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Vivek Ramaswamy & the Biotech World Shenanigans - Printable Version

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Vivek Ramaswamy & the Biotech World Shenanigans - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-05-2023

They are in a patent war. Look at who is on the battlefield as our heroes. David E. Martin - Patent/IP analyst. Bret and Eric weinstein (sons of Les Weinstein). And Ramaswamy, son of a patent attorney. I'm sure there are many more. Robert Malone wants to be known by his patents.

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Genevant Sciences

Vivek Ramaswamy is a board member of Arbutus Biopharma, the Founder of Roivant Sciences and a Co-Founder and the Founder of Strive Asset Management. Vivek was the Founder of Genevant. He attended Yale Law School and Harvard University. He was also CEO at Sio Gene Therapies.

So, this is coming from someone who's company is suing Moderna, (who is suing Pfizer) for patent infringement, he could get $billions and you don't do mega $deals without powerful handlers.

Like many others in the Bio-tech world, I believe they are over selling confidence in what they can and cannot do. They need people to be confident in the capabilities of 2020s medicine, so that continued research (including gain-of-function) and genetic data mining can continue.

Apparently, this is what they have planned for all of us. Vaccines for everything. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, every illness you can think of. Plotkin says we're going to receive many more vaccines than we already do. Imagine thinking any of us will comply after what these lunatics did during COVID. Ha, nvm, many will. I'll retreat to the woods and live off deer and squirrels before I let anyone inject me.

Afraid of needles? No problem. They got a solution:

Needle-free vaccine patches deliver jabs through the skin in seconds - "Australian company Vaxxas successfully manufactured needle-free painless vaccines after a decade of research."

This is the perfect business model that they've spent decades planning. First poison the environment and feed people toxic awful food that gives them cancer/heart disease/diabetes, and then sell them the solution that isn't actually a solution, but a means to finish you off while milking you and the governments you pay taxes to for every dime they have. Regardless if the intentional environmental/food poisoning is true or not does not matter. Stuff (chemicals) that has been known to cause cancer along with endocrine disruptors has been known for decades, yet why in past couple years are we carpet bombed with ads, infomercials, talking heads on such dangerous toxins spreading fear & anxiety and oh btw don't breathe the air either. But, don't worry about it we have many solutions (vaxxes) for that, currently undergoing many human trials as we speak.

Clip from vaccinologist & immunologist Stanley Plotkin (born May 12, 1932) deposition Under Oath:

Q: Have you ever used babies of mothers in prison to study an experimental vaccine?

Plotkin: Yes

Q: Have you ever used individuals under colonial rule to study an experimental vaccine?

Plotkin: Yes

Q: Did you do so in the Belgian Congo?

Plotkin: Yes

Q: Did that experiment involve over a million people?

Plotkin: Well....well alright y-yes.

The full version (9 hrs):

Did you know Stanley Plotkin and another vaccinologist named Hilary Koprowski worked with the Belgian colonial authorities in the Congo to get a million African child "volunteers" to do multiple trials for vaccines?

These trials were deemed too risky in the US, so what was their solution? Head to Africa and experiment on poor black children with parents that didn't know how they were risking their children's health. Some died of course in the interest of progress, but it wasn't attributed to the vaccines, per usual.

Guessing this is why Bill Gates is so heavily involved in Africa on numerous fronts. Not only vaccines, but GMO food like rice, modified mosquitos, and even secret anti-fertility agent in vaccines to test ways to reduce global birthing rates. It's his playground for obscene medical experiments that they intend on possibly bringing to the US and other first world countries.

Where is Stanley Plotkin now?

Still working as an advisor to places like Moderna, Pfizer, and every other vaccine company.

He was heavily involved in consulting for the mRNA vaccines, and has been saying in recent interviews that we'll have vaccines for everything soon. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc, and that children will get even more shots than they do now.

HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Our story

Pediatrician and vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, shares his thoughts on the future of vaccines. 3.5 min clip:  (restricted to Youtube site)

"And then the way of administering vaccines, certainly one of the fields that I think is extremely promising, is the use of the skin to vaccinate, that is, applying vaccines to the skin without injecting them.

There are now several different ways in which vaccination can be done by application of a vaccine to the skin so that we don't have to use needles and syringes, which, aside from frightening some people, pose problems of reuse of vaccines, etc.

So, I think technology is going to improve vaccination.

I think there will be many more targets.

I think adolescents and adults are going to receive more vaccines than they ever have before, and that should have a generally beneficial effect on health throughout life, not simply in the pediatric age group."

[Image: oL1KD79.jpg]

RE: Vivek Ramaswamy & the Biotech World Shenanigans - xuenchen - 09-05-2023

RAMBOswamy !! 

Laughing mediumitwasntme

RE: Vivek Ramaswamy & the Biotech World Shenanigans - Snarl - 09-05-2023

You did see how he snookered people and got away with hundreds of millions of dollars ... right?