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RE: Uh-Oh Army - Ninurta - 06-23-2023

(06-23-2023, 03:52 AM)Schmoe Wrote: Having neighbors rat you out is certainly possible, as well as people you work with.  In that case, I'm screwed with the amount of mouthing off I've done.  

I'm terrified of what my kids will deal with when they're older and I'm gone, and my future grandkids.  I envy people who live off the grid in many ways.  Nobody is untouchable, but being off the radar trumps being in neighborhoods if that were to ever happen.  Maybe those in isolation are untouchable in a way the government wouldn't waste the resources to weed them out, they'd be focused on the populated areas.  For a while, at least.  At least I'm getting out of this damned city soon.  Can't think of many worse places to be if shit ever meets fan.

Even the off the grid folks will have to be mobile. Sitting in one place, even if it's just a grass shack in the woods, makes one a stationary target, and sooner or later stationary targets are found and dealt with.

Mobility is one of the key things that makes guerrillas so dangerous. They gather up for an op, then hit-n-git, scattering and melting into the countrywide or surrounding population. They don't stay in one place or have stationary camps. Not for long, anyhow. If they do that too long, the stationary camp becomes a stationary crater where they used to be sitting.

That might be what kills me in the end - I'm just not as capable of mobility as I once was. I can't run up and down and all around these mountains like I used to.

That won't keep me from fighting, though - it'll just keep me from fighting and running away to live to fight another day. Some times, you just have to take a stand and not budge from it, no matter what comes.

RE: Uh-Oh Army - Ninurta - 06-23-2023

(06-23-2023, 04:02 AM)Infolurker Wrote: All I have to say about troops attacking civilians (and their own) is The Bonus Army.

(They kind of remind you of Trump supporters with all their American flags flying on vehicles)

When the Army Attacked Veterans: The Bonus Army-Documentary


I live not far from a place where the government actually dropped bombs on dissidents from airplanes, and sent in troops with machineguns to settle a labor dispute. It was an incident called The Battle of Blair Mountain. I'm not very big on labor unions given their chequered history in these parts, but I'm also not very big on government interfering just to ramp up the violence. That just gives the unions a reason to get more brutal, until everything spirals out of control. I used to have to live through that mess every 3 years like clockwork, whenever the UMWA contracts came up for "renegotiation". One of my friends, a guy I grew up with, got his head blown off during such a "renegotiation", and no one was ever arrested for it, to this day.

It's one of the many reasons that trust in government is hard to find around here. Our experiences over the past 150 or 160 years have proven the government to be untrustworthy. We've seem what they're after, and it ain't our best interests. We KNOW that you can't trust government as far as you can throw it - we've seen it first-hand, with our own eyes.


RE: Uh-Oh Army - 727Sky - 06-23-2023

(06-23-2023, 06:41 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(06-23-2023, 04:02 AM)Infolurker Wrote: All I have to say about troops attacking civilians (and their own) is The Bonus Army.

(They kind of remind you of Trump supporters with all their American flags flying on vehicles)

When the Army Attacked Veterans: The Bonus Army-Documentary


I live not far from a place where the government actually dropped bombs on dissidents from airplanes, and sent in troops with machineguns to settle a labor dispute. It was an incident called The Battle of Blair Mountain. I'm not very big on labor unions given their chequered history in these parts, but I'm also not very big on government interfering just to ramp up the violence. That just gives the unions a reason to get more brutal, until everything spirals out of control. I used to have to live through that mess every 3 years like clockwork, whenever the UMWA contracts came up for "renegotiation". One of my friends, a guy I grew up with, got his head blown off during such a "renegotiation", and no one was ever arrested for it, to this day.

It's one of the many reasons that trust in government is hard to find around here. Our experiences over the past 150 or 160 years have proven the government to be untrustworthy. We've seem what they're after, and it ain't our best interests. We KNOW that you can't trust government as far as you can throw it - we've seen it first-hand, with our own eyes.


The Bonus Army was one of the first things I thought of too.

If they would have loaded us up from Nam and told us to roll in hot on some of the university/protesters I think we would have done it and enjoyed the mayhem. There was much hate on both sides of the great divide in America at that time.

When Nixon was looking like he was going to be impeached they loaded up the first Cav on a train out of Fort Hood, Texas; full armored division and were waiting for orders to head to D.C. The orders never came as the Airfarce said no to the Coup. They were pissed at the orders they had to follow during the raids of North Vietnam given by McNamara or so the story goes...

This is a story given to me by an Army Major (who I believed) as I was totally unaware of how close the USA and history came to being changed big time !

RE: Uh-Oh Army - Ninurta - 06-23-2023

(06-23-2023, 07:19 AM)727Sky Wrote: ...

If they would have loaded us up from Nam and told us to roll in hot on some of the university/protesters I think we would have done it and enjoyed the mayhem. There was much hate on both sides of the great divide in America at that time.


There is currently a Great Divide in America too, and more than enough hate making the rounds. Even in better times, military can be induced to attack their own with the right inducements (I was just north of Richfield OH when Kent State happened - and I still believe it was justified), and now they do seem to appear to be stacking the military deck on the "woke" side.

Plus - criminal families running the nation like it was their own private mafia turf, crime on the rise, punishment of criminals in decline, black-block Antifa thugs whomping on folks for fun like some kinda Nazi brownshirts, unhinged mobs burning down entire neighborhoods - and NEVER being brought to justice for the havoc they wreak, folks with the "wrong" political opinions getting set up and sent up - or sent to mental hospitals Soviet-style, a justice system that is not just two-tiered, but actually protecting the "right" political folks and punishing their opponents, political opposition being targeted like in turd-world banana republics... Looks like a bad moon rising to me.
