-cheek column-filler constructed in conjunction with all of the Journalists and Editors who
ran the piece or maybe it's a slip-up in their well-constructed matrix.
Let's take a look.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2067]
Where the fakery came from.

The Daily Record of Scotland published the story on the 22nd June 2019 and reported that Stephen Challice
was the photographer. But only three days later (25th), The Daily Express had dropped his name and now only
mentions a 'Stephen Carrington' of a Facebook account known as 'Anomalous Universe'. The Express leans
heavily into hinting the image was fake with the same examples provided here in the thread and yet all major
global news-outlets reported on the situation without such investigation.

Along with the Daily Express, Science Alert and Loch Ness mystery Blogspot had it proven as a fake by 25th June,
but the rest of the media just let it wash away without any recant. And that this was just a 'Silly-Season' story!
It makes you wonder if -what we assumed was a virtuous trade of genuine information-purveyance, has become
nothing more than an advertising activity via promoting certain organisations on various levels of interest.
The MSM are just phoning it in these days and the state of their ratings are probably a clue.

RE: Fauci G.O.F lies as NIH finally speaks the truth - BIAD - 05-26-2024


[Image: attachment.php?aid=2068]
(L-toR) Just one of the emails.                                        Dr. David Morens.
           Dr. Peter Daszak.                                                A non-Beagle lover

'...The former Fauci advisor admitted to helping Daszak apply for federal funding and even
asked him for a 'kickback' after the coronavirus researcher, who he said is a friend, received
$7.5 million from the agency Morens oversees.

'Do i get a kickback????? Too much fooking money! DO you deserve it all? Lets discuss,'
Morens sent Daszak in an email. 'Of course there's a kick-back,' Daszak responded in an
email revealed Wednesday. When pressed on the exchange by Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y.,
Morens said he was just joking...'

'...Morens also heaped praise on his boss Dr. Fauci, writing there 'is no worry about FOIAs.
I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail ... or hand it to him at work or at his house.'
'He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble,' Fauci's loyal lieutenant
said of the long-time National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director...' -Source: