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How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World Why Files - Printable Version

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How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World Why Files - 727Sky - 05-12-2024

This video by The Why Files is part fiction and part fact about a possible dystopian future and the actual present day events that might not end well for the human race.
   This CRISPR technology is definitely a two side coin with one side being good and one side pure evil.

This was a different W.F. than is usually presented but was entertaining IMO.

RE: How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World Why Files - Ninurta - 05-12-2024

Well! That was kinda chilling!

What happens when all their super-soldiers retire?What happens when they are no longer under orders, but still have their in-born abilities... and maybe a grudge against those who used them like machines instead of people? The folks who used them up and then threw them away, as is usually done with soldiers?

Is the human race even human any more if everyone left alive is a CRISPR-created mutant? Might they not "improve" the human race right out of existence, right into extinction?

When you start replacing natural genes with artificial ones, your ancestors are no longer your ancestors - eventually, the only "ancestors" you have are test tubes. Even your birth parents are no longer your ancestors, because you don't have their genes, and, over time, they didn't have their grandparents gense, ad infinitum.

How long would it take a "Tracer" to re-grow a blown off head? Long enough to make good an escape? Once his head is regrown, does he even have any of his previous memories, or will he have to undergo a massive re-training regimen? He might, for example, still have all of his enhanced abilities, and none of the trained-in restraints any more...

I think there is an interesting tale to be woven into this subject...


RE: How CRISPR and AI Destroy the World Why Files - 727Sky - 05-12-2024

a story written sometime in the past:

Quote:I think most people of my generation believed in the scientific endeavor of creating something good out of applied science and research; even though the atom was cracked for war, death, and destruction my generation still believed science could save us and create a better world for everyone.

There were rumors and movies about some A.I. taking over and relegating humans to noting more than waiters waiting on their A.I. Masters (if the A.I. permitted humans to survive at all but those were just movies for box office receipts.)

What was being missed (more or less under the table) was the research into genetic editing that was going on around the world to create smarter faster healthier individuals by gene splicing and editing. There were restrictions in Western countries because such science was considered Taboo yet, in other countries (China in particular) there was only lip service as they proceeded with their plans to create a super human in both brains and brawn as their morals contained no such Taboo against this type of research and development. The Chinese as of 2022 already had an average I.Q. of 105 where other poorer countries were lucky to have anything over an I.Q. Of 65/80 which was adequate for most subsistence living and breeding yet you could not expect any scientific breakthroughs from such a society.

Other factors come in, such has having your greatest minds try to figure out how many Angels can dance on the head of a pin or creating new and better ways to suppress the females in your society through scripture; either of which does not help any real scientific endeavor, especially when females are quite capable of being smarter than the suppressors.

Back in 2018 a Chinese research Doctor claimed he had created three babies who were born with natural immunity against AIDS.. He was sentenced to three years in jail for his creations; not because of what he had created but because he was showing just how far along the research was progressing in spite of the Chinese saying to the world they were not creating designer babies..

By 2022 the Chinese had gone into full production mode of their new and improved designer babies. They had two sets they were developing.

I suppose you could call one set the super intelligent and the other set the bigger faster stronger military set. They finally figured out they could have both traits in the same individual so production was once again ramped up as young women were forceably used to give birth to these new creations whether they wanted to or not (they were paid and received a certificate calling them Exalted Birthers; some birthed 12 children). After birth these babies were taken by the state and nurtured and educated to help foster and bring out their incredible traits for the betterment of the Chinese race. (The Spartans could have learned a few things from this education system as it was cruel and very strict. When some child faltered they were usually not given a second chance depending on their age). Little did those who were in control realize that in just 20 years these super soldiers and deep thinkers would formulate a plan to dispose of the current Chinese leadership, They completely restructured Chinese society so they were the top dogs and everyone else no matter where or what country they lived in were there to serve them or die.

The End