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Gavin Newsom Signs Law Requiring Fast Food Restaurants to Pay $20 per Hour - Printable Version

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Gavin Newsom Signs Law Requiring Fast Food Restaurants to Pay $20 per Hour - Infolurker - 09-30-2023

The Future President is now requiring fast food to pay $20 an hour.

Who wants a $17 Big Mac?

When are they going to unionize and request pensions?

Quote:Califoria Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) was exultant Thursday after signing a law to raise wages in fast food restaurants to $20 per hour and to create a new “council” that will govern the industry.

“California is home to more than 500,000 fast-food workers who – for decades – have been fighting for higher wages and better working conditions,” Newsom said in a statement. “Today, we take one step closer to fairer wages, safer and healthier working conditions, and better training by giving hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table.”
The legislation, the [i]Wall Street Journal [/i]reported earlier this month, was the result of months of intimidation by state Democrats against the industry. The [i]Journal [/i]noted:
Quote:Democrats last year passed a law establishing a state council with open-ended authority to set wages, benefits and working conditions for fast-food shops. Businesses responded, as California law says they can, by qualifying a referendum for the November 2024 ballot to overturn the law.
But in mafia-like fashion, Democrats retaliated and threatened more punishment if fast-food restaurants didn’t drop the referendum. The June state budget revived a long-dormant Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) with sweeping authority to set wages, hours and working conditions across all industries, not only fast food.

The deal Gov. Newsom announced rescinds funding for the state Industrial Welfare Commission and drops the joint-employer liability legislation. The state fast-food council will also be replaced by a board whose authorities are nominally more limited. In return, businesses dropped the referendum.
The current average hourly fast food wage in California is over $16. Already, critics say that $20 is not enough.
“In general, $20 an hour is not considered a living wage in California,” noted. “For a working couple with one child, that would be $23.81 an hour and for a single adult with no children, it would be $21.24, according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s living wage calculator.”
Increasingly, fast food chains have been replacing workers with computers for tasks like customer service, and McDonald’s recently opened a fully-automated restaurant.

RE: Gavin Newsom Signs Law Requiring Fast Food Restaurants to Pay $20 per Hour - Ninurta - 09-30-2023

(09-30-2023, 03:56 PM)Infolurker Wrote: The Future President is now requiring fast food to pay $20 an hour.

Who wants a $17 Big Mac?

When are they going to unionize and request pensions?

I stopped eating at Arby's when I paid 12 bucks for a single sandwich. 17 is beyond the pale. If I eat out any more, we just go to a sit-down restaurant. Fast food has gotten too expensive already, and is no longer competitive with real food, so why bother with it?

As far as unionization goes, I'd imagine it'll be soon, real soon. They're going to see the extortion the UAW is doing to the world, and want to match that. Auto workers are striking for - now get this, read it slowly, and let it sink in - a 4 day work week but with 5 days of pay, AND, on top of that, a 40% raise in hourly wages... as if they aren't already making too much money, the greedy bastards.I wonder how folks are gonna like it when a 40K car suddenly jumps to 56K, with no additional value in it, just additional expense? If you think inflation is bad now, just wait a few months...

In practical terms, auto workers want to work only 32 hours a week, but get 56 hours a week worth of pay for it. That's a real money increase of 75% per hour of work, almost doubling their already predatory wages for less work, and that means less production that goes to pay those wages. Must be nice, but it's not practical from a business standpoint. I'd close my shop so fast it would make a large sucking sound and run with the money I'd already made from it.

When the burger-flippers see the UAW get that shit done, it'll only be a matter of time before they price themselves out of jobs, too. Folks appear to not be thinking ahead and planning for long-term employment just so long as they can get that instant gratification of an over-sized paycheck this week. They'd better invest that check wisely, because they won't be getting too many of them. It's not a long-term survival plan.

Retail outlets are already fleeing California because of theft, now watch fast food joints flee as well, because of exorbitant wages. When it gets too expensive to do business, then businesses close down or move on to greener pastures.

The moral of the story is, if you want jobs and business in your state - and the tax revenues they generate - then don't make it impossible for them to operate there.


RE: Gavin Newsom Signs Law Requiring Fast Food Restaurants to Pay $20 per Hour - Grace - 10-01-2023

It's actually less expensive for us to eat places like the Chinese buffet than it is to eat at McDonald's - and that's in a state where minimum wage is 12 an hour.

I can't even imagine what an additional 8 dollars an hour would cost the customer - but McDonald's has already been priced out for us. If I'm paying those kinds of prices I'm eating in a real restaurant. I'm pretty sure most people feel the same. At least if you get a burger from Huddle House it's a real burger - at the same price!