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All This News Has Me Wondering - Printable Version

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RE: All This News Has Me Wondering - BIAD - 08-19-2023

Winston Churchill once said "Never let a good crisis go to waste" and thanks to @"EndtheMadnessNow"#18 
for reminding me of a video created by James Corbett titled with the same quote. This long footage showed
a conference (and I've scoured the internet for it without success) where discussions took place on a stage
of how the Covid pandemic could be used to gain particular advances in social control.

About an hour into the video, the camera pans across the audience and sitting in the front row chewing on
an arm of his spectacles is one of Britain's leading  chief medical officers to the UK Government, Sir Jonathan

Why would such a prominent person be at conference that looked at opportunities to utilise a time when the
public were supposedly terrified and vulnerable to word-smithing from those they are told to trust? Cuo Bono?

Quote:Former Covid medical officer Van-Tam takes role at vaccine maker Moderna
One of UK’s public faces of pandemic, ‘JVT’ was known for football-related metaphors in No 10 briefings

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1198]

'Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, the UK’s former deputy chief medical officer who became a household name during
the pandemic, has become a senior medical consultant to the Covid-19 vaccine maker Moderna.

Known by the initials JVT and remembered for the striking metaphors he used during Downing Street briefings
on the progress of the virus, he took up the role as part-time clinical adviser to the American biotechnology
company on 2 May.

Van-Tam, a professor who was knighted in the 2022 new year honours, was a member of the government’s
vaccine taskforce during the pandemic, which made decisions on supply contracts for Covid jabs and investments
in manufacturing and clinical opportunities. He stepped down from his government post in March last year, to take
up a new role at the University of Nottingham.

The UK government bought tens of millions of Covid jabs from Moderna during the pandemic, and struck a
10-year partnership with the US drugmaker to boost research and development of mRNA vaccines in the UK,
including constructing a new vaccine factory.

Announcing the appointment on LinkedIn, Moderna said Van-Tam would be reporting to its chief medical officer,
Paul Burton. It declined to disclose his advisory fee but said the appointment was in accordance with the Department
of Health and Social Care’s business appointment rules. Burton said: “Professor Van-Tam’s significant experience and
expertise as a specialist in influenza, including its epidemiology, transmission, vaccinology and pandemic preparedness,
as well as a globally renowned academic and educator, will be a vital asset to Moderna as we work to improve population
health security.”

Van-Tam is prohibited from using privileged information from his time in government to further his business interests, as
first reported by the Financial Times. He will stay on at Nottingham University as senior strategy adviser in medicine.
When Van-Tam left his government role, the then health secretary, Sajid Javid, praised him for his unique approach to
explaining crucial information to the public. “JVT’s one-of-a-kind approach to communicating science over the past two
years has no doubt played a vital role in protecting and reassuring the nation, and made him a national treasure.”

Van-Tam became known for giving Covid updates in a lighthearted way, often using football or other analogies. In June,
he was appointed chair of the Lincolnshire Football Association. A season ticket holder at Boston United, the Lincolnshire
team that plays in the sixth tier of the English football league, Van Tam often turned to football to find the words he wanted.

In late 2020, he told the BBC that in the early stages of the pandemic the “away team gave us an absolute battering”,
adding: “In the 70th minute we’ve now got an equaliser. OK, we’ve got to hold our nerve now, see if we can get another
goal and nick it.”...'
Archived Guardian Article:

Oh, you nicked it alright, Mister Van-Tam, you certainly nicked it.
